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Posted by: imported_ShadarWar
02-06-2008, 06:52 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

While the shard is down everyone should go play Team fortress 2. If you wanna play msg me my msn is [email protected] My in game name is Shadarwar.

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Posted by: imported_SaKeN
02-06-2008, 04:38 PM
Forum: General
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I just wanted to say Thanks to all the IN:X staff, especially Taran and Maka, you guys did a great job and I apperciate it. To all the IN:X players, I had fun playing with you all, if the shard comes back I will be waiting, if not then I wish you all the best of luck Smile

Cya guys.


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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
02-06-2008, 09:55 AM
Forum: General
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Due to the untimely disconnection to the server, my computer freed me from it's grasp and I was actually able to get some homework done tonight Big Grin. If this trend keeps up I might get a 4.0 this semester.

What did everyone else do today instead of playing IN?

(I miss you, IN)



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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
02-06-2008, 06:22 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

Ok now. As i look through the forums, i see people that are taking it the way they should, respecting the Admins decisions and asking them regular questions any normal INX would think about.

I also see people flipping out and screaming for no reason whatsoever.. no one is paying the Admins to do this... it isn't a "job". They do this for us to have funn, so show some respect to them.

What We Need To Do :

We need to show our patience and show the Admins how much this shard means and will always mean to us. Both IN/XUO/ABC/FANTASIA... whatever shard you played.. if you played on INX, you are part IN / XUO player, your part of the family.

Since the admins have lost their will to script for us mainly because of our behavior... which is understandable because if you look through the posts in the past month, they all turn into flames about how terrible everyone here is and how staff are acting. I understand people are mad... your not the only one.. were all upset, im sure even Maka and Taran are upset... we need to deal with it, Rome wasn't built in 2 days uh?

Let's do this again, let's show our contribution and our will to try and get this thing going again. If anyone has anything to offer to the shard, let it be known, maybe that can help the Admins alittle... let's make this work.

And XUO and INR DO MIX! They are a PERFECT MIX! Look how great the shard was aside from the things we were missing, it was a great start to a Beta.. now when the REAL INX comes up.. IF it comes up, it will blow every other shard out of the water. Stivk around and show your support.. this yelling, screaming, flaming, whining, *****ing, cussing IS GETTING US NOWHERE. ALL it has gotten us is a closed shard that is MAYBE coming back up. NOWS THE TIME TO START REALIZING! Change your god damn attitudes and be positive!


Scarecrow [Prototype].

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
02-06-2008, 06:14 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

If you need to reach me for whatever reason it's very simple.

MSN - [email protected]


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Posted by: imported_Turmoil
02-06-2008, 02:39 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

hah taran is emo that explains woman like mood swings,, um ive been nothing but positive so far(not bringing shard down not calling people down all that shit) but now i know the real PROBLEM WITH SHARD, dosnt emo stand for something about emotions and that crap, taran feels sad shard suffers, taran feels happy shard is happy, taran gets angry taran does what taran wants cause taran is like woman and does irrational things based on feelings even if taran regrets 2 min later. lol i hope all attention deprived, cowardly, whining, ball less, emos out there slits there wrists lol actually thats the cowardly, attention grabbing way to do it, grow a pair an jump of a building, or grow a real big pair and try attempting life without the thought poor me emmbedded in your brain, dump the self pity the pride the ego and do the job you said you would regardless of how 13 yr old whiners make you feel

just remember the world doesnt give a shit about you, your problems, or your feelings, once you realise this youll be much happier cause youll stop depending on the rest of us for pity or approval or w/e the **** gets you hard. after this realization youll be better person

anyone that fakes any pity or general caring is full of shit and has there own agenda ahead of them wether it be making themselves feel good or actually getting something out of it, i mean think about it when was the last time you generally cared when someone told you some problem they were having or what they were feeling, lol unless of course what they were telling you negativily affected you

ya i know my spelling sux balls i used wrong words in some places oh well im lazy and i dont give a ****

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Posted by: imported_Slaquer
02-06-2008, 01:23 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

AIM: USSlaquerSR
MSN: [email protected] [I do not use this much]

For when forums go down, hopefully not for good, but it seems that way so there is my info.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
02-06-2008, 12:49 AM
Forum: General
- No Replies

If you need to contact me for any reason, [email protected].


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Posted by: imported_Smurtle
02-05-2008, 11:55 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

It's kind of ironic. The most users we had online was when the shard opened. The most I've seen online in a while is when it's being taken down.

Oh well. Time to hit the CS serves.

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Posted by: smoke
02-05-2008, 11:23 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

well lets see, lets make a vote guys.

who thinks that the shard should of stayed up since there were no gms and admins to help us anyways. we could at least enjoy our selves with what we have left

post your opinions and thoughts

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