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Dual Facet what if? - Printable Version

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Dual Facet what if? - imported_Dotjr - 12-16-2007

I was at the bar with hellhound tonight and thought up of this idea. What if the staff implement a second facet? The second facet would have some of the ideas that people want on the forums. Basically one facet would be more IN style, and the other would be more UOX style.

I know someone is going to post that that would spread out the people too much. I disagree, it might bring more people in because they would see that you could play old school, or new school AND be able to flip back and forth. This would obviously make the UOX players happy because they would get the "whiners" off of their side, and it would make the INers happy because they would have the type of pvp they prefer. This would allow some of the ideas and items unique to both shards to be implemented into the different facets. And it would also allow players to choose whether they want to fight UOX style, or IN style.

I'm going to be honest and say that i have never scripted for dual facets so I am not aware upon whether this would be difficult or not.

Two different worlds on one server, I think it would work.

Staff please, if you have any comments please post them or PM me. I would honestly like to know how you guys feel about this.

Players, honest opinions and as usual, please please please no flaming. If you do not disagree with the above, explain yourself. Just do not say "omfg u suck stfu". And as per usual, I'm not expecting the staff to change everything for me, I'm merely here to give suggestions that i think would help improve the server.

Dual Facet what if? - imported_Jimmar - 12-16-2007

I fully agree/concur with the presented idea!


Dual Facet what if? - imported_Kreole Ragehead - 12-16-2007

I suggested something like this to Maka a few weeks ago and he said that they had a poll about this months back and none wanted it. I basically wanted it to be lik on IN1 when there were 1 rp world you always had to rp in and apply to get to and one "pvp" world. Maybe it would be a good time for a new poll about this since we seem to want to be segregated.

As for scripting it i really think it would be a pretty timeconsuming and complex thing to script 2 different combat systems working properly side by side, But to have a 2 facet world with all the same attributes except for roleplaying would be easy afaik.

As you say that it might not even make the world more lonely because i remember on IN1 we always went back to the "pvp" world a few times every day to have our guild wars there. Cant remember if there were anymore differences but maybe someone else has a better memory then i do?

Dual Facet what if? - imported_Dotjr - 12-16-2007

Well i don't nessecesarily want a RP side. Not all scripts would have to be redone. Scripts saying spells fizzle would be modified, some weapon damages would be ajusted etc. Just the little things for now, then bigger things could be changed as staff find time to do so.

As per the world spawnning, i would be more then happy to donate my time to help spawn the world.

As per the poll comment, I'll wait to see how popular this thread is, if it is, I'll send private PM's to the appropriate staff to get their opinions.

Another idea is that those items that old INers are used to, but UOXer hate, could be scripted to be facet dependent.

I think this could be exactly what this shard needs.

Dual Facet what if? - Rioht - 12-19-2007

I played another shard that had this same concept. It was actually a kind of cool one. It was a full Rp community, but they took it to the next step. They set up an entire system and a completely different landscape. But essentially everyone started off with nothing. No towns, no guilds no vendors. All trading was done between players and in order to build houses you needed logs stones etc. the idea was to create a fully working community and impliment more player on player interaction. Anyways the idea was great but in the end the facet split up the server and it pretty much died off save a select few (the admins characters) who stayed. Server pretty much went to bout 3-4 ppl playing down to 300-400 total. So i personally wouldnt recommend trying a dual facet, but thats just from what ive seen.

Dual Facet what if? - imported_Dotjr - 12-20-2007

Rioht Wrote:I played another shard that had this same concept. It was actually a kind of cool one. It was a full Rp community, but they took it to the next step. They set up an entire system and a completely different landscape. But essentially everyone started off with nothing. No towns, no guilds no vendors. All trading was done between players and in order to build houses you needed logs stones etc. the idea was to create a fully working community and impliment more player on player interaction. Anyways the idea was great but in the end the facet split up the server and it pretty much died off save a select few (the admins characters) who stayed. Server pretty much went to bout 3-4 ppl playing down to 300-400 total. So i personally wouldnt recommend trying a dual facet, but thats just from what ive seen.

The way I see is like this. Many players here are not happy with how the PvP is. Since so many of us play for the PvP it's tough for those to stay here. Therefore there is two choices, make a dual facet to keep players on the server, or allow the player base to decrease as we get out of beta to other shards.

Dual Facet what if? - Pe Ell - 12-20-2007

Quote:Why merge?
XUO and IN has been around for about 6 years as separate communities, might seem a little strange to merge now, but we are doing it! The old Sphere .51 community is dieing out. People have lost trust in Sphere cause of the instability, and frankly, you are very limited with such an old emulator. I (maka) have been running my sphere replica for about half a year now and I’ve managed to create a very stable and good PvP shard that resembles sphere to about 90%. IN have recently done the same thing but the community was not pleased with the results. The idea now is to merge INs devoted and active player base with the knowledge and result of XUO. XUO is solely a PvP server, not much to do on it besides competing. IN is a more environment based server, where the thing is more about the feel, but with flawing PvP. Merging these two servers will give you a server with decorated and interesting dungeons, accurate Sphere PvP, larger community, new features and that sphere feeling you’ve been missing. Imagine Nation:Xtreme will be the perfect hybrid between PvP, RP and PvE. Here is an outline of the IN:X features.

That's straight from the old front page. While I agree that we need a fix to IN:X's abomination of PvP, they'll probably fight a dual facet till the end simply because IN:X was supposed to be "the perfect hybrid" solution.

While it may still be in development (I certainly hope it is), an improvement on the current PvP system should certainly take precedence. I'm of the opinion that it's currently BROKEN.:eek: