
Imagine Nation Scripts Released!

Missing Imagine Nation?  There is hope!  We have decided to release the core code and scripts for Imagine Nation with all the core changes and modifications that have been made.  We’ve even included a link for the world saves with all the quests, spawns and events already in place! Note: Accounts and player data are …

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Upcoming Changes

After a lull in recent development, we’ve got some plans on the table:    We plan on developing Quests in Jhelom to create a quest-hub for RP-related playstyles. To keep interest up during the lack of normal PVP events, there are now Open Duels in the arena!  Get your free practice in now! We’re also …

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Upcoming PvP changes

The moment is finally here! After weeks of hard work by the staff and players the PvP patch is ready and will be applied this Sunday. We’ve worked hard to create new diversity, faster action and better balance all whilst maintaining the Sphere .51a fighting style. We hope the new system will be more fun, …

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200 players!!

Wow, today we hit the 200 players online mark! It’s pretty damn amazing going from 100-200 players in just 2 weeks. As always, keep bringing your friends and their friends here and we will grow even bigger and have even more fun! Go Imagine Nation!  

160 players!

In just 1 week we went from peaking at 100 players to peaking at 160 players! It’s amazing! Keep inviting new players and spread the word and we will soon hit the 200 mark! Wooot!

100 online!

100 players!!

We did it!! Today we had over 100 logged in players! I was pretty sure we would get 100 players online but I didn’t think we would actually manage it this weekend. You’re all great guys and I hope everyone will stick around! We’re here for the long run! As promised I will extend the …

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Jack of All Trades

Skill Guide

Won’t rest until you’re a Grand Master of all skills? Training from NPCs Any NPC with sufficient skill can teach you up to 40 percent of the skill you’ll need to be a grand master. For a one-stop place to train all your skills, Jack has set up a training service in the Golden Casino …

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Spellbook quest

Newbied full spellbook

Due to a few drunken mages who weren’t able to control their spells, all new citizens need to pass an accuracy test before being given their spellbook. If you go to the mage tower in northern Britain, there is a mage there who will give you a quest to test your skill. Simply speak with the …

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Mercenary Camp Quests

The mercenary camp is a small, compact camp for training new soldiers. It’s located on the edge of a town that has been overrun by beastmen who, instead of fighting with each other, have for some strange reason all decided to band together. Someone appears to be manipulating them to use as an army!  There …

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