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Posted by: Mael
03-26-2012, 11:33 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (3)

items that talman carry at the moment are

all scrolls for sale...
FS 90 per
EV 120 per
Recall 75 per
Greater heals 30 per
Rune books 5000 per

All potions
Greater manas 220 per
Manas 125 per
Invis potions 1000 per

also selling an assortment of ingots
ingots up to rose are all 10gp a piece

added some mounts to the vendor!!

I also do price matching so please feel free to Pm me in game

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Posted by: Lags
03-26-2012, 11:11 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (23)

I get a lot of bouncing back and lagging around in PvP and think its because you turn to face your enemy when you cast on them and use melee on them causing, especially for people with lag already, to bounce around and stop a lot. Turn that off and you should run more smoothly.

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Posted by: tranith
03-26-2012, 11:01 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)

we all want more players to come, well there are multiple voting sites....

I use the .vote command whenever possible, the 1k reward is a nice idea.

But how about adding something to vote for Multiple voting sites at once, every 12 hours or so.

like a .vote1, .vote2, .vote3 ect ect...

vote on all the top uo sites out there, spread the word..

since iv been here iv seen IN grow rapidly, just on that one voting site...
could be like that for ALL OF them.. if there was an easier way to vote like this..

just an idea who knows. im just talking Smile

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Posted by: Renald
03-26-2012, 09:05 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)

A few people have decided to abuse the res gate outside Britain by dying on it and ressing before their body can be cut. I feel a zone needs to be added around the gate so that this cannot occur.

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Posted by: Merdento
03-26-2012, 06:36 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (1)

I need an Anvil, reply with price if you are selling.


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Posted by: Grendel_IN
03-26-2012, 06:06 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)

So far, I've had 3 people use the .watchtour to get away from a battle. I have confirmed this by checking the .on list as soon as they disappeared (since their names turn yellow when in the tour watching area).

It is quite annoying to have someone disappear mid battle. It seems that a pause and/or health check could be added for the command. Something similar to the Casino Entrance possibly?

Thoughts, comments, and suggestions?

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Posted by: Lamby
03-26-2012, 04:01 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (11)

Razors auto-open doors is doing strange things. When I walk into one door it wont open but the door next to it will open. So when I walk into the door on the right the left door opens...

At my guild house when i walk into the front door it doesn't open but the one upstairs opens. Whats worse I can open doors that are inside the house while standing outside the house...
The door is inside the house... I am outside of the house... I can open the door... That cant be right.

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Posted by: Ramza
03-26-2012, 03:56 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (3)

I am remaking this thread for my vendor since I will be stocking a larger variety of items in the coming weeks.

Currently stocked:

Elven Bows: 1500gp
Exceptional Elven Bows: 2000gp
Elven Bow + 250 Arrows: 2750gp
Random armor of Invulnerability: 5000gp


GH pot: 100 gold per--stacks of 25, 50, 100
Shrink pot: 75 gold per--Stacks of 10, 25, 50
Greater Mana pot: 230 gold per -- stacks of 10, 25, 50


GH: 40 gold per -- stacks of 25

Jada is located at the south end of Buymore in Britain in front of the red leather armor.

(Jada is replacing Arminda who was in the same spot, items are the same)

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Posted by: Siren
03-26-2012, 02:51 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)

I got the idea from a post someone made in the Q&A forum.

How about adding spawns for locked treasure chests throughout the world that respawn contents every few hours? Nothing crazy. Maybe a few thousand gold for chests that require high lockpicking to open, and less for less lockpicking.

You can even have fun by putting them in neat locations like bank faults, abandoned castles, crypts, dungeons, camps, inns, and such. It would be neat to see people using lockpicking as a way to make decent money and give new areas for pvpers to camp, instead of just Ogres and Fire Temple.

I mean, putting 4-6 locked chests in an orc camp that have a few thousand gold in them could actually make hunting at an orc camp worth while. Currently, it is just waaaay too much effort to kill and loot all those orcs when you could be making more gold just provoking dragons and drakes while getting tons of fame too.

Just a suggestion :p but its easy to implement so... Smile

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Posted by: Merdento
03-26-2012, 01:45 PM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (6)


in the last servers i played spiritspeak was used to boost Nigromancy skill (and read the dead people too instead of OooOoOo), so as nigromancy is deactivated here i was wondering if spiritspeak is off as well.

I asume it works on reading dead people, but does it do anything else? (like boosting magery of something like that).

Thank you.

EDIT- I got another question, i noticed that you can meditate wearing a plate armor, is there any difference when you use meditation if you are wearing plate/leather/nothing? I didnt notice any change, does your mana regenerate slower with a plate armor equiped?

Thank you again.

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