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Posted by: imported_Nemo
12-22-2007, 12:51 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (23)

People are saying why was xuo shut down?
20 people playerbase....

Why do most (MOST) people that imported chars from xuo come here?
for the pvp

Whats the total playerbase, originally?
200+ Around 250

What is it now?

Whats the active pvp playerbase here?(didnt say good pvpers Tongue)
Lets see...
Arturo Pendrago
Preacor loth
[Not even hatefull target players pvp anymore]

Theres barely any roleplay going on other than Galens and a few others

What the hell is going on....! We have less players actively Pking and pvping than we did in a 20 person shard that shut down :/

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Posted by: imported_Taran
12-21-2007, 09:01 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

There's currently a bug that will allow players to gain a skill without the use of resources.

Until this has get fixed, I just want to warn you that if we catch you doing it we WILL set your skill to 0 and jail you for 7 days.
If we catch you again you will get banned permanently.

It is very easy for us to catch the players abusing this, so this is your first and only warning.

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Posted by: Goliath
12-21-2007, 02:07 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (25)

Hey guys.

Just a quick introduction from me! I'm Goliath/Jay an old player like DotJr from Flinthills played about 5 years ago, but Jonny Ace (another old FHs player) asked me to join in

So i was wondering who played FHs? I've seen a few old names, anyone I don't know/ain't seen?


FH1 - Goliath
Revelstone - Goliath (I think)
FH2 - Voratu & GM Lord

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Posted by: imported_Nalo
12-21-2007, 10:35 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

Just thought I'd make a post that wasn't flaming or *****ing SmileSmile

What's everyone else doing for Christmas or the holidays, if you celebrate?

I'm gunna be sleeping like a mofo and enjoying my 14 days break from my senior year in high school, you?


Realized this wasn't UO related, SO do you all plan to macro more and PvP more. And you, the staff - do you plan on hosting more cool events?

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Posted by: imported_Jsot
12-21-2007, 01:54 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

.importcharacter rejected my awesomeness


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Posted by: imported_LoonDawg
12-21-2007, 12:56 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

What are these? I was on the blue team that won the wrestling tourney, and Im not sure what this is good for.
Also, what is the other prize? the statue thing that says its 5 items?

let me know.


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Posted by: imported_SaKeN
12-21-2007, 12:46 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

Im new to Injection and im trying to figure out how to set last target with fs scroll I got the targ to pop up when I push the hotkey but cant seem to figure out howto set to lasttarg?!?! any help is apperciated , thanx Smile

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Posted by: Kev
12-20-2007, 11:41 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (20)

Maybe I should have put this topic in the Suggestion fourm, but not many ppl read them, so I decided to put it here. I think the skill gain here is way to slow, at some point, it's slower than OSI. I magic arrowed myself all nite with 5k SA, I gained 2 points on magery, and 0 point on magic resist, how is a new player going to survive on this shard?, I know a lot ppl is probly gonna say if u dont like it then leave. but thats not my point. I think u guys should defintely speed things up a lot, I hate seeing a shard with 100+ players online and 90% of them are marcoing. maybe the dev can look into that

just my 2 cents Cool

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Posted by: smoke
12-20-2007, 09:29 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (44)

well as you can see there are only really 3-4 gms that are active such as odium tiesto hate and muto

i would like to know why these players are gms if they are inactive for the longest time? Viz Tiesto Azreal Nasir Coldrake

no offence to them they do a good job but they have not been active for a while now, dont you think you guys should hire more players to awsner pages etc?

i put tiesto's name there because he has been harrasing me and mistreating me from other players i have proof of this and many players who have seen him do this if i can send the proof to somone who can actually do something about that would be great.

for coldrake i put his name there becuase he does not even have uo on his computer.. and he has not been on the shard since day one.

for viz, i heard hes in jail? like wtf why is he a gm if he is in jail lol? i think that kind of shows what kind of person he is also by breaking the law he might cheat in the game?

for azerial and nasir i have nothing bad to say about you you guys handle the rp stuff good and nasir you do a good job scripting but i heard your pc is broken or something and i dont know where azerial went so thats basically two more inactive gms :S

please dont flame me for this i do not want to be a gm i just want to actually see the shard make some progress because when the shard first went live it had 280 players and now its down to 150 which is a huge decrease, and things need to start getting better

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Posted by: imported_Jimmar
12-20-2007, 08:38 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (4)

If you wished to be more the warrior/tank.. statcap being 300 of course.. 150/100/50 or more the mage 90/70/140 might add some spice to pvp and utilize weapons a bit more..not to say you didnt have to change your stats if you dont wish to..

For those that did.. your open to it..thoughts?

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