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Posted by: imported_Cyn
11-14-2007, 01:37 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (61)

Ive read over many of the stories of people who have been given roleplaying items. And the one thing in common with all of them is, staff members saying this will take a long time for you to earn. Well 3 weeks into the server ive already seen at least 10 people with special items.

Worst thing is they very rarely speak. Apparently playing a mute is part of their RP. One in paticular, Nazgul.. I do not think he can even speak english, And from the little i know of spanish I know he wasnt "in character".

Whats the deal with all this?

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Posted by: imported_Swanny
11-13-2007, 05:20 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- No Replies

Could someone write a guide to what is where? Like what creatures spawn in which dungeons and what level. Or is Trinsic a gank town like Occlo? Are there guards in Papua? So far I've managed to visit 2 places and got instantly ganked before I could mark a rune and get out so it's pretty hard to know where to go.

Guarded Towns:-

Britain, Trinsic, Yew, Jhelom main island, Nujel'm, Vesper, Minoc, Cove, Moonglow

Unguarded Towns:- Occlo, Buccaneer's Den, Serpent's Hold, Magincia


Trianing Dungeon:-
Level 1:- Mongbats, Giant Spiders, Headless, Skeletons, Skeleton Mages, Dark Skeletons, Grim Reapers, Spectres, Ghouls, Trolls, Giant Scorpions, Zombies, Shades
Level 2:- Bandits, Bandit Mages, Bandit Berserkers, Skeletons, Skeleton Mages, Skeleton Knights, Zombies, Ettins, Giant Spiders, Headless, Goblins, Goblin Lords, Goblin Mages, Trolls

Level -1:- Lizardmen
Level 0:- Entrance
Level 1:- Ettins, Earth Elementals
Level 2:- Ettins, Trolls, Acid Elementals, Cyclops, Ogres, Ogre Lords







(will fill these as and when I can go there and not be pk'd)

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Posted by: imported_Coldrake
11-13-2007, 05:06 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (20)

Please resize your sig pic. It is way too big, especially for people with lower resolutions.

[Image: CROWSIG.jpg]


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Posted by: imported_Puck
11-13-2007, 04:55 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

Ya, fix the fkn monster system or whaetver u call it, if u run out of sigth from thouse fkn monsters they should automaticly go back to their spawning area, not wait at the entrance until someone gets in and dududududu WACk everbody, ya this happend to me, but the other day it was like 5-6 of us getting wacked by 6 dragons when entering the dungeon caus they wont go back to their spawn area...lemme guess...ITS <<<IN>>> STYLE???

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Posted by: imported_Malaki
11-13-2007, 03:55 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (3)

In the beginning these men and women were known for being great warriors who devoted their lives to the heavens above. With every breath of air they strived for perfection and sought to find the true meaning of life. Followers and soldiers of Lord Brit’s Army, they fought day in and day out against the resurgent of evil Lord Blackthrone’s Army. Among these soldiers was a man named Malaki.

Malaki grew up in a home full of poverty and crime. With food sparse and the pains of hunger increasing, he was forced to commit theft. One day the child went inside the courtyard of Lord Brit’s castle to gather apples for his family. What the child failed to realize was that a great king was watching him. Malaki continued to gather the apples then scurried back to the streets of Britain. The king then called upon one of his greatest soldiers, Asterello, to approach the child and bring him to speak with him upon his capture. The following day Malaki stopped back by to gather apples again but much to his surprise Asterello was waiting for him. Malaki attempted to run but knew he was outmatched to a much stronger older man. Asterello escorted him to the king and waited for his next duties. The king began speaking the two. “ Why must you commit theft? Don’t you know that you are headed to a life of evil and chaos?” the king said. “For great king I must commit these deeds seeing that my family must eat,” said Malaki. While the child was pleading his case the king seen something in him that no man he knew possessed. The king replied “child if you will train under Asterello and take a oath to commit yourself to the life of order, hunger will no longer haunt you nor your family.” Unable to refuse, Malaki immediately accepted the deal seeing that his family meant a great deal to him.

Years passed and the two trained day in and day out. Asterello taught Malaki how to live, yield a sword, and how to utilize the shield. At the young age of 16 he was considered to be one of Lord Brit’s greatest soldiers. The two developed a brotherhood of trust and family fighting side by side against Blackthrone’s army. One day while hunting the two spotted a young kid beating at trees with sticks yelling and cursing loudly. They approached the kid and ask him what he was doing. “I am fighting off Lord Blackthrone’s army!!” the kid said. “Perfect” the two said. This kid was Bane.

Bane grew up in a family with noble soldiers throughout his kin. From the time he was born, war was instilled upon him. He often told of stories his father passed to him. Asterello and Malaki began immediately instilling every thing they knew inside this kid. As Bane aged they two both knew he would be a great warrior. Bane was always known for his brutal tactics in war. Some people thought that he actually carried death upon his shoulders. As the years passed the three became an unstoppable force. Never one without the other, they would fight off Blackthorne and continue to pass the word of order. The men all fought brilliant battles throughout their lives and upon there passing they were considered to be three of the most honored soldiers in Lord Brit’s army.

In the heavens above the gods of war came to speak with the three men. “With this new beginning comes great evil,” said the gods. “We wish to ask you three men to return to protect Lord Brit’s code and gather an army to prepare against the war with Blackthrone’s Army”. The three men looked at one another and nodded knowing that they must honor the code of order. These three men, Malaki, Asterello, and Bane, are known as the Angels of War….

Thanks for taking the time to read our story.

The items requested is Gold Skin and Holy White Robes.

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Posted by: imported_Strife
11-13-2007, 03:01 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (4)

This train provocation and musicianship.

Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|your music succeeds

You have to chance your absolute targets, and instrument, you can do that by rightclicking it ingame.

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Posted by: inactofpurerage
11-13-2007, 02:47 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

I been to almost every animal trainer, and none want to teach me Animal Taming or herding.

Anyone know where i might be able to train it ?

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Posted by: imported_Androth
11-13-2007, 11:10 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (12)

I dont know about anyone else but i personally have found that the fail rates on BS seem to be REALLY high. I Gmed BS and still fail 70% of the time when only crafting Shadow or Rose etc... I just sujesting perhaps they get lowered a little.

As or the Hunting, I've noticed that the monsters dont give anywhere near as much fame and karma as they normally did. I hunted for about 3hours straight and only came back with around 100 Fame and Karma...
If we have to get 10k for Order and Chaos shields, i just think it will take way too long. Perhaps the amount of Karma and Fame should be slightly raised.

Just a few idea's.
Regards, Androth(Empire)

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Posted by: imported_Allanon
11-13-2007, 09:09 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (61)

Now I expect plenty of flames from those who "like" this system or are used to it. And that is fine but it flat out doesn't make sense.

I will warn you, I am really not worried about what is 100% Sphere, Sometimes shit just doesn't make sense and it needs to be relooked at.

Weapon Selection.

Ok, So, What weapons Do people Use?

Bardiches....BattleAxes...Occasionally Halberds.

Thats it, Oh and Elven Bows but those will be nerfed soon.

So I understand Bardiches are the best, point blank. You know what, Thats fine, terrific. But what about all the other weapons? I mean, a Qstaff of Vanquishing, is Terrible. Let alone the DMG that Vanquishing adds seems to not matter UNLESS its a Bardiche/Battleaxe/Halberd.

There are hundreds of weapons, well not hundreds but a lot. And its downright silly that only 3 of them are used.

Fencing and Macing and Archery all need weapons on par with the bardiche, and the fact that we have to spam double click(because attack last apparently doesn't work) makes it all the more annoying to get that ever prevalent Kill Shot.

Having more weapons being useful will Boost the Economy for crafters, and allow some god damn diversity into this server.

Im not saying Make anyones precious Bardiches worse, Im saying pull the other weapons up so they are near them.

Flame On.

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Posted by: Galens
11-13-2007, 05:27 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (3)

Ok this one is simple people.

Have an instrument in your backpack. Record peacemaking and select yourself as the target.

End Recording.

Remove wait for target.

Check Loop Boolean

Hit play

Happy macroing!


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