2012-04-29 (Revision 546)
- Wall of stone no longer stacks
- The PvP test changes are now global! See all the changes here
2012-04-23 (Revision 544)
- Fixed a bug with the rare dye tub which would cause it to get a new color if the owner deleted his char.
- Added a max amount of tries to the AM gump so people can’t spam it and enter the correct answer eventually. The limit should only be reached if you have a macro and in that case you will need staff assistance to get unfrozen.
- fix for crash with empty commodity deed
- You can now right click the bounty gump to close it
- Fixed a bug where the server would crash if you targeted certain ingots with the smith hammer
- Added EventPrizeCrystal that can be used as an Event prize. Gives either gold, imagine nickels, random invul/vanq, blessed/hued clothing, mustang.
- PvP testing update, see all changes here
- Potion fixes. Everything should now work correctly in a LokiPvp region and world. Now potion delays when in LokiPvp will call LokiPotionDelay instead of PotionDelay (the base LokiPotionDelay just calls the regular PotionDelay so unchanged delays still work properly).
2012-04-15 (Revision 534)
- Added new PvP changes to test in certain areas, read more about the changes here
- Staff: Added .addtip/savetips commands. Gump isn’t pretty but it doesn’t need to be. May fix that at some point.
- Also give Daemon Claws when using Daemon Race Gate
- AntiMacro changes: You will now stay frozen until you enter the correct answer. You will still die after 3 mins as well.
2012-04-11 (Revision 527)
- Fixed a few bugs with how the auto tour and DM handled crashes. It won’t bug out completely now but players will still be stuck inside with the events not running.
- Fixed a bug in auto tour where if someone skipped a round as last man standing the tour would get stuck.
- Added some sounds for the new mustangs
- Fixed a bug in DM where players would get stuck if they were dead when the DM ended.
- Shoes are no longer stackable
- You can now lock your karma by clicking ankhs. When doing so you will no longer be able to raise your karma. You can still loose karma though.
- Added Tip System
- Issue 0000078: Blacksmithing gump now notifies you sooner if you don’t have a hammer equipped.
- Staff: Issue 0000086: .cycle is now async
- fixed issue where having a trade window open could cause you to lose your items
2012-04-01 (Revision 511)
- Fixed a bug caused by last update that would cause some armors to have too high AR (not ore armors)
- Fixed a minor bug with the advanced teleporter
- Fixed a couple of issues with the chessboard, it should work properly now. Also added a SafeZone prop for staff.
- Reverted to the original door LoS/range check but with an extra Z check.
- Razor auto open door option should now work properly again.
- Enabled self auto looting. If noone has looted or cut your corpse you will automatically get re-equipped and all items placed in your pack when you doubleclick your body. Potions no longer unstack on death because of an issue with this.
- Increased the chance to craft exceptional items
- Added a reserved/duplicate name check when creating a new character
- Increased priority for SwingDelayTimer to test if it minimizes the double hit bug
- If you are GM spirit speak you will now understand what all ghosts say.
- Fixed a bug where you could get teleported to a blue town when using the stuck menu as a ghost when red/crim.
- Fixed bounty board bug by creating making a local copy of the collection
- All containers are now listed as ‘container’ on the vendor page instead of ‘pouch’ or ‘backpack’
- Add Trash command to trash items that cannot be dropped onto the reward trash can.
- Paralyze will now fizzle recall
- Fixed some issues with spells not reflecting when the target had magic reflect on
2012-03-25 (Revision 496)
- VendorSearch Update. Map should be totally working.
- Crashfix
- Small fix for town/dungeon locs for the vendor interface
- Replaced in-uo.com with in-uo.net on the webstone and when paging
- Updated the Ferry System to use the new Ocllo docks since the old ones are sold. Needs static update to see.
- You will no longer get teleported when a poker game ends
- Removed some more race restriction code (fixes a bug where certain clothes would get dropped to pack sometimes)
- Supremely accurate weapons now give +15 tactics instead of +25. Changed the hit chance factor as well so the chance to hit with a +15 weapon is the same as a +25 weapon was before.
- Fixed a bug where white wolves would have the same body ID as lizard men
- Auto Tour Update: Now a ForceEnd property is available to specify whether the Referee Spawns or whether Items get removed.
- Fixed a bug caused by last restart that would make you unable to cast scrolls when you didn’t have regs (even though it never consumed them)
- When killing murderers or criminals you will now always gain karma and when killing blue players you will always loose karma. You still only gain/loose karma if you attack first and if it’s not a faction kill.
- Added a new mustang script
- Regular doors don’t require LoS to open again
- The regular OpenDoor macro in UO now works like .opendoor (before it wouldnt work at all)
- Fixed a bug where ghosts couldn’t walk through iron gates
- All gates should now block LoS (mul file change)
- The chessboard region now contains a height check
- Changed /beginners-guides to /guides. Shortened the URL on the site so it can include *all* types of guides instead of just newbie stuff.
- Staff: The refresh command .r now cures poison
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t complete the Ambitious Solen Queen quest
- Bag of sending, Ball of summoning and bracelet of binding now work properly
- Minor namechanges for two solen mobiles
- When creatures are killed by guards the kill will no longer be counted towards the player even if the player attacked
- You can no longer poison halberds or bardiches
- Changed the damage values on most weapons so the hits aren’t as random, the average damage is still the same.
- Minor core change
- Added a new point system to the deathmatch that can be toggled on/off
- When you die in a deathmatch you now have to type .dmres to get resurrected. If you don’t do that within 60 secs you get kicked.
- Added server shutdown/crash check for auto tour and deathmatch, they will now end when that happens.
- Changed shield to fortification on max supply pads
- Young players will no longer get death notice gumps when they are in events
- Corrected ore drop on ant lions
- Fixed a few issues with the glassblower NPC
- Added – and + search strings for the vendor web interface
- Added two new commands: .use and .usehelp – Type .usehelp to see which items you can use with the .use command
- Fixed female leather and studded chest armor rating
- Lowered armor for barbed, spines and horned leather
- Exceptional crafted armor now give 4 extra AR instead of 8 (leather still gives 4 like before). Increased the armor values accordingly.
- Fixed some issues with FS in the fizzle PvP test area
- Fizzle PvP test change: Increased the delay on some spells. Also, all scrolls have the same delay as spells now.
- Fizzle PvP test change: Spells and weapons will now interrupt bandage healing
- You can no longer teleport from inside a house to outside.
- Lowered the amount of silver you get from trashing scrolls
- Slightly increased the vendor buy price of scrolls
- Fixed so the variety dealer has the same prices (do they even spawn?)
- Increased dragon scalemail armor by 2
- Increased the chance to craft magical leather armors. Reduced tailoring skill needed and increased smithing skill needed.
- When failing the harvest antimacro check too many times during a certain period you will now get sent away to a location where bad things will happen!
- Staff: When blocking mark in a certain region it will now prevent players from recalling to that location if they already had a rune marked.
- Staff: Region controls will now have the default values of regular unguarded area when added. Also fixed some issues with props.
2012-03-08 (Revision 466)
- The .opendoor command now checks for LoS and it won’t use guild doors anymore.
Fixed wrong message when drinking pots
Increased lightning scroll damage to 16
Moved scroll mana consumption code to the GetMana method.
Private doors will no longer get new locks when you change house locks through the new house gump option. Changing the house to public then back to private however, will still relock all doors.
You can now change your house locks from the house menu gump
Another attempt to fix the advanced teleporter (and Casino entrance)
You will no longer get teleported to Minoc when using stuck menu as a murderer.
Added location checks for advanced teleporter when MustStandStill = true and for the casino entrance pad.
Staff: Added a “FizzlePvP” prop to region controls. To use in certain areas where we are going to test fizzle PvP
Hedges now block LoS by default
The delay for explosion pots now starts when you target instead of when you double click.
Added Vendor Search service
Changed Hue on Donation Nickels to something with a similar style to Imagine Nickels. Made Donation Nickels blessed since they shouldn’t be traded/dropped.
Staff: Added a new prop to BaseMounts, DonationMount. To be set to true when given to players that donated.
Even more prostitute checks
Set the default reagent stone price to the correct amount (4600).
2012-03-01 (Revision 452)
- You can now add anything as not-sellable on player vendors.
Changes to explosion pots:An AR check is now made, just like the explosion and EB spellYou can no longer explode more than 5 pots at a timeIncreased the throw delay to 10 secondsIncreased mindamage
Added shadow mages to the race gate
You will no longer see public chat if you have BattleFocus on.
Fixed a bug where speech wasn’t handled correctly if hidden with spell or pot. Also optimized the speech handling for better use of resources.
Changed scroll string to use Sphere.ComputeName
When becoming drunk, a hiccup sound will now play along with the *hic* emote
Staff: When sending the reward gump to a player it will now check so they have GM in the specified skill(s). It will also close all other reward gumps for the targeted player.
Changed the repair deeds to use Sphere.ComputeName
Iron gates now block LoS by default.
Changes to snooping:
- You will now only loose karma when you fail snooping.
- Everyone will now always notice you snooping when you fail
- Dex now affects snooping success chance.
All guild doors now check LoS when used
An extra mana check is now made when scrolls are double clicked
Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t be able to cast a spell or scroll when you had exactly the amount of mana required.
Added a new currency “Donation Nickel” to be given to players who donate instead of “Imagine Nickels”.
Restricted trading donation items
Restricted donation items on player vendors
Staff: Added a new prop to all items called DonationItem, to be set to true when it’s a donation item.
More jailbreak fixes
Another LoS check for the prostitute
Doors now keep their hue and guild id when a static house area is changed
Doors now need LoS to be used
Mages no longer sell disabled scrolls
Dexterity now affects the risk to get caught when stealing. It counts both the thief’s dex and the target’s dex.
You can now stealth a bit longer when not mounted and not wearing armor.
Updated to the latest RunUO SVN version 836 as of 2012-02-26
When drinking pots or using poisoning while overweight the empty bottles will now stack on the ground to prevent thousands of items to be created in a single tile (fix better macros people!)
Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t be able to give items to NPC’s in regions where trading was disabled.
Temporary fix for bounty board crash
Added 3 new items that will be buyable with nickels: Karma reset ball, Custom clothing name deed and custom title deed
The waystone will now display where you bought it from
2012-02-25 (Revision 440)
- Reverted to .NET 3.5, this should fix the crashes that happened this week
- You can now use karma devices in your backpack
- You can no longer use a weapon accuracy item on a newbied/blessed weapon
Staff: If HasAttackPenalty on a region control is set to True it will now ignore the IsInEvent prop on players that make them not able to attack each other.
2012-02-24 (Revision 438)
- Young players can now use the Moongate library gates.
- Minor race gate speech fix
- The disconnect timer in auto tour before getting kicked is now 3 mins instead of 90 seconds.
- The final round in auto tour will now last for 30 mins before the referee shows up instead of 20 (all other fights are still 10 mins)
- Mobiles will no longer be teleported to their original spawnpoint if their spawner is linked to a waypoint. This caused issues where mobiles with waypoints would get stuck.
- Fixed another possible crash issue
- When the deathmatch ends all contestant will now get the scoregump.
- Fixed a bug where if you would leave a deathmatch within 3 seconds after getting killed strange things would happen (like running around dead as a horse)
- You must now be in range and in LoS of vendors to buy/sell items.
- Teleporting will now reveal you even when hidden with spell or pot.
- Fixed problem with Magery Quest not being responsive. Also lowered speech delay from 1m to 20s.
- Resistance Quest now properly triggers from Damballa’s Scale. Speech Timer reduced from 1m to 20s. Optimized code for taking/giving items/rewards.
- Removed RequireOwner from the skill books for Magery, Tactics, and Resist quests.
- Removed RequiresOwner from skillbooks from the combat quests.
- You can no longer join events with a command when using a teleporter
- If a paralyze field exists on a moongate you will now be paralyzed instantly when using it.
- When resigning from a guild with a custom race you will now be reset to human.
2012-02-20 (Revision 429)
- Fixed the latest crash issue
- Staff: Added dwarf and Woodland merchant to the racegate (go Bushido! :P)
- Explosion pots will now only ignite the nearest pots, those in their turn will no longer ignite others.
- You can no longer stand outside a certain area that blocks spells and cast inside.
2012-02-19 (Revision 427)
- When clicking the blue gem shortcuts in runebooks you will now recall with regs instead if the book has no charges left.
- After receiving a warning from GameSites200 voting from in game will no longer link to their site.
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn’t be able to place certain tiles when building custom houses (like roofs)
- The auto tournament should now reward the runner up properly
- Added a profanity filter
- Special clothes bought for nickels are no longer bound to the person who bought it unless they get newbied/blessed. It’s still not allowed to trade or sell donation items though. Shrouds are still bound to their owner since they are newbied.
- Fixed some bugs with the woodland belt.
- Referees are now paralyze immune and ignore young status
- Staff: Global hear now ignores ship commands
- Removed duplicate staff tag in IRC chat when broadcasting
- Staff: Added a prop to the region control that prevents the use of explosion pots (CanUsePotExplosion)
- Staff: Added a new prop to the region controller, IgnoreYoungProtection. When set to true all monsters will attack young players
- When you die as young you will now be asked if you want to teleport to the nearest healer instead of having it teleport you automatically.
- Fixed a bug where young players could get teleported to the wrong map
- Added a bunch of new regions that existed on Sphere such as Minoc Territory, Britain Territory, Wind Courtyard etc.
- Event items will no longer get deleted if used when not in an event. This will prevent items from accidentally being deleted while in tours.
- Trying to fix the advanced teleporter timer issue
- Increased loot on the following monsters: Colored dragons, colored balrons, beholders, elder gazers, algazars, electric algazars, altageas, vampire lords, vampires, raging bulls, eithka ocksra.
- .on will now show hidden players and unhidden staff as well to display the correct amount of players online
- Staff: The hooded shroud of shadows is now dyeable
- When mobiles in events die their corpse will now be marked as eventitem when left behind to work with certain events (like Cleaver Mania)
- BaseCreatures no longer disarm when casting spells
- Explosion and Energy Bolt now ignore shield armor
- The playerwealth command now ignores staff accounts
- Staff: Items should no longer be deleted when altering static house regions to prevent accidental deleting of items. Also doors will no longer be linked automatically.
- Added total refresh pots to events with max supply gear
- Lowered the armor value of most shields, increased it on higher-end craftable ones
- Fixed a deserialization issue with spike traps
- You can no longer use upgrade gems on newbied items such as chaos/order shields and skill rewards.
2012-02-15 (Revision 409)
- One of the stuck menu locations won’t go to inside DOOM HQ anymore. Also made sure stuck menu locations will never go to a house region
- Proper fix for a previous crash
- Fixed a bug where custom regions props handling NPC deaths would not work.
- You can no longer join deathmatches or tournaments while in an event (to prevent possible bugs)
- Fixed a disconnect timer bug with the auto tour system
- Staff: Removed duplicate party chat messages with global hear
- Young players will no longer get teleported on death if they are in an event
- If players somehow manage to use the stuck menu while in events all their event items will now be deleted.
- Young players can no longer choose to teleport when in regions that does not allow the stuck menu to be used.
- Fixed a bug where you could not enter houses with certain foundations
- You can no longer gain skills while in an event (to prevent possible abuse)
- Staff: The prop IsInEvent is now settable
- When smelting daggers the ingots will now stack on ground (or get removed after a while if they cant stack) if you are overweight.
- Fixed a bug where using treasure scrolls would sometimes drop the treasure at your feet. If you should be overweight it will now drop in bank instead. This should fix the overweight issue with bulk regs.
- Possible null ref crash fix
- Added message when you win gold in CW and CTF
- Animals will now have the ordertype “come” by default again when unshrunk or summoned
- Staff: Added a new prop to the advanced teleporter: OnMoveOverMessage. Casino pads can now be replaced with the advanced teleporter
- DM and auto-tour now announce the winner to IRC as well
- Paralyze and paralyze field wands will no longer be dropped in loot
- Mining Quest in Mercenary Camp now only goes up to 99.9 to fix a bug where players did not get the reward gump when GMing magery through orb turnins.
2012-02-08 (Revision 393)
- Added some checks when using .joindm
- Skillbooks will now display the owner properly when single clicked (before it displayed the name of the person who clicked it, duh)
- You will now gain fame when killing players of the same or opposing faction
- Made some changes to notoriety when in events
Optimized notoriety code
Disabled the drop commands for pack animals to prevent abuse
Added a new completely automated 1v1 tournament system (will become active as soon as some stuff are set up properly)
Staff: Added a new prop to the advanced teleporter to used in the new automated tour area.
Added a new alias to the GuildList command: GList
Staff: Re-enabled the game commands .sendscore and .showscore. Also made most of the game commands compatible with DM and auto-tour stone and added them to .helpinfo
Staff: Fixed a bug where .go to a custom region would sometimes make you appear in the middle of nowhere
2012-02-05 (Revision 388)
- Changed the default chat hue to something readable
- Fixed the Magery Quest to correctly give 1 point of skill instead of 5.
- Staff: Added some old hearall features to the new global hear.
- Staff names are no longer colored in IRC chat so we can disable colors to prevent loss of words when someone chats with color.
- Co-owners can now place guildstones as well.
- Counselors now have access to squelch
- Decreased the needed height of items blocking LoS from 6 to 5. This to prevent having to add a lot of losblockers in some places.
- Game Masters now have access to global hear instead of just admins
Racegates are no longer “linked” to eachother
Minor namechange to ingots when amount == 1
You can now see which type of granite is in a commodity deed
Some minor name changes to granites
Added the tag “(criminal)” if you click yourself when criminal, just like Sphere!
Changed a bunch of messages from unicode to ascii
Other minor changes to text messages
Alliance chat now works again (used with the new chat system)
.on now uses threading to improve performance
Improved recall and gate code
Added a new improved command .guildlist or .gl that works like the old .g list command.
Donation clothes change
.vote now opens both voting pages instead of just one
Grogs now have a los and range check
Admin: The playerwealth command now checks vendor gold as well, also fixed some string errors.
Dolphins are now tamable by default
Broadcast messages now sends to the IRC channel as well
You can now type .joindm to join a deathmatch
Added a bounty system
Young players can now join tournies (can attack/be attacked while in event)
When a region is set to “ResPlayerOnDeath” the player will first get teleported to their corpse. Hopefully this will fix the issue with players sometimes not getting ressed on corpse.
When young players die in the Mercenary Camp they will now get teleported to the healer in the camp instead of Britain healer.
2012-01-24 (Revision 370)
- Fixed a range check mistake with public bulletin boards
- Added a new amazing chat system that’s integrated with the new chat on the website and forums. Type .c to get the chat gump and .c <texthere> to chat
- Removed the old guild and alliance chat system since that’s integrated in the new c
2012-01-24 (Revision 370)
- Fixed a range check mistake with public bulletin boards
- Added a new amazing chat system that’s integrated with the new chat on the website and forums. Type .c to get the chat gump and .c <texthere> to chat
- Removed the old guild and alliance chat system since that’s integrated in the new chat system (.g and .a)
- For staff: Global hear is now integrated in the chat menu (.c)
2012-01-22 (Revision 367)
- Mini reward cans are now blessed by default
- You now get a longsword instead of a katana when choosing swordsmanship as a bonus skill.
- Increased mining skillgain and also how much boost you get when choosing it as a starting skill
- Optimized poison message check
- Added missing LoS checks for a bunch of items
- Changed a bunch of LoS and range messages
- Made some changes to daemon claws, new sounds and messages.
- Chess now works again (a distro update caused uncontrolled basecreatures to wander around the targeted mobile instead of walking on it)
Changed how bless and curse work. If you bless someone with curse on it removes the curse and if you bless again it won’t go over 100. But when the curse wears off you don’t get higher stats from the bless you casted earlier, you would have to bless yourself again in that case. That means that if player A casts curse on player B and player B blesses himself, then neither bless or curse won’t do anything to player B until the curse wears off. Also, any stat bonus spells won’t work if you’re cursed and any stat penalty spells won’t work if you’re blessed.
PlayerGuide book name and hue change
Attempt to restart server automatically on crash
The webstatus will now display the region if you are in an area where you cannot be hurt (like the casino)
Fixed a bug with explosion that wouldn’t calculate the AR damage properly on multiple targets.
Updated to the latest UO Architect version 2.7.3
2012-01-15 (Revision 350)
- Fixed a crash that happened when someone that owned a custom static deleted their char.
- Mage vendors no longer sell 4th level scrolls
- Fixed slayer bonus damages properly (custom weapons should now deal extra damage to certain monsters like they were intended for in the beginning, check https://in-uo.net/skills/blacksmithy)
- You can now flip all ingots, arrows and bolts to get a different graphic
- Added stone benches to stone crafting and switched the stone table deeds for individual tiles instead (flipable).
- Added more wooden tables (all flipable) to carpentry.
- You can now see karma when using animal lore.
- Staff can now send page response messages to players that have logged out and they will receive them when they login.
- Regular Bulletin Boards now work similar to player bulletin boards (before they didn’t work at all). They can now be used everywhere and only staff controls them.
- Fixed a bug where walking on a telepad when turning in a Skull of Iniquity would crash the server.
- Started working on armor difference check when casting spells (not used yet)
- Updated to latest RunUO version (2.2) as of 2012-01-07. .NET 4.0 support!
Fixed a bug where not being able to snoop wouldn’t reset the skill properlyEnabled young status – Read more [here]
2012-01-04 (Revision 334)
- Forgot to add the sound when polymorphing to horse
- Fixed an issue with deathmatch
- Fixed links in the player guide book
- Crafting magic crystal balls now require black diamond ingots instead of adamantium ingots
- Players that are guard candidates should no longer get teleported to guarded cities when using the stuck menu.
- When using keyrings it will now lock/unlock chests instead of locking them down to the structure. To do that you need to use the key itself.
- Explosion potions now have a short delay between each usage.
- Guards should no longer stick around if the targeted player has logged out.
- Players that are guard candidates should no longer be able to log out instantly (might need to be fixed in certain areas manually as well)
- Newbied items now stay in the same location when you die/resurrect.
- Poison fields now work again
- Players will no longer get unstuck in paralyze fields, they will be frozen as long as the field is in place and a while after that.
- Fixed a crash that happened when someone that owned a custom static deleted their char.
2011-11-06 (Revision 329)
- Added horse to the polymorph menu
- Fixed some issues with keys and keyrings
- You can no longer see the paperdoll of players who are polymorphed
- You can now use incognito while polymorphed
- Summon Creature now uses the same gump as Polymorph
- Added prizes to DeathMatch. 1k per kill for everyone (max 5k). When 5 or more participants the winner gets 1k gold per participant. When 8 or more participants the runner up gets 500 gold per player. When 10 or more players the winner also gets 1 imagine nickel for every participant.
- Fixed sorting for Guild and Region columns on the status page.
- You can now summon ghosts
- Ghosts now actually look like ghosts (transparent)
- The mantras to lock and unlock killcounts are no longer case sensitive
Added two new commands for staff:.viewguild brings up a menu with props of the targeted player’s guild. In this menu you also have the option to go to the guildstone and open the guildstone menu..viewguilds brings up a menu with all the guilds. From here you will also be able to see the guild props of a selected guild. Optionally filters results by name or abbreviation.
Peeking inside containers on a corpse will no longer make you criminal.
Added some null checks for player backpacks
You can now steal from corpses
FireBreath will no longer be able to hit you while hidden
Readded the “Acquiring the Antivenom” quest to Northern T2A desert.
Fixed a bug with being able to complete the Acquiring Antivenom quest multiple times at once.
Since the duelstones are in an unguarded area now, you now get max HP when leaving the duel stones instead of 26 HP.
Some minor fixes and modifications to alchemy.
Cleaned up some scripts
Fixed the last crash issue
Fixed an item leak that would create tons of items in the internal map when players mined.
You can now delete your chars without staff assistance
You can now be connected with multiple accounts from the same IP without Taran or Eru’s help. You can still only own one account per person and you will keep getting a warning message until a GM have checked so you are two different persons. Staff will also get that warning message. Also, you still can’t create a new account if one with your IP already exists.
Some minor modifications to head names and messages
You can now cut the new hides up when they are on the ground
Staff can now walk through gates hidden without making poofs (teehee)
When commiting a criminal act in a guarded area NPC’s will no longer call guards if they don’t have LoS, aren’t in range or can’t see you (hidden).
Enabled the speech commands “I wish to lock this down” and “I wish to release this” so you can lock down/release items in public houses.
2011-10-30 (Revision 304)
- Staff: Removed the old bank script (bbox). Use .add bank from now on
- The GameTime column in the WebStatus will now sort properly
- Goblins and daemons cant cut their hair anymore (since their heads will disappear if they do)
- Ghost speech will now show up in the lower left corner if they are not in warmode.
- Added random ghost sounds when dead players speak “mutated” (meaning oOoO)
- Fixed a bug where polymorphing into something with higher str while overweight would make your armor drop to ground instead of backpack.
- Minor fix for staff when players hidden with spell or pot cast spells.
- When items are added to your backpack you should now always get a sound, before that sound had to be added manually.
- Removed all manual added sounds for AddToBackPack
- Added a sound for locking/unlocking items
- Players can now go over their max stats by drinking pots, although the effect will be halved when going over max.
- Messed up the drop chance on the new hide types. NOW they might need to be increased.
- You will now get 90 provocation if you choose it as a starting skill and also made the skill twice as fast to GM
- Temporarily fixed the last crash issue, hopefully that will help me to fix it permanently.
2011-10-28 (Revision 295)
- Added a proper bank box that doesn’t derive from a container, to replace all current banks. (.add bank)
- Reward cans can now be used when locked down in a house
- Hopefully fixed a bug where players sometimes wouldn’t loose their fame when they died. Also cleaned up the script a bit.
- Fixed two minor bugs with runebooks.
- Ghosts are now unaffected by field spells. Except stone walls, ghosts still cannot walk through them.
- Karma grey and criminal players will now be grey on the WebStatus and karma red players will now be red
- Remade the help menu
- Added a LoS check when casting paralyze field (since that check is there when you finish casting anyway)
- Added three new hide/leather types: Spined, horned, barbed. Certain monsters have a chance of dropping these. The chance to drop might have to be increased but I’d rather have it too low at first rather than too high.
- Properly fixed armor values, regular armors will now differ in AR as well, not just magical ones. For example, regular leather now gives 18 AR instead of 28 AR.
- Polymorph changes:
- Added more bodies to polymorph into
- You can no longer wear armor when polymorphed
- You can no longer use weapons when polymorphed (except Daemon)
- Most polymorphs now have virtual AR, custom swingspeed and custom damage
- You will now sound like the creature you polymorphed into
- You will now get the default RunUO gump to make it easier to choose
- When you polymorph into a dragon you will randomly get one of 2 bodies
- Some minor hue changes for the admin gump
- Changed the ItemID of Neutral Shields to the new Knight’s Shield ItemID instead of Bronze Shield. They shouldn’t return to the old ItemID when the server restarts.
- Enabled strength and agility potions.
- You can now use action figures that are locked down in a house.
- You can now lock your killcount by saying “i have nothing to repent over”. You must have 5 kills or more to do this. To unlock your killcount say “i wish to repent my sins”
- Fix for a new default quest so it actually works
- Minor fix for staff when opening corpses
- Fixed a bug where the carpentry reward gump would show the wrong image
- Granite is now stackable
- Added marble benches and tables to stone crafting.
- Stat buffs will now buff stam and mana as well
- Magic reflect now has a timer (same as protect, 4 mins if you are GM magery) and will also be removed if you die
- Casting firefield on a paralyze field will now “disable” the paralyze field.
- Co-owners can now place deeds in houses as well
- You will no longer get revealed when casting spells while hidden with spell or invis potion
- Recalling will reveal when finished even if hidden with spell or pot
- Fixed some minor but annoying range check issues with containers
- You will now disarm when recalling from a runebook
- Public moongate regions are no longer guarded
- Removed the “Wheatfield in Britain” etc. regions.
- Sorting the webstatus columns should now work properly
- Eating food now has a LoS check
- Pets should no longer be able to become bonded
- Added cake to create food and fixed the messages
- Dragons now have a LoS and range check when finishing their “Breath” attack.
- Increased loot on on the Destard Guardian, more gold and will always drop a vanq and a wand.
- Updated to the latest RunUO SVN version 778 (2011-10-23)
- You should no longer gain/loose fame/karma if you are attacked first or if you kill an enemy/ally.
- Maces now drain a bit more stamina on hit
- Added a new cloak reward for GMing hiding, stealthing, snooping and stealing. If you GMd all those skills already your hiding will be set to 99.9 so you can receive your reward.
2011-10-10 (Revision 262)
- You will now stay criminal for 5 mins instead of 2.5
- You can no longer use items on corpses if you are more than 2 tiles away.
- All summons will now have a delay of 2 seconds before they can attack or move.
- Guards will now kill non-players on the first hit.
- Guards will now check for criminal/red players within x tiles in guarded and attack them if found. No need to spam guards anymore.
- Summoning EVs and BSs in guarded areas will now make you criminal. For example: If you stand outside guarded and summon inside guarded you will be criminal but if you stay inside guarded and summon outside guarded you will not be criminal.
- Bar tables and doors are now craftable (flip them to change layout)
- Another check for meditation: You will no longer get an extra boost in mana regen if there are monsters within a specific range of you depending on your meditation skill.
- There’s now finally an armor rating difference between plate, leather, studded, ringmail etc.
Armors that ogre lords drop will now be fortification 50% of the time and invul 50% of the time instead of invul 100% of the time like it was before.
These changes will hopefully boost the ore armor market a bit. - You will now gain cartography after successfully digging up a treasure chest.
2011-10-04 (Revision 253)
- All weapons are now placed in a backpack inside your own backpack in maxgear supplied tournies.
- Some minor name modifications to ingot names and commodity deed names.
- Moved all custom logs and boards into a separate file
- Commodity deeds now display the name for logs and boards correctly.
- Fixed a bug when trashing items worth over 65k silver.
- Ore piles with 1-3 ores in them will now look different, just like on Sphere 0.51a
- Arrows and bolts now stack on the ground when shot and missed.
- Added a new awesome SkillBoost gump that allows us to choose skills that should gain x times faster for x hours without having to restart the server!
- Changed the look on shrinked mounts to mimic Sphere
- Minor modification to WebStatus table header widths.
- Monsters should no longer drop treasuremaps to Trammel
- Meditation changes – You can now meditate while moving but you will gain slower and have a higher risk of failing.
- All items that are crafted when overweight now stack on the ground (if they are stackable that is)
- You can now use scissors on yourself again to shave your hair and beard
- Staff will no longer get paralyzed in paralyze fields.
- Removed CanBeHarmful checks when moving over paralyze fields and firefields.
- Updated to the latest RunUO SVN version 767 (2011-10-02)
2011-09-19 (Revision 237)
- The custom shields now equip properly (leaf, calvary etc.)
- Metal boxes, metal chests and metal golden chests are now craftable and retain the ingot color.
- Fixed some tinkering items that were supposed to retain the ingot color but didn’t, such as globes, lanterns, keys etc.
- Removed skill gain restriction from Green Acres and Malas
- New WebStatus with CSS so we can change the style without having to restart server
- Decreased AR on chaos/order shields to 28 and neutral shield to 26
- Decreased all magical armor AR by 2
- Increased AR on oceanic armor to 52, daemon steel to 54, reactive to 55 and sapphire to 60.
- Testing new meditation (press once and stand still to keep gaining mana faster)
- Added four new wood types: Mahogany, Cedar, Willow and Myst. Thank you for the suggestions Ilithyia. See all the logs here: https://in-uo.net/index.php/skills/lumberjack
2011-08-31 (Revision 228)
- Order and chaos players can now loot other players from the same alignment without becoming criminal.
- Goblin and necro camps now despawn properly
- You can now craft counters!
- “Total Mana Potions” are now named “Greater Mana Potions” instead and their ItemID is changed to the same as explosion pots which means you can set different macros for regular manas and greater manas in Razor.
- You can now bless jewelry with a clothing bless deed
- You can no longer use the emote commands if you are squelched
- Added names for custom ingot so commodity deeds show correct info
- Added two new items, Waystone and CustomQuestItem.
- Waystones are Newbied
- Buy from any banker (5000g)
- Use it to return to the place where you bought it
- Must be full HP and stand still for 30 seconds after using it without being damaged.
- Consumes on use
- Should give people an easier way to get home after deaths or if you run out of reagents. Keep on around in case of emergencies.
2011-08-15 (Revision 219)
- Heads now contain the fame of the owner when he/she died. Meaning that the fame you get when mounting it counts towards the fame the person had when he/she died.
Doesn’t apply to heads before this date. - You can now choose not to mark runebooks with your name when crafting them.
- Daggers now sell for 12gp no matter the quality.
2011-07-21 (Revision 216)
- You can now doubleclick your reward trash can to get the last item trashed back.
- You can’t get it back if you have died since it was added to the trashcan to avoid exploits. (edit by Eru)
- Changed sound on mass dispel to same as Sphere 0.51a
- Wands:
You can now recharge wands, but when you recharge it after using it the max amount of charges on it will go down by 1. Meaning you can only recharge it so many times.
Changed charges on most wands, they are now based on the circle.
You can now have wands equipped when casting regular spells. - Added a delay for the message “*the poison seems to have no effect*”
- Shades are now hue 2997 by default. Shade’s old color.
- Creating golems now require gold ingots instead of bronze ingots
- Some changes to alliance chat logging
- The message hue of AllianceChat and GuildChat are now the same as the speech hue of the person speaking.
- Changed the way GuildChat and AllianceChat messages are displayed
- The emote command now has the same color as your emote hue instead of your speech hue.
- Minor bugfix in AdminGump
- Notoriety priority changes (for example: if player A is in a chaos guild and player B is in an order guild, and player B is criminal, then player A will see him as orange now instead of gray like before).
2011-07-07 (Revision 204)
- Greater heal scrolls now heal same as regular spell but require more mana
- Waraxe is now 1-handed
- You will now craft shrink potions when doubleclicking Bat Wings, not mana pots.
- You can now craft invis pots by doubleclicking Wyrms Heart
- When hidden the server status now displays “-” instead of “Hidden”
- You can now re-polymorph while polymorphed
- When polymorphed there will now be an anim when casting spells
- Using distro camps now, if mobiles are still spawning weird then it’s not my fault at least!
- Fire fields, poison fields, paralyze fields and stone walls are now harmful to all mobiles it hits, not just the target.
- Counselors now have access to these commands:
.shrink - Players now have access to the .checkguarded command (checks if a region is guarded or not)
- Changed default prices on boltstone and arrowstone
- If you are GM spirit speak everyone will now see what you write when you are dead, no matter their spirit speak skill.
- Updated to RunUO SVN version 676 (2011-07-03)
- I think I finally fixed the issue where you would crash when dragging items inside a container that couldn’t be dragged
- Changed dragging delay to 400ms instead of 500ms
2011-06-27 (Revision 190)
- Speechhues that looks like powerwords are now blocked.
- Lightning scroll now deals 2 more damage
- Fixed the EB and Explosion damage (messed up last commit)
- Re-arranged the scroll damage values to be able to change it easier
- You can now repair tailored items
- You now make Total Mana Pots by default when doubleclicking Eyes of Newt.
- Adventure seekers should now get removed along with the camps
- Added a message when fizzling due to out of LoS and range
- Repair deed now display name properly
- Fixed a bug where monsters wouldn’t be able to attack after having a weapon equipped.
- You will now auto-attack back (with a slight longer delay) after being interrupted (like using bandage, changing weapons etc.)
- You shouldn’t crash anymore from looting corpses really fast
2011-06-19 (Revision 181)
- Fixed context menus on two quests
- Changed sell values a bit on alchemists
- Fixed name issue with commodity deeds
- Added two new mobiles: Prostitute and talking parrot (thanks Carding
- The event system now tags players as InEvent as soon as they join rather than when the event starts
- Fixed an issue with the .vote command
- Mana consumption when crafting scrolls of levels 3-8 has been reduced by 25%
- Minor change to the antimacro gump (if you type the correct word on the last try you no longer get a “failed to verify” message)
- Added alliance chat (or rather alignment chat, usage .a)
- Items in newbied/blessed bags no longer drop to your backpack when you die
- Added bandage healing message and sound when healing in event
- Changed magic reflect effect when hit
- Wands no longer disarm when used (meaning they actually work)
- Fixed an issue with the custom event supplier
PvP Changes:
- Changed delays on pretty much all spells
- Changed mana comsumption for a couple of spells and scrolls
- Changed how much GH spell and scroll heal
- Changed hitpoints algorithm e.g. you only get 110 hitpoints with 120 str
- Bandages are now a bit more reliable
- You now loose half your mana when fizzling spells and scrolls on purpose (as well as on skill like before)
- Powerwords are now sent as actual spells again, meaning you can use razor to filter it and change it.
- Explosion and EB now does more damage against less armored players
6/11 (Revision 163)
- Clients no longer randomly disconnect from inactivity
- Capture the Flag and Color Wars now automatically give gold to the winners
- Blade spirits now chase players into houses
- Alchemist vendors now buy all type of potions
- Camps are now fixed and despawn correctly
- Cleaned up, added and edited some statics
- Updated skillcheck information
6/5 (Revision 156)
- Removed the autosave warning message that appears 15 seconds before a save
- Voting stones will now display how much reward they give when clicking them. Added a message and sound when getting the gold as well.
- Changed the way how “Send Message” works for staff, it will now send a message gump like the one that’s used when you respond to a page.
- Traps no longer decrease animhue after each use.
- Potion kegs now works with invisibility potions.
- Slightly changed the hue on total mana pots.
- Corrected potion keg hue values.
- Supply pads now give both regular manas and total manas
2011-06-03 (Revision 150)
- Town House doors are now properly linked to the key when claimed
- Fixed an issue when total mana potions unstacked
- Monsters with human bodyvalues no longer display titles in their names
- Fixed an issue with the reward gump
- Carpentry reward gump is now properly logged
- Potion kegs now properly handle total mana potions
- Fixed the disarm/fizzle bug correctly – now works as intended
- You no longer vomit sparkles (hue has been fixed on puke emote)
- Fixed a typo in the carpentry menu
- Horses and pack animals cost a little more now
- Base dyetub range has been increased by 1
- Scissors no longer cut all your hair and/or facial hair off
- All spells now work in town
- Several custom weapons are now easier to craft – less skill requirement
- Tailored magic armor now requires less ingredients
- Edited some drink timers on lesser potions
- Changes made to default settings on region controllers
- New types of monster camps added
- Updated to the the latest RunUO SVN
- Fixed an issue where the tinkering menu wasn’t showing all available crafting materials
- Custom vendors now copy the strings on vendors as well
- Fixed a crash where certain mobiles could crash the client due to a layering issue
- Waypoint spawns no longer require a surface
- Fixed some issues with the Quiz system
- NPCs/Mobiles now check for line of sight and range properly
- Mobiles no longer precast or insta-cast
- Mobiles can now cast while paralyzed
- Paralyze and Paralyze Field now restart the timer when its cast on something thats already paraylzed
- Fixed console warnings
- Removed the timer on Invisibility and Invisibility Potion – you will no longer reveal after x time
- Added a potion timer override method
- Total Mana Potions now have an increased delay
- Lesser potions now have a shorter delay between drinking
- This applies to Heal, Stamina and Cure Potions
- Lesser potions are now more situational instead of being obsolete
- Melee combat is much more randomized now – the cap that allowed only 3 hits in a row has been removed
- Base door guild property now works correctly – no longer need to use GuildDoor
- SoV and HF will do bonus damage to their opposition – karma based
- Fixed a spell targeting bug
- Superior Dragons Blade is now craftable – requires recipe
- You can no longer cast spells on staff
- Wall of Stone now checks for mobiles before being placed
- Crafting Invisibility Potions now displays the correct overhead message
- Made some changes to the Paintball event
2011-05-14 (Revision 101)
- Added Total Mana Potions
- Fixed a minor bug where a craftable only allowed logs instead of boards
- Kill counts now have a 24 hour decay time
- Fixed an issue where Paralyze Fields only worked on criminals and aggressors of the caster
- Fixed an issue where Wall of Stone wouldn’t overlap other fields
- Fixed a bug with Paralyze
- Diamond Katana no longer requires a recipe
- Superior Diamond Katana is now craftable
- Dragon’s Blade is now craftable
- Diamond Katana’s recipe is now used for the Superior Diamond Katana
- Fixed an issue with the skill rewards where an incorrect reward would be given
- Event suppliers now give one handed sword-type weapons as a default
- Goblin Clooba is now crafted with carpenty instead of blacksmith
- Lowered the requirements on a few custom weapons
- Added recipe scrolls for future weapons – SoV, HF and SDB
- Added two new types of resources – Sky Dragon Scale and Hell Dragon Scale
- Fixed an issue with cutting a Kraken’s corpse
- Guild doors now play a sound when used and their range has been increased to 2 tiles
- Beggars no longer respond to hidden players
- Total Mana Potions are now in the default event supplies
Also, a small and decently hidden mini dungeon has been added just west of the Trinsic Barracks. There are two progressive spawns in there, each with a boss at the end that will drop a resource required for the SoV and HF when they are added. Oh and you might want to bring a few people with you as well.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to fizzles if they had something equipped to their hands before casting
- Added two new mobiles for future Order/Chaos event
- Changed poison to take slightly longer to begin damage
- Added top secret stuff
- Added a new pirate system
- Pirates will sail the seas and chase you down if they spot you
- Added a text bank for the pirate captain
- Fixed an issue where casting no longer has to put you out of warmode and you no longer try to hit while casting
- Edited vendor buy/sell lists a bit
- Corrected an issue in the shrink tables
- Fixed a bug with the hearall command
- You can no longer stack more than 1k daggers
- Fixed a typo in the starting skill gump
- Changed the rewards on the Seafaring Quest
- Added an emote command – Use .e to pull a gump with the list of options
- Added a player guide book that contains basic information about the shard and getting started
- Added the new player guide book and scissors as starting items
- Removed one of the bodyvalues used by white wolves
- Fixed some issues and alignments in the carpentry reward gump
- Made a minor change to snooping
- Lutes, tambourines and most drums can now be equipped
- Equipped instruments do no damage and do no display in game, only on your paperdoll
- Edited some statics, added new gump art and changed some values in the tiledata[list:3ozrnevu]
- Patching is recommended
- Most skills have reverted back to their original values
- Lumberjacking, Mining, Magic Resist, Wrestling, Poisoning, Anatomy, Blacksmith, and Carpentry are slightly lower than their original values
- Added a new custom mobile
- Added new shrink item for custom mobile
- Balanced the Emerald Dragon a bit
- Removed Easter Eggs from the loot tables
- The vote command now gives gold just like the stone – .vote
- Deep Sea Fishing Pole now uses the correct harvest system
- Fixed a bug that could crash the server
- Changed Powder of temperament for possible future use
- Updated the SRG command – Staff only
- Fixed a typo in the Carpentry menu
- Made a change to the PvP
- All skills are now easier for the weekend
- Added a skill reward for Lumberjacking – Hatchet
- Carpentry reward now gives a choice of carpenter tools
- Shrink potions are now slightly harder to craft
- Mana potions are a bit easier to craft
- Elven bows are a little bit stronger
- Elven bows now take oak logs to craft
- Bowcrafting delay has been slightly lowered
- Tinkering bottles now takes one less ingot
- Guild stones can no longer be placed outside of houses
- Added a new race item
- Custom weapons now give bonuses to certain mob types
- Added a pure black mount
- Added a pure black dye deed for clothing
- Adjusted the loots on the Eithkas
- Recluse Spider now gives gold based on the damage you do to it
- More trash system changes
- Changed the resource requirements for the Judgement Hammer
- Lowered the resource requirements for most of the custom weapons
- Lowered the crafting delay for Cartography
- Stuck menu will no longer send players to islands
- Fish now give one less fish steak
- Hides now weigh .5 stones less per
- Hides no longer need to be in your pack to cut
- Status page is now setup
- The following creatures now do less magic damage
- Bogle, BoneMagi, EvilMage, Gazer, Imp, OrcishMage, RatmanMage, SavageShaman, Shade, SkeletalMage, Spectre, Wraith
- Reapers now have more health
- Race gate now checks if a person is living
- Base weapon no longer overrides hue if a weapon has slayer properties, besides silver
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t meditate past 100
- Silver weapons are now weaker against non-undead mobiles
- Added the greatest item ever – Throwable Item (yay Taran!)
- Blade spirits now attack everything within 1 tile of them
- They will do more damage to their main target
- This makes stacking bladespirits on a target much less effective
- Added two new camps: Necro camp and goblin camp
- These work the same as standard prisoner camps
- Necro camp has a high level of difficulty but the drops are much better
- Fixed a bug that could crash the server
- Updated the values on the trash system some more
- Fixed a bug where the trash system could potentially be abused – nice find Eru
- Slightly increased the chance to get colored logs
- Added a new shield to the smithy menu: Calvary Shield
- Added a new shield to the carpentry menu: Leaf Shield
- Added new beds that allow you to actually sleep in them (sort of)
- These beds display a ZzZ visual over your sleeping body and play a snoring sound
- Adjusted ARs on the new shields
- The old antimacro gump will no longer freeze you or send a system message
- This will only be used now if the new system ever goes down or fails for whatever reason
- A Captcha style antimacro system has been implemented
- This is the same as on IN:X – This is entirely Maka’s creation and I take no credit for it
- This system will open your web browser, once you click the ? at the top of the gump
- Once clicked you will have a word that needs to be entered in game
- You can refresh the image as many times as needed
- You have 5 attempts and 3 minutes to get it right
- Set some values for more items in the trash system
- Removed a faction region
- Edited baseaddons
- Fixed a bug where corpses would crash you if you tried to move an item in them but didn’t have line of sight
- Added Easter Eggs to the lootpacks – Easter Event
- Lowered the difficulty on Inscription gains
- Adjusted prices for provisioners and tailors
- New command added: ToItem
- Added the new granite types to the crafting resource list
- Finished the panda mount
- Fixed an error with two weapons
- Changed the jailing location – Lord British’s Royal Guards now handle all criminals
- Updated the masonry box
- Added new skinned rugs to the carpet crafting system
- Added new craftables to carpentry
- Created new addon components
- Changed values on bandaging
- Adjusted loot on various monsters
- Made some changes to the townhouse system
- Scroll delays have been very slightly tweaked
- Fixed itemids on a few shrinkable creatures
- Fixed a few issues with the casino system gumps
- Fixed an error with the paging system
- Deeds are no longer blessed
- Added a new AI for mobiles
- Added new items to house shrunken pets correctly
- Added new mounts – still incomplete
- Added new mobile: Death Knight
- Added new boss: Recluse Spider
- The spider will eat your pets.
- The spider can lay eggs that can be destroyed.
- The spider can lay webs that can trap you but can be broken.
- Made some changes to the database
- Adjusted mana regen values
- Adjusted meditation
- Craftable statues can now be dyed with a statue dye tub
- Made changes to the statue dye tub
- Fixed an issue with treasure scrolls
- Adjusted some loot drops on various creatures
- New plants added to the plant system, they can now be grown
- Adjusted some skill gains
- Adjusted the trash reward system
- Added a new command ToStatic – staff use only
- Added a new clothing item
- Added 5 new custom designed shields
- Added Superior Diamond Katana, Dragons Blade, Soul of the Vampire, Heavens Fury, Superior Dragons Blade
- Casting now unequips your hands.. Decided to go this route with it after all
- Added 5 new custom art monsters: 4 different Goblins & a Lava Golem
- Added a voting stone and added a reward for voting – can be used once a day
- Added a paintball event
- Added new ore/ingot/armor: Amethyst & Dwarven
- Changed criminal timer to 150 seconds, from 300
- Added an ore type to sand mining
- Reworked sand mining a bit to be less annoying
- Fixed some issues with the new art
- Added new mounts – still needs some tweaking
- Adjusted stats on a few mobiles
- Replaced nearly 100 gumps with new art
- Added new gumps for various things
- Players are now nudists
- Added new hues
- Cleaned up some of the mul files to cut down on size, still kind of huge though
- Changed the login screen
- Added 7 new types of granite
- Changed the masonry box to hold the new granite types and fixed some hue issues with it
- Added new props to Simple Lever
- Trap animations can now be hued
- New pianos are now playable
- Changed the starting location to Britain
- Made changes to the webstone
- Added new craftable items
- Bandages now cure poison
- Added new mobile – Crystal Golem
- Added IN style guild doors
- Added new plants
- Corrected some typos
- Lowered the weight on dyes and granite
- Sand, granite and dyes are now stackable
- Fixed an issue with mana potions
- Fixed a graphical issue with Texas Hold’em game
- The harp and piano now show notes properly when played
- Poison set to the default values
- Reworked scrolls – 45% less mana, roughly 48% faster and 5% less damage than standard casting
- Bless and curse spells now work on players
- Players can no longer cast while paralyzed if they have anything in their hands
- Added a new casino game
- Added a new item – Mandoll
- Fixed a bug that caused certain XML features to crash the server
- Updated vendors to more accurately buy and sell items related to their profession
- Interior Decorator is no longer blessed
- Added new currencies – StarWar Token, Boarding Voucher, Chaos/Order Coin
- Fixed the exotic fishing system to work as intended
- Fixed several naming issues with stacked items
- Set the individual stat cap to 120 – Total cap remains at 300
- Invisibility Potions can now be crafted through alchemy
- Wyrms can now be cut for wyrm hearts – Used for invis potions
- Added a new card game
- Rescaled mining chances
- Added Reactive Ore/Ingot/Armor
- Tinkering metal items can now be done with colored ingots – Retains resource color
- Fixed a minor issue with the Blacksmithy menu
- Edited starting items
- Implemented a new item – Reward trash can
- Added new currency – Silver coins
- Fixed some typos
- Fixed an issue where the reward trash can did not handle stacked items correctly
- Balanced the rewards for armor and weapons in the trash reward system
- Blacksmiths now buy/sell warforks
- Added some new deco addons
- Made a minor change to the event system
- Added a new mobile and gambling game
- Made several animals now spawn with breed types instead of a generic name
- Skill stone now allows players to pick 4 skills
- Skill stone now gives less points for crafts
- Fixed an issue where stats weren’t giving an equal value to their counterpart
- Added a new item – Treasure scroll
- Added a new staff tool
- Added some more new addons
- Made several changes to the mul and idx files for the custom art and items
- Added new gumps
- Created scripts for the new art
- Added new items for upgrading loot-type weapons and armors