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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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The Incognito spell, are they a way to randomize the name, besides "Man, or Woman"?
My friend has gm fishing, and it takes him 2-3 times to fish out a fish, Minimum of 2 times to fish in one spot, inorder to get 1 fish. Can you tweak it?
Treasure maps are bugged, I got two off X Ogres, went to the coordinates, and it showed up in the water, both of them did, SOS's are great, but the Treasure Maps aren't. I also no you need a shovel, target the map then dig, but the coordinates on both maps are in the water.
Well guys, I personally can say, I used to hunt xtreme liches,Ogres, and dragons. I killed 5 orges and none of them even close to the price they used to have, I used to get 3-4k, now a steady 2k to maybe a 2.2k. And Liches, 1.9k..
You can't gain from anything, tailoring = tub which is about the best, and if you gm crafts, you can't make money hardly, everything relies on money being earned from hunting, what else are they to do? You keep lowering and lowering the economy, and you will gradually lower the playerbase, and yes watch, a gm will be like, 'You don't appreciate our work, should of kept the shard closed' People have been telling you, this shard, absolutely nothing to do, EXCEPT pvp and hunt monsters, and maybe RP?
It would be most appreciated to raise the economy, TO make some money, the casino is trash, fishing is trash, what is next on the trash list? I devoted time here, and damn, I can say its getting hard, I just used 20k, and I find it hard to get it back, having 'Some' Crafts, its useless, and more then likely, this post will be like, a 'Complaining' post which made the shard go down last time, but what are they to do?
Mining, Blacksmithy, lumberjacking, carpentry, tailoring, bowcraft/fletching, inscription, alchemy, fishing, tinkering, and animal taming, these skills here, players need for the economy to be raised, so they can make some money so they won't leave. And bout the only way to get ATLEAST any money from these, is taming, smithy, inscript, or alch, everything else is useless, UNLESS you want a colored item, which weight ur pack.
This post is not to anger any staff member, but to tell my point of view, how it is, and many post are like this, and I understand you got no Dev's at the time, but this shard is one of the best out, as we speak, but it's simply getting way to hard.
Happy birthday nigglet <3
06-15-2008, 05:04 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (3)
Okan was a human hunter when he and some companions were captured by Interrogator DraKus of the Immortal Monastery. Although some of his friends escaped, he did not, and after being tortured (and much worse) by DraKus, he was thrown into the graveyard, and assumed dead.
Although his body was claimed by the Forsaken, he somehow briefly gained consciousness during the process of undeath and for some reason this has resulted in what could best be called a 'failed transformation'.
Upon his final awakening, he is blind, but has an acute sense of smell and sound...and this guides him. His flesh is missing in several places, and white as a sheet, but his face is nearly human. He did go through training in the depths of Hyloth Tunnels, where he is fed thistle tea and unidentified flesh, and memories of his torture are used to control him now, and hone his hatred of humans, by 'memory trainers', who use touch and emotion to force his actions.
Through it all he retained some sense of awareness when free of the trainers, and over time, and due to an unfortunate encounter with mounted alliance he once knew...he decided to remain in the Under world not because he wanted to, but because he felt that anything else he had known was lost. It was not until some years later, as a teenager, that he witnessed the murder of two young ogres by an extremely advanced mage - and later discovered their remains were being used to feed the Hyloth recruits (along with whatever other meat was onhand) that he began to truly be afraid of what he was a part of. Some essential part of him being believed in honour, and the trolls - who by now she knew were part of the Horde- deserved more support and a better ending than they recieved. He is called 'the heretic' by her Under world trainer, DraKus, as a joke - but then the name becomes a reality...
An accidental encounter leads him to witness atrocities beyond his imagination....torture and dismemberment of humans and dwarves, plague testing, cannibalisation of trolls, and worse. In panic, he rebels, and is brought down by deathstalkers, who drag him to Occlo. In revenge for her misbehaviour, he is ordered 'plaguetouched', which essentially gives him a touch of the new plague, and renders him more vulnerable to the damage and memory training. He is tossed into the sewer, and left to rot.
When he is sniffed by humans or attacked..or sees one whom he cares about injured...he cannot. The switch is flicked, he goes black and does not really care if he lives..or dies in those moments, she becomes merely the husk, driven, with blades in hand. Heresy ceases to exist.
The risk is that a day may come when the switch cannot be undone. He knows this, but if he does not fight, he feels he has nothing to give the Horde. He clings to his soul as a liferaft against this happening, and has even taken to keeping small mementos in a tiny silver box, things he keeps with him, to remind him of who he is, and what matters to him most.
Thanks for taking the time to read my story
*We wish to apply for white color skin like vampire guild's and also a colored bone mask please. Color of mask can be discussed ingame*
Just having a look at the top 100 serverlist, i think the reason why Grimmwold is no.1 is because they are a strict RP shard. RP enables everyone to at least act more maturely ingame, and create a more positive experience for everyone around them.
I suggest we bring back RP and more and more people should do so, it will eliminate all the trash talk you get ingame..."stfu noob" etc etc. Not saying everyone has to, I know we've trash talked here and there but i am going to try to get my guild [Immortal] guild to start getting into character as the undead race and this would create a better environment for other players around old or new to the server.
Server is growing everyday (now we have about 45 playerbase which was about 25 last week) and the pvp system and armor/weapon system is great. Lets try and help out new players into the shard and keep INX up long as possible.
Also we're no.4 so lets all keep voting guys!, just remember the more players there are the more pvp action and shard won't be as boring day in day out
On this day a large army of undead made an attempt on the fine city of Britain.
With the army deployed to efforts else where. the job to defend the city was placed on the shoulders of those whom inhabited it.
Lord British wishes to thank all those who helped protect the city...
- Aerox
- Okan
- Devilman
- Rabbi Samild
- Logarithim
- Bongwater
- Abbo
- Hirnfrost
- Simon Zenemesis
Below are some images of what took place.
is there any chance that this will be added? pls pls its a funny thing to sit there and mix around and waste time cant see why it would ruin some aspects, it would be like UO and sims :p
Is it easy to macro skills or is it the as it was on IN? If you were an old INer or XUoer are there skill transfers? I really do not want to macro all that shit again. Considering it took 1 month for alchemy, 1 month for magery, etc on IN. Is there anyway I can get some sort of skill transfer?
Hey I got my download of the *****, and it doesn't come with Ultima Online 2D client. Is there anyway I can somehow get it without downloading Ultima Online again?
Hello there,
Like my title clearly states above. I was lost, I left the server around the time it was having its shakey period. I was just becoming a regular player at that time and enjoyed most aspects of and general idea of INX. I have been found, Once again I plan to give INX another shot. Any help from players would be much appreciated.. maybe a stable guild to help me out? I dont mind RPing.
Also could a GM private message me my account pass and user name. Im not 100% sure if its the same as my forum log in. Havent tried it thoughhhhhhh... sooon!!! one more thing.. is a name change out of the question? for a new beggining.. I would start over but from what i remember its pretty tough skill gain around here.
Thank you.