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Posted by: imported_Cantin
06-20-2008, 11:50 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Arr tere mateys, I be wonderin if ye be missing a certin old scallywag ?

I been sailin round tha seas, but be wishin tha com back to tha harbor, but there be no reason if ye just be wantin tha string me up !

Har har

Yer not so friendly pirate

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Posted by: Odin_Norse
06-20-2008, 05:47 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

Is this pvp anything like the original IN?

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Posted by: imported_Vergo
06-19-2008, 06:57 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (19)

Just thought I'd let you guys know before you all start to wonder that I will no longer be staffing on IN. No big details, except that I was jailed/banned for duping a few resources for my player char. I guess I let the easy access of the resources go to my head and went too far. I dunno if I'll still be able to play my char or not, waiting for a reply about that. If not, I'll be leaving IN for good, no matter how many more IN's come up or if this one is up for a while Tongue
I've had a good day-or-so to think about 'why' and what's next and all that, and I've come to the conclusion that I thought I could get away with it because of my view towards, and experience with, past IN staff on my player. I've seen a whole lot of crap go on with staff from IN in the past, and they were never banned or anything as far as I remember. I'll give a few examples of what I'm talking about (Story time!):

-On IN1, my friend, a guild mate and I were trying to gank Blade Rineheart outside of Trinsic one day. We eventually trapped him in some cross-walls and slowly but surely killed him. As soon as his body hit the ground, he was resurrected, and good ol' Shinare appeared, said "Woops, my bad" and re-hid.

-Here's a good one: This girl character and her guild and I became friends, and eventually she gave me a key to her Castle. She had about 6 suits of every armor, a few of every elemental weapon (Firey Bow, etc), and almost anything else you could think of. I was trustworthy, I kept the key for quite some time, months actually, with no problems. One day my brother, his friend, and I decide to loot the place dry. That's just what we did, we looted the place dry. We took most of it back to our house and put it in random boxes, but my brother's friend was smart and trashed some of the goods (you'll see why it was "smart"), including a Firey Bow. About an hour or so later Shinare and Efritti (however the hell you spell the guy's name), a fairly new GM, pop up in our house and tell us to give every item back. So, we give most of it all back. After they are done yelling at us and us etc, we get jailed for a week for "illegal house looting". This was the breaking point for our group - my brother, his two friends, my friend and I all quit the shard after that.

-My favorite: One day my friend and I were hanging out at trinsic bank with a handful of other people, when we see some reds. But this was unusual because we had never seen any reds inside trinsic's guarded area. The crew rolled through and killed all of us, looted, and recalled. We tested the guards in confusion minutes later and they were working fine. We came to the conclusion that they had been turned off by the only GM online at the time, because this GM also had a player character, and this character was one of the reds that killed us. No punishment.

I'm telling these stories because I believe that this is where I got the idea that I could get away with a few things as a GM, just because it was IN, and because of the things I had witnessed and experienced in the past. One of humankind's greatest faults is that we make assumptions. Don't assume that you can get away with something just because someone else did Wink
Was very fun while it lasted, see you all later.

To all the other GMs:
Despise is still unfinished, and very crappy at that. I finished about half of the upper level. It's basically Lizardman-land in there, and I think it could be a useful dungeon if corrected.

Dear Slaethin: You're probably the worst scum on the face of the earth.

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Posted by: imported_Veno
06-19-2008, 11:52 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (4)

Ok im a complete newbie with this so if anyone could explain just how it works that would be great.

Downloaded the stuff from the website but the paths are all wrong and setting them right still doesnt work. It starts a client but it cant connect to the server.

The only thing im going to use it for is mining while watching movies so if someone has a script for that id be happy.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
06-19-2008, 06:03 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs Rabbi Samild Big Grin.

Four years and I'm not in a small box under the front step, I must be doing alright Wink.

Regards. Smile

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Posted by: imported_Mephisto
06-19-2008, 05:54 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

There is a new Rune Library in the basement of the church. Right now we have a runebook for Every town and Dungeon. It will be growing to include Points of interest, Mines, Some good hunting locations...
.... and even stag spawns. (No.. not really)

Come Check it out and stop and take a look at our vendors while your at it!

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Posted by: imported_Slaethin
06-19-2008, 03:19 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

Cool Happy birthday to myself Cool

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Posted by: imported_Slaethin
06-18-2008, 10:08 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (8)

I think that Xtreme armor should be either eliminated from the game or the armor value should be lowered. By having an armor that can be obtained from hunting (easily I might add) it really hurts mining and blacksmithing. Mining and blacksmithing become useless when the best level of armor is easier to get from hunting then mining. I think that it makes other armors useless.Why should someone spend x amount of hours playing to mine a set of sapphire then to hunt for a lesser amount to get Xtreme? Also people who gm mining and blacksmithing should be at a greater advantage than someone who just hunts. Make mineable armors more valuable than hunting armors. Make the value of ingots and craftable armors worth something.

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Posted by: imported_Slaquer
06-18-2008, 09:11 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Apparently something happened to Craditz recently (IN1'er) and I was wondering if anyone could let me know, I saw the post on the Recent Posts of, but the boards are disabled now. Does anyone know what happened and if Craditz is okay?


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Posted by: imported_Taran
06-17-2008, 02:00 AM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (1)

Yesterday I added the Duelstone Ladder to the website, and today I added the PvP Ladder and Guild Ladder as well.

All duelstones are linked to the website, meaning if you challenge someone ingame it will instantly update the info on the website when you are done.
When staff create events they can choose to make it a Ladder event, meaning that the event will get shown on the website after it's over.
I'm not really sure how the guildladder works, maybe someone from XUO can explain that further.

I'm having an issue with the DuelStone Ladder though, at the moment the search function won't work. I'll try to fix it asap with Maka's help.

I hope you enjoy this update. It's the same ladders that Maka created for XUO, which means they are very advanced. I just converted them to RunUO 2.0 and fixed the templates.
Anyway, it's time for me to get some sleep now, it's 2am in the morning. I just wanted to fix this before I went to sleep, hehe.

If you have any questions post them here, we can make this a temporary FAQ for the ladders and after a while I can move the FAQ to the website. Also, if you encounter any bugs please let me know.

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