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Posted by: Lags
03-11-2012, 11:26 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

Hey I'm used to using UO Assist this is my first time using Razor. I don't know if its just lag or if its Razor but when I cast it seems like there is a half second delay. Does Razor suck for PvP?

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Posted by: Scare crow
03-11-2012, 11:07 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (13)


I suggest that we create a "Vendor Mall."

As it seems that players are scared to leave Britain and access the exterior Vendor Mall .. why not just add a Vendor Mall portal in the Casino "Accessible to weveryone in the world .. reds.. blues .. greys) That way the reds and blues can sell/buy whatever items are required whenever they require them. It is too much of a hassle having to locate vendors and not breing able to buy things if you're red... or evren blue in some cases ..

Suggestion: Just create a portal/Pad in the Casino to a cenralized mall... a nice BIG custom mall that we can place vendors in and buy/sell/trade things. We need a centralized trading system aside from the "auction idea." This server is not filled with ... Pks... There are over 100 players that won't leave a safely guarded town. Why not just make this accessuible to everyone without having them run out of town. IT would definately diversify the economy and increase the importance of trading.

If we want to make PVP a part of this then we can have it so that players can ONLY recall once they leave the mall and the exit is NON-Guarded. There are ways around this and it encourages several things.

Thoughts ... comments ...

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Posted by: Scare crow
03-11-2012, 10:57 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (21)

Hi Everyone,

Very big Gap/Barrier with this servers PVP ... it varies depending on whether players use their own gear or autosupply gear which creates a major gap in the PVP economy.

Autosupply: Autosupply PVP consists of Spells (Spellbook), GHeal Scroll, Magic Reflect Scroll, FS Scroll, Light Scroll, Gheal Pots, Mana Pots, Refresh Pots)

NON-Autosupply: Spells (Spellbook), GHeal Scroll, Magic Reflect Scroll, FS Scroll, Light Scroll, Gheal Pots, Mana Pots, Refresh Pots) WITH THE ADDITION OF -
Players poisoning their weapons mid-fight, Heal Scrolls, Poison Scrolls, Paralize Scrolls ...

This creates a MAJOR difference in the PVP and an enormous ISSUE! I decided to bring this up because we NEED to have 1 style of PVP. 1 specific CONSISTANT style of PVP that we can call IN PVP and not 3 different random types with holes and inconsistancies for all.

I say we make these changes and ensure that PVP is balanced when using Autosupply or your own gear. There is no "IN PVP" ... There are too many different ways to duel which makes it inconsistant and un-interesting.

Please share your thoughts ...

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Posted by: Scare crow
03-11-2012, 10:38 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (35)

Hi Everyone,

I am posting this as I have seen several players on this shard complain regarding the amount of damage that shields parry in this PVP system. As it currently stands .. Shields are becoming more and more popular in PVP as they make weapons useless in general.

A solid PVPer .. wearing a shield is literally impossible to kill as long as they have Greater Healing timing. This is a great issue for PVP as there SHOULD be a great use for all weapons when PVPing. These shields are turning the PVP into a defensive heal-fest and is creating long ... boring duels that onlt consist of fs dumping someone with 100 mana (since they don't take weapon damage if they use a shield).

This should definately be looked into and corrected as it is creating frustration and issues for those PVPers that have been playing on THIS very shard since the starting.

Let's here your thoughts ...

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Posted by: Dracolith
03-11-2012, 09:58 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (2)

Hello, I'm trying to change the smelting spots for Morwen's script to use in a different cave. But when I changed them it gave me an error something about the math when it goes to smelt. I thought all I had to do was change the x/y positions 1 by 1 according to where the farthest spots possible to smelt from a forge are. So I moved myself in a perimeter around a forge and used those positions but it doesn't seem to be working. Can someone either tell me how to do it correctly it maybe do it for me please? Thank you.

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Posted by: Venos
03-11-2012, 09:00 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)

When you page a get a system message update on the que it says something about reference website. The address it gives is It should be .net.

Its minor so there is no hurry to fix it.

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Posted by: alexandroz
03-11-2012, 03:01 PM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (5)


I'm a new player in this shard but I played UO in the past. Could someone suggest me what are the best stats and skill to begin with as an archer here?

Thank you.

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Posted by: Eru
03-11-2012, 06:35 AM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (32)

Right now there are two guarded mines. After seeing 10 people crowding the Mt. Kendall mine, we turned on guards at Icebludel. This has gotten mixed reviews so I figure we should vote on it.

As for discussion, please spare me the 12 pages of arguments about "carebear," "doodz," "griefers," "guards are for babies," etc. I trust people can make a point without having to call names.

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Posted by: Lags
03-11-2012, 04:36 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (15)

How about making death matches a little longer. They are a lot of fun but I think it would be cool if they lasted like 30 minutes, having the option to leave if you get tired of it.

Also maybe up the gold max to 10k

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Posted by: Azzo
03-10-2012, 11:25 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (29)

I've got a full set of Exceptional Sapphire (no shield) that I'd like to part ways with.

Total AR is 68!

I'm taking offers for now, in here, via PM, or in-game mail (send to Azzo).

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