idea for some new items and arms -
sleeve - 12-17-2007
I suggest to enter new items:
1.Some armor Leather
-Full Demon Armor (effects)- anti paralize efects
-Full Black Dragon (effects) - anti flame strike
-Full Red Dragon (effects) - anti lightnig, anti magik arow, anti harm
-Full Titan (effects) - anti Poison
and some well like this, some anather names and effects.
2.Need some new items like, some ring, amulets,sashs and items with + skills.
Mana sash or ring - regeneration mana
Stamina sash or ring - reag. stama
HP sash ior ring - reagent. hp
Sash of all - reagetn hp,stamina,mana.
Amulets of reagen too, or +skills some items and like this some think.
And i thing pvp will be good! with this items and armor.
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idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Nalo - 12-17-2007
Eh...too much in my opinion, especially anything that has regen on the items, unless it's not over-powered. I've played on servers with these types of items and the PvP was pretty fun (because the items weren't too much). Plus it gives you more to craft and more to think about with PvP, but I think it should be a bit longer before thinking about things like this yet, many people are still concentrating on macroing.
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Love - 12-17-2007
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Lederoil - 12-17-2007
idea for some new items and arms - crazik - 12-17-2007
I really hope that he was just kidding.
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Kandorin - 12-18-2007
Those special items would bring alot of AOS into our so loved sphere gamestyle.. which most here dont like really. Not to mention that those kind of changes would probably make pvp overpowered
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Dramatic - 12-18-2007
sleeve Wrote:-Full Black Dragon (effects) - anti flame strike
-Full Red Dragon (effects) - anti lightnig, anti magik arow, anti harm
Mana sash or ring - regeneration mana
Stamina sash or ring - reag. stama
HP sash ior ring - reagent. hp
Sash of all - reagetn hp,stamina,mana.
Amulets of reagen too, or +skills some items and like this some think.
And i thing pvp will be good! with this items and armor.
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my bad..
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Cotton - 12-18-2007
Iron - You transform into a chicken upon equipping the entire set.
Old Copper - Every time you put a piece on, you get a free heater shield.
Ice - Randomly changes your hair style every ten seconds.
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Mephisto - 12-18-2007
Give him a special "Iron Curtain" Suit. Effects = He Can't Communicate anymore.
idea for some new items and arms -
imported_Cotton - 12-18-2007
That doesn't remove him from the gene pool, so it doesn't get my vote.