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What's happening...

Player base keep dropping..
Loot is still unbalanced..
We're still in beta..
Nothing new has been introduced..
Skill gains still need some adjustement..
Economy still ****ed up ..

I'm about to leave too.. seriously.

I've been macroing since the server started I played just a couple of hours and I'm full of vanquish weps, ingots, elven bow, 3/6 invul platemail set, a castle...

I've made a couple of bugfixes for Taran.. He knows I can fix any kind of bugs.. I've also coded an anti-anti-afk to show to Makaveli his anti-afk need some tweak..

I'm able to make the shard better by fixing alot of bugs and I'm not the kind of guys who will get pissed off after 1 month..

We can easily reach 300 players online again but THE SHARD NEEDS MORE STAFF AND DEVELOPER otherwise I give it 3 months again before the player base drops to 50 players.

Seriously, if nothing change in the next week.. I'm leaving before years 2008 and giving all my stuff at brit bank.

The shard is good, but true, we need much more developers, otherwise we will stay in beta forever and never get craftable weapons and other cool items. and working runebooks. :evil:

Yes but it's not easy to hire devs. We HAVE to trust that person, since he will need all our custom scripts to fix just one bug. We can't just give anyone access to our scripts.

Quote: Seriously, if nothing change in the next week.. I'm leaving before years 2008 and giving all my stuff at brit bank.

I'm sorry, but is that a threat? That doesn't exactly help me gain trust in you, if you want to help us out by developing.

Taran I se where you come from and it seem like a threat but at the same time he would be much appreciated whilst he seem to have some good skills in scripting.

May i suggest you put him on a trail for as long as it takes for you or the other admins to gain trust in him and meanehile give him asignments to script. For him to make custom craftable swords for example he wont need anything of the Inx scripts.

Tricky situation indeed but it´d take a load off your shoulders aswell i can imgaine taran...

I've already given him a few bugs to fix and he fixed some of them. It doesn't really take load off my shoulders though, pretty much the other way around since I have to give him the scripts and then doublecheck so they work.

Give him a chance, he seems like he wants to help.
All help is good, and we will have carftable weapons. Big Grin

You need to dispatch staff and players to start working on different parts of the server.. considering these things need some serious attention paid..

PvP/Skill gain. Thats one of the most fast effective way of smoothing things over..

Happy New Years!

FH coming soon. Big Grin

Taran, nope it's not a threat, I just wanted to let people know that I'm a bit bored of playing but I wish to make this shard better !

Just give him the scripts if he can fix it. I mean seriously who is going to steal this sever. Its different because everyone loved IN1 and everyone wanted to relive it, but INX was an attempt to remake it. Its like someone stealing INR scripts and making a sever, whos going to play on it. Also this is an exact repeat of INR. The shard opened in beta and never left. Development stopped after a month and everyone got bored of waiting.

This is nothing like IN:R Duke

For starters, we're a much, much better Sphere replica than IN:R. Furthermore, developing has not stopped, haven't you read the changelogs? I'm going to post a changelog again soon. It's just going a bit slower at the moment since I'm the only one scripting.

i have been reading and analyzing the forums a bit today, and the problem here is this.

INR: had a perfect world, the best events. it was a place where both RPers and PVPers could play, BUT the thing that ruined INR was all the bugs in PVP and the slow and hard skillgain, (in some peoples opinion). So what we needed was a more advanced pvp and twaked skillgain.

XUO on the other hand, didnt have any problems with their shard, it was a shard for extreme PvPers who liked things to go very fast, things as money gathering, skills and so on. so most of them were satisfied and they were there to have fun and become the best pvper.(to this day i havent met anyone from xuo who RPed or played as a crafter only)

so merging these two shard will of course cause some problems, and that is, INR people dont want things like pits and .wop spamming, becouse it would ruin so much for some of their players. and XUO people dont want slow money gathering, slow skillgain and a rp world which doesnt allow them to move around fast and find eachother easily.

so what we did wrong was, to say, we will use INR world and Xuo pvp.
what we should have done is to meet somewhere in the middle.

HALF the inr world and HALF the xuo world, and also HALF the inr pvp and HALF the xuo pvp, and so on, mixing it all togeather..
I think that way most people would accept things and there wouldnt be any "you got your rp world so we keep our pvp"

this was the only solution i could come up with after reading the forums today.. becouse as it is right now. people will never stop complaining.

all i want, is my old INR friends back, they all quit one by one. and if meeting in the middle the way that i described would make them interested in INX again, then thats what i think we should do.


besides that, i have read the changelogs and you guys are doing a great job, i think no one can complain about that, the problem here started before we merged, as i described in my previous post.


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