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Posted by: imported_Viz
12-23-2007, 04:24 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (29)

smoke Wrote:for viz, i heard hes in jail? like wtf why is he a gm if he is in jail lol? i think that kind of shows what kind of person he is also by breaking the law he might cheat in the game?

Sorick Wrote:And who cares about viz breaking the law? Im pretty sure a lot of people break to law, like smoking weed or carrying drugs... Please leave the real life out of the game kinda because you got no reason to start getting into their personal life i think.

Just so this clears this one up right away.. And because all the players are so interested in my personal life. I work as a New York State Correctional Officer full time. I am in jail but im on the other side of the bars.. I also was a part time police officer on the side.. I recently quit the PD because I transfured to another jail that is about 3 hours away from where I live. Wich in turn means I have to move.. I currently got a house. But can not move in until jan 5th.. I have 2 kids that do not live with me and im currently going to start a custody battle to get full custody of them because my ex is with a ex convict and things are not going very well and both of my kids want to live with me..

I am currently staying at a relitives house that is about a hour and a half from where I work.. (Long drive every day) I need the money so I work alot of overtime wich means 17 hour days... and on those days I sleep on a hard wood floor in a empty house that I will be moving in to.

Just so everyone know's and is so interested in my personal life things can be ALOT worse off then a gm not answering your page. Or a gm not being on when you want your spell book dyed.. I did 3 years in the military and was one of the first military personel that steped foot over the berm in Iraq in 2002. I have seen alot of people get killed.. I have seen alot of my friends get killed.. As a police officer I have seen kids lose there parents in drunken car accedents.. I have seen kids get killed from other drunk drivers killing them..

As for christmas. I have to work on christmas day from 3pm till 11pm and because I don't want to be a burdon at my relitives house Im going to be spending it alone in a house that has no tv or anything for that matter.. just power and heat by myself.. My wife will be spending it alone 3 1/2 hours away also because she is from british columbia canada and she doesn't have any family here.. and my kids will be spending christmas with there mother and her ex convict boyfriend..

As far as gming.. I used to enjoy it. on INR I held alot of events and it was my get away from the real life.. As for now.. I am really starting to get pissed off every time I log on because of all the *****ing and complaining.. Every one here needs a reality check. If your damn name on your spell book doesn't get changed and that is the worst thing that happends to you all day... I would say that is a pretty damn good day. But no.. more then likely you will start a post complaining that staff does nothing and the shard sux and the gm's are inactive or there is a gm that is in jail.. COME ON... Get the **** over yourself..

I rambled enough.. I won't have access again to a comp until after christmas some time..

So flame me all you want becauese I won't be reading it.. I have to report back to "JAIL" in a couple of hours..

As far as any other personal questions you might want to know about me you maybe might want to ASK first before you start putting it out there that somone is in jail and that shows what kinda guy I am..

And speaking of that SMOKE. If your ever in or near NY I would like to take you out to lunch or somthing because I would really like to have a talk with you.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
12-23-2007, 11:04 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

I need to take a break from UO or I will burn out (I almost have already). Since Christmas and New Years are coming up I thought it would be a good time now.

I will still check in from time to time so the shard hasn't crashed, but I won't be answering PM's or e-mails or do any changes to the shard.

I will probably be back in the beginning of January and then I can tackle the major issues on this shard and do some important changes and bugfixes. Maka will be back and Nasir says he will have his computer built. So I'm positive 2008 will be a great year for us Smile

We know we are having some issues with the shard right now, but complaining over and over about the same stuff won't help, we already know what's wrong. But it helps a lot if you write a constructive post explaining what we could do to fix stuff, not just "this sucks".

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you next year.:3some:

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Posted by: imported_Slaquer
12-23-2007, 03:01 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

I haven't been playing much in the past month or so but I been reading forums every so often regarding new things, but I never see any thing new, just complaints about the shard. With so many threads being purely complaints and/or flames maybe we should change a few things like on a trial basis? Maybe 1 or 2 weeks with the changes just to see how things go and if people like it. We could vote on the changes to be made or something.

I really think PVP should be easier to get into, I mean this game is old and people are getting tired of the repetition, maybe make the PVP skills pretty easy to get [it is going to happen anyway, whats the difference if you GM Swords in 6 hours rather then 16 or so?]. Maybe a bit easier to get gold and resources, etc.

I don't really know *what* needs to be changed but something definately needs to be changed from the drop in playerbase, morale, interest, etc.

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Posted by: imported_Lunatic
12-22-2007, 04:52 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (1)

Deep in the depths of hell two daemons walk along discussing new plans that are being made as the new era takes place in this world, "Soh are to head to the surface as Lord Tabion requested soh to aid soh be'ni to exterminate the lods." said the elder daemon, "Very well, jI will head to the surface as soon as possible. D'Leh master." replied Xico as he rushes toward the surface.

Later at the surface and after having some rest Xico sees himself in the island of Hythloth.

Fire... it has been like this since the beginning but fire itself never changes, it just becomes more powerfull, a stormy night and darkness but no rain raged through fire island, ancient creatures lurking inside ancient ruins looking for flesh to consume, and Xico waking up from a long sleep, looking around at what he once remembered. "Although much is still the same jI feels that something has changed..." saying this he starts to explore the remains of the island and finding nothing of interest he decides to pay a visit to Minoc, "jI is curious to see how the lods are doing collecting resources at this town... not that jI cares for the kIp lods but jI wants to see if there are potential preys around." He grabs a rune marked with the sign of Minoc and says the words. "Kal Ort Por."

He suddently appears outside Minoc's mine near the bridge with no disguise caughting a human by surprise, the human was only dressed with some dusty pants, shoes and also had a pickaxe in his right hand, when he spotted Xico he looked at him with horror and fear,

"What... the...? Holy shit! Please... i'm unnarmed.. do not harm me...!" the human says this in desperation,

"Ah it has been a long time since jI experienced an encounter like this... soh are kIp to be here alone, even if soh don't have any chances of matching my strengh jI sees this as an opportunity to start the extermination." this said by Xico,

"I beg you please do not kill me!" quickly replied the human trying to run for the town,

"An Ex Por." yelled Xico aiming for the human, "Soh won't get out of here alive, jI hates all lods!" After this he yells the words "Kal Vas Flam." toward the human burning him and making him suffer a pain like no other,

"AHHHHHHH IT BURNS! NOOOO!" screaming all around and rolling on the ground in flames and the smell of his burnt flesh spreading through the air, Xico approaches him and with his spear he makes a final strike to his prey in the heart, as the human dies in pain Xico quickly cuts his body into pieces and consumes his soul. "Hmm... it has been so long... this is just the beginning, now jI has other plans, jI must meet with Lord Tabion, enough fun for now." he then grabs a rune directly to Serpent's Hold and once again he mutter the words "Kal Ort Por."

As he appeared near the docks, he quickly saw that something was wrong, 5 humans spotted him and rushed to attack him with full force, "Dammit! jI must take an action before they reach jI location..." it was too late they were already surrounding him and casting spells and using arrows to kill the outnumbered daemon. "Kill him! Don't let him run away!!" said one of the humans, Xico was making all he could to stay alive and defend himself against them but he couldn't hang on much more when suddently more daemons joined the battle, "K'tal fellow be'nI, it's good to see that soh were around here, are soh ready to charge against this mad lods?!" asked Xico, "K'tal, jI saw that soh was in guh and came to soh aid. Jebe let's get those kIp lods!" replied one of them.

After some time fighting the daemons were able to kill two of them and made the rest run, with all of this Xico was finally in the presence of Lord Tabion,

"K'tal'li Lord Tabion, jI was sent to join soh ranks, jI hopes to make soh proud by exterminating as much humans as jI can." said Xico,

"K'tal, it's good to see that reinforcements were sent from the depths, soh will join soh be'nI dhemonh and start soh mission right away!" replied Lord Tabion.

Xico headed for his room to seek some rest after this events and clearly thought that he has been given an opportunity to test his skills against this new threats.


This is a RP story for my character Xico and the requested items and skin are the ones that Daemon guild use.

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Posted by: imported_Smurtle
12-22-2007, 12:08 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

Have a good one guys. I'm out like a fat kid in dodgeball. If someone needs a workable account, PM me.

Anyway, been fun guys!

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
12-22-2007, 09:30 AM
Forum: General
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Posted by: Eighty Swords
12-22-2007, 03:24 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Since I'm such a nice guy, I'm gonna let you all in on the ultimate pvp tactic that nOx told me about two weeks ago. The instructions are pretty non-uo related, but bare with me.

Step 1) Get some crackers.
Step 2) Get some crunchy peanut butter (smooth works too).
Step 3) Remove the Lid.
Step 4) Using a plastic knife (can't have metal, kids might hurt themselves) put some peanut butter on the crackers.

Do NOT eat it yet.

Step 5) Smell the peanut butter.

Now you're thinking "oh wait, i could use some nutella on this shit."

Step 6) Get some nutella.
Step 7) Remove the lid.
Step 8) Using a plastic knife (can't have metal, kids might hurt themselves) put some nutella on another cracker.
Step 9) Make a cracker sandwich.
Step 10) Eat the cracker sandwich.

Repeat steps 1 to 10 as many times as desired before proceeding to step 11.

Step 11) Now you pvp and own everyone.

Side effect(s) may include but are not limitted to;

-having an orgasm.
-creating a dependency on nutella and peanut butter cracker sandwiches.

*Warning: Product may contain traces of peanuts. Do not consume if you have allergies related to peanuts.*

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Posted by: Nex
12-22-2007, 03:11 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)


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Posted by: imported_Aghast
12-22-2007, 02:01 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Heya. Now you all get yet another chance of falming me Wink

First of let me say that I'm not a PvP'er So I cant really talk about it much, and I'm sorry if write something that's wrong.

I belive the skillgain speed is fine. I started with a fresh char. And now I have .2300 or something in total real skill. And that's with some hard ones like 100 lumberjacking and about 70 in BS and about 90 in mining.
The way to good skillgain is in my eyes pretty much just a question of getting a good macro. And lucky for us there's a lot of players who take time and post their macro's in the “player guide” section.

Making money isn't hard IMO, I started with 500g and now I have a 3 room house, 120k in my bank and 45k logs I can sell if I need money. My GF who never played UO before, and well any other game other then the Sims :p Is very casual, she might log on 1-2 times a week. But she already has a house and gold in the bank as well. And Iron now goes for 7-9 so it clearly shows that people make money.

Now its clear for everyone that the shards population is dropping. You can almost see it from day to day. Now there might be a lot of reasons for why this is happening. But I will try and point out a few that I think could be some of them.
a) Shard development seems to be on pause.
b) PvP needs some kind of “boost”.
c) People forget that in UO you really have to make your own fun.

I think that having the feeling of the shard development is on pause is the one that drives most people away.
People need to have the feeling that things are worked on. We need to see a weakly changelog.
You ask people to come with suggestion, and people really do feed you with a lot of input. But when nothing seems to happened, then it seems like all the suggestions falls on deaf ears.
It dosn't really matter if you only change small things. We need to see that something happens.

I understand that there's not enough scripters. But then take the help when people offer it. Don't be so afraid that people have bad intentions. There's ENOUGH of small things they can work on first to prove themselves.

Now a week or some ago Taran asked to send him a PM with suggestions. I did that, You can see a small section of it here:


I think that a BS should be able to make different amors a bit early then they can now.
Working up the skills is hard. It takes A LOT of time. But thats fine, but then you also have to make players feel like they accomplish something when they lets say go from 60 to 70 in BS. Let them be able to make ice amor or whatever. That would make people sell different kinds of amor sets all the way up to 100BS skill thus making different amor that can be seen in PVP or help people who PVM.

I'm just gonna write some numbers here:

BS skill - amor they can make (or a 80% change of making or whatever):
from 40 - Iron plate
from 50 - Old copper
from 55 - Shadow/Silver
from 60 - verite/rose
From 65 - gold/ice
from 70 - valorite/bloodrock
from 75 - Aqua
from 80 - opiate
from 83 - Mytheril
from 88 - Sand Rock
from 90 - Black Diamond
from 94 - Blackrock
100 - The rest.

This would boost the amor's used on IX:X A LOT and miners/BS players would make money early on.


And I cannot say this often enough:

When the skill gain is slow, make is so people feel like they accomplish something from even gaining a little.

Now I'm going to use an example from myself here.. I GM'ed lumberjacking, and then I see Taran write that he might not want to make an GM reward for that.
But then you see that people get a reward for GM'ing mining.. ?!?! Someone tell me the logic behind that please.

Now I know that its a reward enough to GM the skill, And don't take it the wrong way. But again it brings in the whole “feel like I accomplished something” issue again.

Anyway sorry for that heh.

Where are all the non PvP turneys ? I remember back on IN1 there where a lot of mining/fishing turneys. Here it seems to be “replacement turney's” all the time. Witch is fine... If you like PvP..
Perhaps make some other event's ? I really miss stuff like “Arr pirates have been spotted near cove! Stop them from burning down the city” And people would rush there trying to defend the city. (this was just an example).

Now this is not a *****ing thread. Im not unhappy with the shard. I do like it here, and I feel pretty much the way that Scarecrow put it

ScareCrow Wrote:We all need to be patient, this is an opportunity to hunt n get rich. Practice your PVP and your PVM, when the server goes live both of these thinhgs will count for alot and when we are all on it having fun, you will be the ones complaining because you were quitters Sad

My plea to the staff is simply try and add small things all the time. There really no reason not to implement the use for amor. Not to introduce some new things. Not to hold mining/fishing event's etc.

Like the .ON gump I posted about in the suggestion section. I'm pretty sure it would just be a matter of changing a single value to make it a bit longer. And other minor stuff like that.

But tell us what you do. Give us info that the shard is being worked on still, and its not just dying slowly Smile

Anyway that's enough for me. I hope no one got offended by anything I wrote since I'm just trying to help.

You might agree or not with what I write. This is just MY point of view on things.

And again I do think that you staff are doing a good job. I understand its hard without a scripter.

Now let the flaming begin! Big Grin

And sorry for the bad English :p

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Posted by: imported_Diabolical
12-22-2007, 01:45 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (21)

It doesn't take a a rocket scientist to see the ovbious decay of our player base.

[Image: graph.php?id=1654&mode=180]

Even though I don't play much, I'd hate to see this server die. There's so much talk about XUO and IN separating, when it seems just easier to me to stick it out and balance the shit up.

Things I'd do the make players happy, and make IN-X not so predictable and boring.

1.) Allow AFK resource gathering but UNGUARD any mine etc. I've said this before and I'll say it again. No one wants to mine, chop etc. It's not fun, at all. And the purpose of a game is to what? Have fun. Let's try focusing more on allowing players to enjoy themselves and less trying to nerf their every bit of fun. Like I said, I don't play often and when I do, I don't wanna mine, so my time playing I got to mine, thus why I've been macroing stupid shit. So since I have a real life I can't enjoy the game like other kids younger than me who get to play a lot more than me, it's really not fair. People are going to get the money, one way or another, if nothings safe, I highly doubt someone is going to be able to macro all night or something and gather godly amounts of resources. And it's not like people aren't selling 10k Iron every other day. It's just delaying the inevitable and making people who can't play much be bored when they can play.

2.) Remove supplied tournaments all together. And if you INSIST on keeping them, remove rep tournaments and make potions and scrolls have a limit, I.E. 5 per fight. Talk about some real PvP. Actually having to monitor your supplies and not just waste them like their nothing! That would make PvP a hell of a lot more enjoyable, to watch and play.
"Oh no, I drank my last gheal!" *You are dead.* I'm just saying it's a lot easier to play when there's no thought about running out of anything.

3.) Remove the WoP command. Make spells cast like normal so Razor can define it as a spell and reveal fake words of power, and allow players to make their own macro to [Say: Kal Vas Flam] or whatever. The spamming isn't bad, the command to make the spam is.

There's a lot of others things, but these are the basic 3 that I feel in my 10 years or so of UO experience would help improve the fun, originality, and the player base and attitude.

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