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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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I was at the bar with hellhound tonight and thought up of this idea. What if the staff implement a second facet? The second facet would have some of the ideas that people want on the forums. Basically one facet would be more IN style, and the other would be more UOX style.
I know someone is going to post that that would spread out the people too much. I disagree, it might bring more people in because they would see that you could play old school, or new school AND be able to flip back and forth. This would obviously make the UOX players happy because they would get the "whiners" off of their side, and it would make the INers happy because they would have the type of pvp they prefer. This would allow some of the ideas and items unique to both shards to be implemented into the different facets. And it would also allow players to choose whether they want to fight UOX style, or IN style.
I'm going to be honest and say that i have never scripted for dual facets so I am not aware upon whether this would be difficult or not.
Two different worlds on one server, I think it would work.
Staff please, if you have any comments please post them or PM me. I would honestly like to know how you guys feel about this.
Players, honest opinions and as usual, please please please no flaming. If you do not disagree with the above, explain yourself. Just do not say "omfg u suck stfu". And as per usual, I'm not expecting the staff to change everything for me, I'm merely here to give suggestions that i think would help improve the server.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to leave keys on keyrings to new players. This is a prime example, and a real example at that.
I was near Minoc Mines, checking on miners just to see what they were up to. I saw ___ there, who I did not know his intent was to kill me. I let him kill me eventually, I didn't even fight him hardly.. Well, I lied there, I did shoot him and nearly kill him with just an Elven bow... Such a knob. But anyways. Eventually I let him kill me, I didn't even fight back, the items I had with me were almost broke, and the regs were a dime a dozen anyways. But I had then remembered I left all my keys off my keyring to my houses. So I panicked. Luckily, ____ was a shinny knob and opened a gate to my house, where their intent was to loot it dry. Now, I didn't care much at first, but then I remembered I had over 20k just in regs in a chest inside. Not including all my logs, scrolls, deco items, bandies, etc. So I hurried through the portal. Therer they were, just sitting there. I then took it upon myself to change the locks while they were playing pocket pool with themselves. They didn't know until they killed me and tried to open my front door ^_^
This is a prime example of why you should NEVER carry a house rune with you and NEVER leave your keys off the keyring.
Any of you peeps from Florida irl....
like stated below this shard calls itself a pvp shard. but the only thing used is magic for everything, and its not even true magery is only scrolls. using a weapon should be implimented to stop spells when causing damage. the way it is now it is nowhere near being real. tell me, if magic where real do u think u could cast a spell with a hally shoved up you ass or being hit with an arrow?
I would also like to hear peoples thoughts on if keeping a weapon in hand when casting is good. i believe that you should have 2 disarm to cast.
ok i believe this shard is going down the same path a past shard a gmed on did. afk macroing is going to crush the shard economy. everyone is gming everything fast and safe. soon no one is going to buy anything from anyone because there going to make it there self. People blue or red should be able to be attacked at anytime, i understand that guards in town need to be there and i agree but, they shouldnt be one hit kill. people should not be able to hide in ther houses afk macroing with no worry of death.
So apparently people aren't happy with many aspects of IN:X, and this has been treated as an overarching feeling towards the entire shard. The only suggestion i have is to remove general forums completely. I currently have 8 threads open from the general form that have all been posted in since the last 12 hours, and they're all about dissatisfaction or somebody leaving. If people feel that way, fine, but i honestly believe that part of the reason they do, is because they enjoy complaining.
I've heard of other communities doing this, and it sounds tempting. Maybe an example would help? Ideally IN:X should be looked at as a community, where everyone does what they can to further the success of the shard - this benefits everyone else, and it benefits their self because they have a more rich, developed (complete) place to play. This can be likened to a business situation, where employers and employees seek to further the success of the company, and in so doing fulfill their own desires. In a business situation, it isn't acceptable for everyone to make suggestions, repeat suggestions, and criticize others' suggestions without order. It is not an open forum (no pun intended) for everybody's ideas equally. People talk at scheduled meetings, for a limited amount of time, and are moderated by an administrator's evaluation of what is and what isn't valuable to the company.
Even if you were to look at IN:X as a customer/service provider relationship (though, we aren't paying for anything), no business in their right mind allows for everyone to suggest and criticize whenever and however they want. No company has the human resources to deal with that kind of feedback, nor would they want to, because only so much criticism is constructive. Ultimately, even though some people are thoroughly unhappy with the little moderation that has been going on, that's what's been happening.
Furthermore, the staff already know what needs to be fixed. Everything that has been suggested has been suggested and heard 10 times over. Any more discussion about the same stuff exhausts and discourages the staff, and exhausts the players because they feel their requests (which are too often complaints) aren't being received. Players bash other players for whining, or for expressing their idea in a way another player doesn't like, then they get bashed back.
What has been useful to the development of the shard has been well stated suggestions and ideas. Maybe those could continue to be posted under the appropriate forum heading, under strict moderation.
What is there to lose? Questions can be asked, and answered. People can make a community and chat around things other than developmental decisions and progress in the off topic section. Suggestions can be made. Guilds can communicate. Announcements will be made and responded to. Role players can do their thing. Traders can trade, etc.
Sorry if i got long-winded. I wanted to make it easy to read. It's an out there idea, but i would be interested to know what other players, and even what other staff think.
What is the point of this form. every time an idea comes up(if i agree with or not) and has good backing and everyone but a single person agrees with that idea a gm puts there foot down and tells everyone nothing is going to change.
Player base keep dropping..
Loot is still unbalanced..
We're still in beta..
Nothing new has been introduced..
Skill gains still need some adjustement..
Economy still ****ed up ..
I'm about to leave too.. seriously.
I've been macroing since the server started I played just a couple of hours and I'm full of vanquish weps, ingots, elven bow, 3/6 invul platemail set, a castle...
I've made a couple of bugfixes for Taran.. He knows I can fix any kind of bugs.. I've also coded an anti-anti-afk to show to Makaveli his anti-afk need some tweak..
I'm able to make the shard better by fixing alot of bugs and I'm not the kind of guys who will get pissed off after 1 month..
We can easily reach 300 players online again but THE SHARD NEEDS MORE STAFF AND DEVELOPER otherwise I give it 3 months again before the player base drops to 50 players.
Seriously, if nothing change in the next week.. I'm leaving before years 2008 and giving all my stuff at brit bank.
The irc channel has been close to empty lately. Where did everyone go??
Join our channel its getting boring talking to myself.
It was fun for the first 2 days i guess, but i dont see why i should still play.
That goes for uo alltogether as a players, thing is currently im prolly going to take a seat at a stafftable of a rl friends shard again.
But thats not all, as i said before this shard was 'decent, there are alot of people and thats really nice.
But all im doing here was raising tailoring till now and thats just wasting my rl time, i dont even want to go on with my mining and blacksmithy after all that. When i think about what im doing it for... it isnt fun and it wont be fun. Some of my friends keep fighting over bullshit and pixels and i dont want to go down that road again.
Also, this shard being in beta and all and still making you waste a month to just compete is counterproductive.
So i quit, i already patched my client making me unable to play the way i want to. (ruins my targets, gives me weird graphical lag and unstucks the option/paperdoll/help bla bla bar everytime i click it flipping it into the middle of my screen.) But i need that not to crash on our own shard so that also counts up to leaving.
Lastly i want to say some things to some ppl.
Smoke: i forget names, so i had no idea it was a guy (you) i had in my nokos (not killing on sight) list, so sorry for killing and resskilling you, and no that doesnt mean im good cause i am balls in pre pvp.
I guess it was just a combination of guts, experience and luck. Not skill.
Kitehimuro: thanks for joining in my rp topic, i havent had much pushing me to write again, actually i used to write a book but i just cant sit down and keep with it for longer than a day or so, and the next time i sit down my previous inspiration is gone, but waiting for your adds made it fun.
shame we couldnt meet ingame :p so bye.
All ppl who were coo to me in minoc mines: making mining a bit less boring, thanks to you all aswell.
All ppl who had to kill and resskill me for no apparent reason or when i was macroing: in the end i own you all aos puremage 4/5 or 4/6 anyway ^^
so no hard feelings, its just a product of extreme emo-ness i understand :')
To Hate: sorry mate.
p.s. my real face:
remember meh ;(