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Posted by: imported_Viz
02-20-2008, 04:00 AM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (25)

Well I thought I would take a min and update exactly what I have been doing on the shard..

At the moment I am testing the loot on a majority of the monsters and on all the boss's and custom creatures that were created. I have noticed so far several of the custom monsters were made harder to kill but drop the same loot as if it was the easier version of that monster. I have also spot checked ALOT of the monsters that are around the world and checked them to the loot tables on static uo and they all seem to be the same so I don't think I will be making any changes to them.

As far as the boss's go. alot of the loot will be altered.

Just so you have a idea. This is how I am testing to see where the loot should be at.

1. The boss is fought by one fighter with max skills using what ever means possible to kill it.(almost 100% of the time you can't kill it alone!!)
It is timed to see how long it takes to kill it and then the loot is copied down.

2. 2 people fight it and time how long it takes to kill and copy down loot.

3. If we are able to beat it with 2 people we repeat the process using diffrent methods (provok,EV's ect..)

4. We move on to 3 people fighting it and repeat the same as number 2 and 3.

With this a chart is slowly starting to appear and we can get a estimated time on how long it takes to fight the creature and how much resorces it takes from you and what there loot is now. With that we can make adjustments to what the loot should be.

For example: The saphire deamon at the bottom of covators was alot harder then a reguler deamon but he droped the same exact loot as a reguler deamon. behind him was a saphire dragon that took half the time to kill but droped double the loot as the deamon did. (so they will be adjusted as need be.)

Also I am working on some things to bring a better feel to the game and to give people more things to do and see in the world. Im not going to get into that at the moment but construction has started.

I would estimate at the rate I am going at the moment the loot that I am persoanaly working on should be all done and set by the end of next week.
after that I will concentrate on some other projects that need to get finished.

That is all I have for now but I will try to keep everyone updated on my progress a few times a week.


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Posted by: imported_Vergo
02-17-2008, 04:20 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (39)

Hello all!

I'm a new basic developer for IN:X (basic meaning non-scripting, and new meaning new to staff, but not to IN), and I was looking for some input on what you all want done with certain areas of the world.

Keep in mind, this is for Decorations and Spawns ONLY

One main thing I'm going to do is make the world mobs more realistic (not all bunched up and artificial looking, and more realistic types in specific areas).

If you have a long list of suggestions, please PM me, but if it's just one or two things, post here.
Also, please try not to flood too much, which is why I said PM me the long stuff, and please PLEASE Do not post anything negative or flaming. Try to stay positive and helpful, this will help me out a lot.

I'll do my best to reply and let you all know what I've done and/or what I think about your suggestions.

On a side note, I plan on staying with IN and IN:X for as long as it's active, if they will let me say Smile
Basically the main thing that would get in the way is moving, computer malfunction, or college, heh.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
02-16-2008, 06:54 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

I've really been missing this shard... I miss the macroing, the taming, the hunting, the flaming... but most of all, I miss the community :/.

I've been really busy with homework for the last two weeks, but I'm still looking forward to IN:X being back!


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Posted by: imported_Levatei Lasmanos
02-16-2008, 02:06 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Why can i not logg in to these forums on the other shard i wanna join im bored stiff with nuthin to do but get high n watch movies with no ultima to play Sad i want on the shard

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Posted by: imported_maxkicker
02-13-2008, 05:54 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

hey all, sorry to hear everything isn't going well at inx

i just wanted to announce that my son Jason was born on the 15th of january and being the proud father i am i thought i would show a pic

mom before she was preg lol
[Image: vickapartment-5.jpg]
he's always got that finger out
[Image: 100_0442.jpg]
i hadn't slept for 3 or 4 days
[Image: 100_0393.jpg]

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Posted by: imported_PsychoIcon
02-12-2008, 07:30 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Playing in my extra time... Havent played in so long. I was just wondering how the server was doing? How active it is, and the pvp or everything. Zippo and I are going to come on, on our wow days off. lol. Im probably going to suck so hardcore. Anyway glad to be back going to see how it goes... I guess any server could use an old schooler. Since I did come up with alot of ideas here. Anyway hey to all that know me!!! TTY Guys soon

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Posted by: imported_Slaquer
02-11-2008, 08:26 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Maybe some people would enjoy this,

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Posted by: imported_Nemesis
02-08-2008, 05:19 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Lets every one gather around and look forward to the way the new server will turn out... Think a new home completed allways something to do its gonna be great guys just keep in mind to have patience with our staff for we dont have alot of dev's and such to do the work so yes of course it will take time to get corrected..But it is funner playing a shard that has somethign to do allways sounds good ^^ and to keep the sphere portion alive is a wonderfull thing for uo '' So lets all post comments and ideas and who knows maybe your ideas you will knowtice being implimented on the next server opening ^^ Well guys gonna go just trying to get the message accross the shard closing to be worked on was a very needed and good measure you all will see once shard gets up and running again Smile

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Posted by: imported_Fast Fred
02-07-2008, 11:17 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

Saw a couple of these posted and figured I would condense it. Feel free to add yours onto the list as well!

Rabbi Samild
[email protected].

If you need to reach me for whatever reason it's very simple.
MSN - [email protected]

AIM: USSlaquerSR
MSN: [email protected] [I do not use this much]

Me (don't know who would want to....)
[email protected]

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Posted by: Ruggul
02-07-2008, 08:27 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

Ultima online is the best game when there a lot of player active.....

I quited INX because of that... this game is so boring when you kill the same person everytime....

TIme to be together and lets own another shard.....

A XUO guild can own anyone!

Pm me if you are interesed NEW PVP NEW PEOPLE a lot of fun.

Im gonna help everyone who was from XUO to 7x his caracter and teach pvp

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