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Forum: Ultima Online
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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Elemental
01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Elemental
12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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I have so many reward items that every time I want to craft anything or macro I have to take a lot of the items out and put them in the bank and it's a pain the fish them out again. Can the reward items be scripted to weigh one stone?
Any objections? *smiles*
Hi all, for those of you who don't know me. I'm a IN member since 1999 and was once Kapuna. I'm rl friends with Buck. I try to log on when I can these days.
I was just trying to find a way to make money crafting. I'm a Gm tailor but I can't make profit with making shirts or any other item. If i take wool and do all the steps to make it into clothing I make some money but on the old IN and other shards it isn't that difficult. Also daggers don't sell for very much. Exceptional quality ones are only 12 gold and on the old IN they sold for 27.
I'm wondering if this was made like this on purpose or it hasn't been tweaked yet. Does anyone know of profitabnle craft skills besides selling to real players? I beleive if your high enough or GM in a craft skill you should be able to make at least some profit off crafting. Selling ignots to npc's you can make more gold than if you make them into daggers. Although I don't know about gorgets yet.
I had no idea this place was still up and running, hopefully some attitudes have changed....
And my static better still be there
Hey Everyone,
Playing since xuo2, makas xuo and until this inx shard, i came to realize how fun Ultima Online was and how great most of the players that play are. Made alotta close pals.. and had some crazy good times with everyone. It was my job to be the a$$hole of the shard but i learnt from the best.. you can all thank AptaR for my beautiful attitude in occlo and for the great pvp style.. Silverwolf, Maka,Ztoke, Menace and Method who all combined in my PVP style.. i took parts from all of their PVP and created the Scare-Style of PVP which was unstoppable most of the time but.. like anything else.. all good things cannot last forever..
Anyways.. I'm gonna try and make this as short as possible. I really had fun throughout the years playing this game.. I've hit the top of every shard i've ever played... won most of the tournaments of ever joined... i think i've hit my goal. I think i'm finally fine to say that i'm done trying to improve. Reaching my peak was intense and felt pretty insane for a while. After a while though.. it gets too repetitive, same kids that are trying to get better than you but cannot... Theres nomore "challenge" in xuo pvp like there once was when the legends used to play. I feel that this INX shard is AWSOME and everyone that wants to play SHOULD! You will not regret it one bit.
I feel quite bad for saying this but.. it's time for Scarecrow to retire..
So.. thank you everyone for all the good times and the bad times, i guess i should let you all know who my secret chars were in the past.. umm.. Darkia, Alpha, Boodontcry, Haaviik, Nero, Murder and i was part of the 4 horsemen in Xuo2.. but i kept that very low key.
So this is where i say good-bye.. i wish you all luck in life and fun playing INX because it will be the best shard ever and will continue to grow everyday! I think you all should appreciate everything Maka and Taran have done, they deserve the respect even though i know i didn't treat them like i should have some of the time.. especially in the past. So.. I'll see you all online one day.. I'll logg on to see how everything is going but..
Scarecrows nomore.
Scarecrow. [Prototype]
I had been with my new friends from SIN for a while now but i never really felt like i belonged with them. They fought because they loved it. They live for the excitement and danger. I never got the same enjoyment from it. Perhaps because i had felt pain and suffering for several life times. I longed for more peace and quiet times.
I had made my choice so i left a note for my friends in the guild house and took my leave.
To all my fellow SINners
I thank you for letting me join your ranks for this passed time and i will forever be in debt for the training and help that you all gave me. If any of you are ever in need shout out and i will be there.
Signed - Veno
From now on, we are going to have weekly server reboots on Sundays at around 9pm server time (which is GMT +1).
I will do my best to restart at exactly 9pm, but cut me some slack if I'm half an hour off or so, hehe.
Keep in mind though that if we discover a serious bug exploit issue or experience server crashes we will have to reboot as soon as possible. But for minor bugfixes and new features we will reboot on Sundays.
I will also try to write a changelog every Sunday so you know what to expect after the restart. You can find that changelog in these forums and on the main page of the website.
A note: Since I just restarted the server today I'm not going to restart it at 9pm again.
I just thought that it would simplify things if there were a portal to the vendor mall in the pits with another pad that takes you back to the pits. This would increase the number of people going to the mall since as it is, you have to recall there.
I had my first taste of the PVP here. I might add it is not similar to that of sphere 51a. However, I think I can deal with the mana potions but can someone tell me how I go about reading power words. Like what are some quick judgements in duel that needs to be made to know if the opponent is casting a real spell or is just simply spamming a power word. Does the indent rule still apply here? If it does I still don't think that it is an efficient way of knowing.
So yeah any help or info on how to differentiate between power word and a real spell would be greatly appreciated.
The Vendor Mall is now open! It's a safezone and you can place your vendor on the designated spots. Hurry up and get the best spot before someone else does!
You can find a gate to it in pits.
Only 1 vendor per account allowed!
Okay first off, I didn't do shit to you therefore you have no right to call me the " biggest scum on the face of the earth" If anyone does its Tiesto. Second why the **** are you allowed to dupe and cheat when I am here sitting on my ass macroing 24/7? Can you get any lower?
You don't even know me so before you go around saying shit because your mad you lost your privs because of your own wrong doing. Don't go and blaime other people ,I've ****en played for 2 days so if you wana call me out you are more than retarded.
I'd like to commend Taran and the rest of the staff or who ever was in charge of detecting his corruption. Good job and keep it up
PS. Vergo is the biggest baby on the face of the earth, QQ more *****
Btw who was he on IN1? and was what his mortals name? if someone could supply me with this information I will be eternally grateful