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There are several commands in razor that are very useful
I will discuss with you: Buy, Sell, Organizer, and Scavenger
The buy command is very helpful, as it allows you to buy everything you need, without having to click on each item
[SIZE="3"]To use the buy command[/SIZE]
Go into the Agents tab in razor
Click on the menu, and scroll down to Buy
You will see similar commands to the restock
Infact, it works in a similar way
I will teach you a magic buying macro
Click add target
and select each reg
Once you have all 8 regs in the target
Click *Push to enable*
Carrying regs on your person is useful
But carrying to much is also hazardous
I suggest setting each amount to "50"
This way you have enough to hunt for a substantial amount of time
Without losing a lot of money incase you die
The total cost of those regs will be around 1600
All you have to do, is walk up to a magic vendor, and say "buy"
It will automatically purchase all your goods for you
If you still wish to continue buying
You can say BUY after the command has fulfilled its function properly
This will then bring up the buy gump only if the buy command has finished
When using the buy command
You will notice that it places the items in your pack all over the place
This tends to get annoying
As most people like organization for faster production
[SIZE="3"]To use the Organizer[/SIZE]
The organizer is very helpful, as it places certain items in a certain bag that you specify
To do this
Go to the Agents tab in razor
Click the menu
and look for organizer 1
Again, the commands look similar
Click on add target
and target each item you want to add to a specific bag
Click set hot bag
and choose the bag you wish the items to go to
If you do not want it to go into a bag
Click your character
and it will randomly place them into your bag
I suggest buying a bag for regs and setting the hotbag for it
In order to use the organizer correctly, and efficiently
You need to set a hotkey
Go to the Hotkeys tab in razor
Then find "Agents"
Click on the drop menu for agents
Then scroll until you find organizer 1
Do not click on organizer 1 set hotbag
After you have found Organizer 1
Look to the right and you will see a space called "key"
Click inside the input box and enter whichever key is most comfortable for your production
Pass to UO
and hit SET
Note: F set keys are very helpful, but you only have so many. The control and Alt keys are helpful in making even more commands, such as Clicking Ctrl and hitting the number 1 Brings up a new character called D1
This works aswell with alt
So instead of having to use the main part of your keyboard
you can have F1-12 (12keys) Ctrl 1-0 (10 Keys) and Alt 1-0 (10 keys)
That gives you a total of 32 hotkeys for your production, without wasting your main keyboard
Note: you will have to hold down the ctrl and alt keys while pressing the number specified in order to use that hotkey
Now that you know how to use organizer, you can now learn how to use the sell command
The sell command, like buy, has similar features. Except it can be used with Crafting skills
Crafting dagger after dagger can be ruthless on the fingers
When trying to sell them
It becomes even worst
[SIZE="3"]To use the sell command[/SIZE]
Go to the Agents tab in Razor
Click on the menu
Scroll until you find Sell
Now, one thing to keep in mind
There is only 1 sell command
Click on add target
and add what items you wish to be sold
That is one way to execute the sell function
This is mainly used if you have numerous items that you come across regularly
Now, the other way to perform this function, is to set a hot bag
Setting the hotbag allows you to sell everything inside that bag
but be careful to not place any items you want to keep inside that bag
you will notice a command called Max Sell
This tells the sell command how much it can sell as a max in gold
I suggest setting this value to 99999
This way, the sell command executes one time, and not anymore than that
Click push to enable
Scavenger is a very helpful tool
[SIZE="3"]To use Scavenger
Go to the Agents tab in Razor
Click on the menu
and look for Scavenger
You will again see similar commands
This is useful for items that are dropped on the ground
Such as arrows
Common items
Click on add target
and select an arrow
do the same for a bolt
It can be used with many other items such as cotton
It wont pick the cotton
but it will pick it up after you pick the cotton off the plant
After you have added these targets
Click on Set Hotbag
Then select your character in the middle of the screen
This tells the command to send all items picked up, to send them into your direct bag
After you have finished that
Click "Push to Enable"
Note: there are a few issues with Scavenger
When fighting a monster with a bow, it will not allow you to open the corpse until it has finished picking up your arrows/bolts. OR unless you are directly within 2-3 tiles of the monster you just slayed
[SIZE="3"]Extra Commands[/SIZE]
Now, in order to auto open corpses within 2-3 tiles, go to the options tab in Razor
look to the right
and find the check box for "Open new corpses within ___ tiles"
Set the value to 6
After you have done this, look up two check boxes, and check the box for "Block Dismount in War Mode"
Make sure you check the boxes Filter repeating system messages, filter snooping messages, show names of incoming people/creatures, show names of new/incoming corpses/ negotiate features with the server
Some more hand features can be found in the General tab
To the left
You will see several check boxes in a scroll window
These are several filter options
You can choose to filter out certain sounds such as:
There is also a Light Level option in there aswell
When you check this box, you will never need to cast nightsight again
It automatically takes out darkness
and sets the screen to its brightest level
do not check the box for staff only items, and reward gumps
Another helpful area, is the More Options tab
Look for "Use Smart Target" , Range check Last Target" "12" "Show Target Flag on Single Click" Show Health Above people/creatures" "Show mana/stam above party members" make sure those are all checked and make sure Razor messages = none
Another helpful feature is Arm/Dress
This is useful incase you use both Melee and ranged, or if you like cutting corpses for scales, hides, etc.
In order to use this feature
Go to the Arm/Dress tab in Razor
You will see several commands you should be familiar with by now
Click on the add button to the lower left
Enter a name for the arm/dress command
After you have finished, highlight the name in the Arm/Dress Selection window
Then go to Add Target
Click add target, and add the weaponry/armor you wish to have in this command
An easier way to do this
is to use the Add Current command
But if you wish to get specific
Use the add target command
After you have finished setting this up, go to hotkeys in razor
look for the dress drop menu
click on it, and find the name of your macro
Place whichever key you wish to use with it, in the Key box
Then pass to UO
and hit SET
This concludes my tutorial for today
If you have any questions
Please feel free to ask
I just got back form Juvi and I went on the Oct 15 and I got back like a week ago and finnally the shard is up its pretty crazy. Wow do I still get to have my old old account from IN:R or do I have to have a new one? Wow this is pretty crazy hows the shard going so far? I dont know if anyone remembers me but I use to play the very old IN1 and I was Morbid on that one but on INR I was Shar or Valo. Also should I update my UO fully before playing?
We have business to attend to
That's it, i'm not playing anymore, I hope you all enjoy playing the last days of Ultima Online, something i couldn't. Goodbye, and merry christmas to all!
Perhaps make the gump a bit longer? Hard to write a long message when I only can see the first 4-5 words.
I tend to forget what i write all the time :o
I do somthimes take my time to take pictures of some of the events thats hosted i desided to uppload a few here, feel free to add in your own pictures from inx.
sorry for not scaling them.
i will host a monster bash this afternoon so dont miss it!!! very nice items and lots of fun!!! tell everyone about it!!
it will be a non-pvp event in our special Monster Bash arena.
i cant give much detals about the mob but all i can say it has nice loot....... oh and he is evil x)
EVENT WILL BE AT 6:00:0 PM server time , TYPE "what time is it" in game to check the current time
hope to see you there
Hey all! Some of you will remember me from the FH days.
Its me DIRE! im trying to play but im at Pe's house on his lan with 1 ip so i cant yet.
so im just saying hello to all the old timers.
Ayyee, hello y'ou all!
This shard rocks! Just wanted to tell you that before I get banned
What happend to thouse Occlo invasions with rare monsters who dropped phat loot, this is the kind of shit that increase the pvp a bit,20-30 ppl trying to kill 4-5 imba monsters while everyone ganking eachother, then when monsters dead theres the looting! and more gnaking yeye!