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Posted by: Atreides
12-18-2007, 06:28 AM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- No Replies

Hello to my fellow Vikings and good friends in this land.

I have been away for a long time on some personal matters that were of the utmost importance. I heard rumours of some of my people making it to a neighbouring province of my homeland and had to investigate them.

*Pauses for a moment and thinks of an old friend named Gurney Halleck. "Ahhh, there was a singing man! He could be killing you while he sang and never miss a note." After another moment of silence Atreides continues...*

It was a long trip that has left me weary and in need of a good nights sleep.

Maybe tomorrow I will resume my role with the Vikings and help them rebuild their once great strength that I have long heard tales of in my land.

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Posted by: imported_Deadwrong
12-18-2007, 04:21 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

When does Maka get back?

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Posted by: imported_Atrum_Dius
12-18-2007, 04:05 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Ya i logged in today for the first time and was ready to transfer my char and it says its been disabled? anyone know why?

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Posted by: imported_Deadwrong
12-18-2007, 02:32 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

I mean damn Ive been at 95.5 healing for 4 hours of macroing. This is getting ridiculous. Admins, GMs increase rate of skill gain for pvp related skills!!!!Keep crafting and harvesting skills low hell make them even slower. I still have to do weapons skills, some alch and inscript. I know a lot of pvpers feel this way and want to be active rather than macroing.

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Posted by: imported_Aucifer
12-18-2007, 01:43 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (13)

Just a thought but it would be nice it there was a named/newbied item you get for gm all 4bard skills. Considering mining gets one and thats one skill vs 4.

any thoughts?

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Posted by: sleeve
12-17-2007, 09:05 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (9)

I suggest to enter new items:
1.Some armor Leather
-Full Demon Armor (effects)- anti paralize efects
-Full Black Dragon (effects) - anti flame strike
-Full Red Dragon (effects) - anti lightnig, anti magik arow, anti harm
-Full Titan (effects) - anti Poison
and some well like this, some anather names and effects.
2.Need some new items like, some ring, amulets,sashs and items with + skills.
Mana sash or ring - regeneration mana
Stamina sash or ring - reag. stama
HP sash ior ring - reagent. hp
Sash of all - reagetn hp,stamina,mana.
Amulets of reagen too, or +skills some items and like this some think.
And i thing pvp will be good! with this items and armor.
Edit/Delete MessageSmile

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Posted by: imported_Gwynn
12-17-2007, 11:18 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

Title made you come in to check and flame, did it? Good, then it worked Tongue
Now go vote! We're falling behind!
Vote vote vote!Big Grin

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Posted by: imported_Deadwrong
12-17-2007, 03:00 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (4)

I played ***** opiate, alphanine,corefailure,alias, xuo and so forth....From what I remember if you meditated in war mode it would say you are preoccupied with battle and wouldnt medi the first time, but everytime after that it would still say you are preoccupied with battle but then you could meditate...DOes anyone else remeber it this way?

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Posted by: imported_kitehimuro
12-16-2007, 06:49 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (4)

I know. Part of PVP, never going to be changed, this thread is either going to be flamed or ignored. BUT, honestly, spamming looks ugly, annoying, regardless of the gameplay bonuses it gives to PvP. That I don't really care about since I don't PvP.
Anyways, on to the solution. Part one, remove power words alltogether. I know, this will create "silent ganking" situation, so let's move on to part two. Add a message *You see XY casting a spell* every time a power word would be displayed. That way you can have the sneaky spellcasting part of the XUO PvP.

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Posted by: imported_Nalo
12-16-2007, 02:00 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

My opinions on the server have changed (not trying to say my opinions are the ones that mattered, etc etc, just giving new insights after having more experience and time to experience new things):

I'm starting to think that the economy is generally not as shaky as I thought it was before. I think the income is fine with hunting, if you have provocation/peacemaking hehe... Although, I do still stand strong on one simple aspect of it that may still need to be considered: "More Crap!"
(Here's a reference to my post JIC [just in case])

I basically made the point that crap brings circulation of money and it brings lack of boredom. Two big things things you need to keep a server alive are: Things to do that don't end (like collecting baseball cards, for ex), and things to expand on (new creative, original things to do).
Now, people don't necessarily need new things even, as long as what they are occupied with is never ended and fun, like PvP/RP. But what more crap does is bring in new things and new interests, that generally are never-ending like PvP, and they usually don't require much effort to obtain, unless you are the one selling of course.
So I stick to this logic, more crap = less boredom and the use of all the money you end up with after a year or two on a shard, but I've changed a lot of my opinions on the actual current economic "situation" the shard is in. Actually, the "fixes" for the economy I suggested, I still stick to because I still feel they are still decent ideas in general. Anyway:

Many people feel that there is too much income, lots think that there is too little. I think that the majority of the people that think it is too low simply think so because they aren't putting much effort or research into actually finding out if it is, and just want things handed to them (though I'm not saying all are, I'm saying that it may probably be a good portion of these people. I think the people that think it is too high may be the observers of the people that are working their asses off to get resources/gold and have more than most people.

Soo I have to say this:

While using provocation/peacemaking and not much else (if anything else more than a bow), I can hunt dragons for about 30 minutes to an hour and acquire roughly 15-20k (after selling jewels and everything). Ok so I hunt about twice a day (2 sessions of 30 minutes to an hour) and get about 25-30k (I spend on regs and things as I go), and I skip a few days of hunting every now and then (I only end up hunting maybe 2-3 times a week). So I make about 75k a week on the surface.
Well, underneath, I spend like 10k a night on regs to macro...So right now I'm basically making nothing, keeping myself steady (If I want to get anywhere with skills anytime soon). SO this means it will take a while to start getting enough money to just PvP whenever and go buy things I need for whatever reasons (rides, pots, scrolls, arrows/bolts, armor, weps, bottles, regs, bandages, ETC), therefore, PvP is at a huge low for me because I'm trying to get skills so I can craft my own resources instead of having to buy too much from others. And this is the case with a quite a portion of people from the server.
And therefore, this causes some major so-called "problems" with the server:

-People start to think that the player base is inactive simply because they are trying to focus on skill gain for a few more weeks.

-People think that the economy is major-fckd simply because a lot of people are spending on vendors (mostly regs), or they are not trying to get money because they don't need it yet for the skills they are training (which is how I was when I was training prov/peacing; I didn't need it).

So basically, like i've said 3 times today (this morning), in 2 or 3 other posts, chill the hell out! The server is OH-KAY...
. At most, it needs some minor tweaks every now and then when it is realized that something is a little off (Soon, we'll need more crap, like more stang spawns and custom weps Smile). But for now, people are just trying to get started...So like I said, try to chill out and stop taking things from the surface and going "OMFG it's all snow!" when there's plenty of solid ground underneath...

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