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Posted by: imported_Arjanichus
11-12-2007, 01:40 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (10)

I set up a simple healing macro, might be of some use to people. I'll explain what everything does so you can make your own next time! Wink

º One lightning scroll or preferably, an xuo fs scroll.
º As many bandages as you can get.
º 100HP, if you have less, change the first if. Will get to that a bit later.
º A razor hotkey to cancel the current target set to N for this macro. (Hotkeys->Targets->Cancel current target.)
º A razor hotkey for Restock Agent 1 set to M. You'll need to specify the amount of bandages you'll take from your bank each time you're low on bandies. (Agents->Restock 1)
º Hotkey to Target Self set to B. (Hotkeys->Targets->Target Self.)
º Razor display bar enabled with bandages on it. This to have razor count the resources in your backpack, in this case, aids. (Razor->Display/Counters->Show this in the UO title bar.)
(Add or enable Bandages{aids} on the left table, and enter {aids} in the right table if it's not there.)

What it does:
º Yell guards only if you're attacked. Less spam yay!
º Wash the bloody bandages
º Only use the scroll if your hp is full. Maximum gains without the risk.
º Restock.
º And lastly.. heal.

How to use:
º Open up notepad, save it into the razor/macros directory with a name like, bandage_heal.macro

The default installation path for razor is C:\Program Files\Razor

Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|is attacking you!
Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|23|3|NLD|5|48|2|0|113|113|Bank Guards Buy
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|bloody bandages
Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-1

The lines explained.

  1. An if. In this case it checks whether the HP is full or not. My STR is 100 so I have 100hp, if you have less, change it to your max HP #.
  2. Uses the XUO scroll.
  3. Waits for target. Self explanatory. It waits.
  4. Cancels the current target. My hotkey for it is set the N because razor does not detect pressing ESC in game. Be sure you have a cancel target macro, else you'll end up fsing yourself.
  5. Pauses for a full second, just to make sure the cancel comes through incase of lag or a worldsave.
  6. End if. Ends the actions needed to be taken when the requirements for an if are met.
  7. Another if. This time it checks your journal for the text "is attacking you!"
  8. Says guards.
  9. End if.
  10. Uses a bandage
  11. Waits for target.
  12. Targets self.
  13. Pauses for 4 full seconds. If this was removed the macro would try to bandage itself every ,3 seconds. You'll never get healed.
  14. Another if. Checks whether the bandaging was succesful and therefor placing a bloody bandage in your backpack.
  15. Uses the bloody bandage.
  16. Waits for target.
  17. Targets the fountain located under the Britain bank to wash them.
  18. End if.
  19. An if for checking bandage count. It's set to 5, I ping 20 though.
  20. Pauses a full second.
  21. Opens your bank.
  22. Pauses ,5sec.
  23. Presses the M key, set to execute the Restock 1 agent.
  24. Waits for a target to appear. Again.
  25. Targets yourself to have the restock agent use the bankbox to restock.
  26. Pauses ,5sec.
  27. End if.

What are ifs? Ifs are, simply put, a requirement that have to be met before the actions between the tags are played. It's a good way to make sure that things only happen when you want them to happen.

Made it a bit more userfriendly and added a restock when you're low on bandages. You can run this thing 100% AFK now, just hope the server doesn't go down 10 minutes after you went to bed.

Changed macro a bit, it's now quicker to set up.

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Posted by: imported_Duke
11-12-2007, 01:18 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

1[Details] Forgotten World
51a sphere own edition: Old School PvP, Evolving PvM system, new craft system, no skills cap, 200+ online players.Welcome to your own world. 749 514

Could have sworn we were number 1 with 700 votes... we arnt even on the list anymore so im guessing they replaced our details?

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Posted by: imported_Jerek Stormgard
11-12-2007, 12:34 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (4)

Would you guys mind making the books (those lying around banks, shops, libaries, dungeons, etc) readable/writeable? It was fun to read some of the stuff somebody was bored enough to type into the scattered books worldwide Big Grin

I know it's not priority but meh, why not?

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Posted by: imported_SombraX
11-11-2007, 11:17 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

Bring them back!!

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Posted by: naya
11-11-2007, 10:57 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (122)

man i dont want dis to b a flame post of w/e but fuk , why should we change the fukin pvp thats all xuo has , most of the shard is based on in , the only thing we have in pvp and u guys want to change it , dats fukin stupid leave the pvp how it is

if anything is changed from pvp all xuo ppl will most licky b pissed and there was no point in mergin the shard , all ppl from xuo shuda of just played in then cuz if u change the pvp thats wut we wud b playin

thats just not fair to change the only ltl thing we have

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Posted by: imported_Lanfear
11-11-2007, 10:51 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

Is it possible to make a good macro for chopping trees so i dont have to manually use last object and then click on a tree?

Help !

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Posted by: imported_Zoah
11-11-2007, 10:12 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- No Replies

Quote:Lolth is a fickle and cruel goddess, believing that the drow race is best served by constantly struggling against each other. To this end, she tests some of her more exceptional followers to determine if they are worthy of her patronage -- and worthy of their lives.

The sun had set and in the dark a slender built drow came walking down the road. His entire body was covered in bruises and most of his clothes were torn to shreds but still, the drow bore a dark smile as he walked through the even darker forest.
The naked trees were mostly clad in spiders silk, and the only light shining, showing Zoah the way home, was the yellow moon hanging in the skies.

Suddenly he heard a noise, a loud hissing noise. He froze. Only one thing in this forest could produce this kind of noise. As he turned around he saw the being known as the great goddess Lolth, the goddess of Chaos, and all that is evil. This was the first time he actually had seen the goddess himself.
He had heard all the stories before. He had heard all the fables that she'd sometimes appear as a beautiful woman, and sometimes as a giant arachnid but nothing could've prepared him for what he was about to see.
To fully understand what the terrible nightmare known as Lolth looks like, one must picture himself a being straight from hell. The upper half of Lolth is a women. A drow woman, with skin as black as her soul and the most beautiful shimmering white hair covering her naked, battle-scared, body. The lower half however is that of a Latrodectus mactans commonly known as the Black Widdow spider. With the size of a drake, and with a voice to even make the mightiest warriors tremble in fear. This is the being Lolth, the great drow deity.

She begun to speak, while her palps started to systematically grind against eachother creating the unbearable screech.

Vedui' nalt'chaxxan sargtlin, she greeted him.
He took a deep bow. Ku'lam she demanded, and Zoah rose.
I see that you posses great strenght, for a mortal she added. And it is even more impressive that you made it out of l' Uln'hyrr d'lil Har'oloth in such shape. The other ones, she frowned, did not do as well. And she pointed in the direction of a dead drow that were being consumed by the small arachnids that inhabited the forest.
Zoah smirked.

A silence occured.

She spoke again; For your strenght I will reward you. Take this silk robe, this is your first step into the Chath lu' Usst'na. I appear before you the next time I need your services.
Zoah nodded.

Vedaust, the queen said. And just as quick as she had appeared, just as quick was she now gone. Zoah stood alone again. The sun had just started to rise.

This will be an interesting day, Zoah though for himself.

[RP items.]
Robe colored with 1175 and named Chath lu' Usst'na.
The drow skin color which I think was black rock. Maybe a GM from IN could correct me if I'm wrong

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Posted by: imported_AptaR
11-11-2007, 10:09 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

Anyone know a good sheep spawn by any chance?

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Posted by: imported_Puck
11-11-2007, 10:05 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (18)

Posting on general since i feel most ppl read here, feel free to move it.
Im not good at putting up arguments, but i know for a fact that loot needs to be fixed, and now.
IM talking about monsters like orcs,trolls,ogres,drakes, more of the "non-elite mobs".

Orcs drop like 50gp and thats like nothing?, imo they should add gem drops to all these mobs, but non of them seem to drop any.
I managed to kill a dragon in destard that had some gems and about 700gp loot, the ogres and trolls drop like 100gp, and thats all! no gems, no nothing.
Drakes drops like 400gp, and if ur lucky some shitty ruin wep that goes for 200gp @ the vendor, but nogems.

I meen comon, is the economy gonna be based on ppls crafting skills?
how the F are ppl gonna put more work into raising their pvp skills, when the drops sux so much , u hardly get anything out of killing them.

Talking about thouse orc camps, ogres,trolls, they gold should be multiplied from 50 to 100, 100->200, and with some gems added.

Cant say much more, its my oppinion, if y still wanna have ppl at macrostage regarding pvp skills 1 month ahead, wtf is the point?

Many of the pvpskills are goldbased,im mostly refering to combat skills,magery,healing, that does req "some" gold, and I, prefer sparring with my mates at a house, but unfort. cant afford one caus all gold i get, goes back to buying regs, arrows etc...

My "2" sentences...

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Posted by: imported_SombraX
11-11-2007, 09:32 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (17)

Hey i just noticed Elven bows are freaking imbalanced in pvp, it can kill you in 4 hits at the speed of 2 hits/sec, while wearing a platemail, that's sucky don't you think?

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