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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
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05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Hi all, was playing this morning, noticed that in my journal it said "server has crashed" no problem, logged out, but my client crashed when I did that:confused: Waited a Lil bit, now im trying to log back in and I get as far as selecting what character to use, but wont let me enter britannia. SO! I tryed loggin in with another character, and it says "Another character from this account is currently online in this world. you must either log in as that character or wait for it too time out." nooow im just wondering how long is the "time out" period, cause I been waiting for about an hour. I belive the character logged in is "Escobar"
Thanks in Advance!
IN:X = All your shard's are belong to us!
Will there be X-mas Deco around the city's ? Se we can get into the holiday spirit
Vote Vote Vote!!!!
i think you should lower fishing gump down in half. Since fishing is a fast pace thing you fish every second. I get a gump every 3-8 minutes. kinda annoying.
It was a crisp spring morning as Minas awoke from his slumber. The scent of new life filled his nostrils, and again aroused his deepest desires. Desires that until recently he had never known, nor felt before. As he rose from his bed he pondered the strange and frightening dreams he had endured through the night. For weeks now he had been experiencing bizarre and wicked nightmares. They had all seemed so real. Some mornings he awoke with the screams of his victims still lingering in his ears. Of course these were only dreams, Minas could never commit such heinous crimes against humanity.. the very people he served daily with his work at the church. He would never betray his god, nor the minister who had taken him in and treated him as his own son. Minas had never known anything of his biological father, and knew only that his mother had died while birthing him. At an early age he had pledged his life to serving his church and its members. Although he had passed his youth, and would soon be reaching 21 years of age, he had decided not to leave the church that had given him all he had ever really known in life. Minas walked over to his small window which he had shaded with a thick black drape. Pulling back one edge slightly he peered out into the town, then quickly retreated. Why could he no longer enjoy the suns warm rays of light on his face, and furthermore hardly even bear it. Minas was going through many changes, and understood none. He had been growing stronger daily since he began having those dreams. Not only physically, but mentally as well. His senses were sharper than they had ever been. He decided he needed to talk to someone about the strange occurances that had entered his life. Today he would talk to the father, the only guidance he had ever known. As Minas approached the fathers quarters he could hear voices. In them he sensed sorrow, hate, and most of all fear. Upon reaching the fathers personal chamber Minas saw that the person who had been conversing with the father was the mayor of their small community. The mayor looked at minas in terror and made a hasty retreat.
Baffled Minas asked the father, "What has gotten into him?".
In a saddened yet calm tone the father replied, "There has been another murder my son."
Memories of the last nights gruesome nightmare came to Minas's mind as he replied, "Oh my, that is terrible news father. Who was the victim?"
"Another church member." said the father, "Ariana Sune."
At once Minas could see clearly the face of his victim. As he realized that his nightmares had been real life encounters, and that this must mean he had been murdering for weeks, he began to shudder. How could he have done these things?
The father noticing a change in Minas's demeanor said calmly, "This is not your fault my son."
Placing a hand on Minas's shoulder he continued, "I have been keeping a secret from you all these years, and I'm surely damned to hell for it."
"You're mother was a wonderful woman Minas, and an avid follow of our church's teachings."
"Roughly one week before you were to be born your parents were attacked in their sleep."
"You're father was murdered that night while freeing your mother from the beast's grasp"
"Your mother survived with only a few cuts, and a strange mark on her neck, as though she had been bitten."
Listening to the father recount the events that brought him to be, Minas could feel his pulse quicken and his stomache begin to churn violently.
The father continued with a solemn look on his weathered face, "Soon after you were brought into this world your mother began to change."
"I cared for her as long as a could my son, but rumor that the beast by which she was bitten my have been a vampire soon got out."
"I am afraid it was more than just a rumor." "Within days of your birth your mother was beyond my help, and in a rage no man could control."
"The townsmen heard her screams and moans, and soon they're fear turned to hate."
"They raided the church and drove a steak through your mothers heart."
At this Minas felt a surge of anger rush over him. Losing control of himself he grabbed the father by the throat and squeezed until blood ran over his fingers, and down the fathers robes. Slowly regaining control, and realizing what he had done Minas panicked. He fled the church he had called home for as long as he had lived. He left town as quickly as possible, and never returned. Minas spent months wandering the earth. Thinking always of the father who was murdered before his birth, the mother who was murdered after, and the father he had murdered himself. Every night he had a new nightmare. Only now he knew that they werent dreams at all. Only another side of him awaking to feed. What was he? All his life he had thought he was only human, just as his friends and fellow members of the church had been. Now he is a monster, a murderer. He lives in constant turmoil, hating not only his dark walker side, but his human side as well.
Sorry I'm a terrible writer, and this is my first attempt at anything like this. Please be gentle with your critiques. Just to summarize. He's half vampire.. half human.. His biological father was killed by a vampire.. his mother was killed by his townsmen.. and he killed his "father". Also he no longer has faith as you may have guessed. Not sure where hes going as far as guilds and such. Probably not going to join up with vampires, but maybe. I'd like to have him in a guild at some point, just not sure where he'd fit in. Anyway if you like it I wouldn't mind having his skin be rather pale, but not quite white. Also i think he should have a Black death shroud. I understand that comes with time. For now please just let me know what you think. Appreciated.
IceCube Wrote:Crafting is not profitable because you guys as staff over think everything. You think that crafting should cost more then buying it from an NPC. NO!!!!!!
You should spend the extra money to gain the skill and then ONCE YOU HAVE THE SKILL IT SHOULD BE CHEAPER THEN BUYING IT.
I might spend say 100k to GM Inscription. Now when I am Gm inscription... a recall scroll should cost me less then me going out and buy it. That includes me make the blank scroll.
How it use to be... form what I read.. if you lumberjacked and had carpentry
You guys are taking the players out of the loop.... it is almost costing the same from a player as a NPC. WHY?
1 log + 3ss = 1 scroll….. 13gp - 1gp for lj and carp.
1bp, 1bm, 1mr = 12gp
Recall from scratch cost me 25gp... -1gp If I had lj and carp
NPC sell 12gp +10gp for each circle= 42gp... If they sold them.
Look how small the profit margin is.... to make anything you would have to sell for 40gp..
40gp x 100 = 4k that is only a 200 gp difference
What is the point!
How it is now... if you lumberjacked and had carpentry
1 log + 1ss = 1 scroll…. 5 gp - 1 gp for lj and carp.
1bp, 1bm, 1mr = 12gp….
Recall from scratch cost me 17gp... -1 gp for lj and carp
NPC sell 12gp +10gp for each circle= 42gp... If they sold them.
Now it take just below half of what I would pay from a vendor.... if they sold them
35gp x 100 = 3.5k that is only a 700 gp difference
If I bought half of the items..
Scroll= 6gp….
1bp, 1bm, 1mr = 12gp…
Recall when buying blanks from the vendor…..18 gp…
Npc sells=42gp….
I would sell for about 35gp… 35x 100= 3.5k that is 700 gp difference?
How it should be... if logs cost 3 gp.
1 log = 1 scroll 3gp...
Regs 1bp, 1bm, 1mr = 12gp ....
So a recall scroll from scratch cost me 15gp...
NPC sell 12gp +10gp for each circle= 42gp...
So it cost less then half for me to make it myself....
Now say I go to my vendor and sell them for 30GP x 100 = 3k for a bundle of 100
With Luberjacking and Carpentry = 12gp a scroll...
If you Ljed and had carpentry it would only take the regs.... which is 12gp so I can make dbl my money selling 25gp x 100 = 2.5k for 100 recalls, which saves you 1.7k... that makes players active!
If log cost 3 gp form the vendor... right now it would cost 3gp + 4gp (SS)= 7gp... that wouldn't be right so... take the SS out.
If you bought the log then it would be 3 gp.... to make a blank one. You save 3 gp form not buying from a vendor and 6 gp if you lj and carped it yourself. You only have half the skills to you only get half the benefit if you buy.
If you don’t have carpentry or lumberjacking a blank scroll cost 6 gp… why train lumberjacking and carpentry when you only save 1 Gp a scroll. What is the point?!?!Adding unnecessary resources to crafting take away from the profit. That takes players outa the loop and stops the money flow. Why is it i can buy log on vendors for 1 gp.... what kinda money reward is that for Lumberjacking? Why would I waste my time training the skill if I can buy logs for dirt cheap or even waste time with a player? It is not worth making your own blank scrolls. I think I might make vendor sell Log for 3gp a piece, so it will pay more to have them skills.. think that if you buy any part of the resource it should cut into your profit... and if you dont it should cost way less... think that 1 log = 1 scroll is fine.... If you were to buy 1 log and they were 3 gp.... cost you half. If you ljed and carp for it would be free!
I just think this is good to get lost in a thread so i am making my own..sorry but it may help alot or alittle. I think it will have a positive impact. This is just an example to get my point across.
It's monday. Start voting.
Vote and give IN:X it's rightfull 1st place on those voting sites
I swear guys, I feel sorry for you all. All these people do is ***** and complain about every little thing they can find... regardless if it has been mentioned 30 times already or not.
So yeah, you guys are busy and seemingly short-handed but you do a great job with the time you do have.
As for people stressing over the playerbase and it dwindling down... maybe we could get some new players if there wasn't so many complaints on the forums, especially in the general section. Try to keep complaints in the suggestions area or something. Oh and there is this awesome search feature too, it lets you see if a topic was already created or discussed elsewhere! Who woulda thought such a feature existed?!
Seriously though, you people need to calm down. They know what they are doing and by now they have an understanding on what needs fixing or tweaking. If you people must continually post the same crap, make it useful. I have seen a good 20 mentions on the crafts being messed up and how they need to be fixed... but nobody really makes sound explanations as to how (minus like two people).
So this is what everyone that really wants something fixed should do... make a chart, a list, or something along those lines. It would be much more constructive and if the staff agrees with that suggestion it would be much simpler to take care of with exact figures. Help fix the problems and they will get fixed much quicker.
Right now I am working on a loot chart, basically hunting new places each day and making note of the drops. This way monsters can easily be compared by their difficulty and loot and be balanced a little better. It would be awesome if someone could make a chart for a crafting skill, say carpentry, and suggest what items should sell for and what they go for now.
I think this would be really helpful and cuts the work the staff has to do down a bit.
Anyways, I am just saying if you must complain do it constructively. The staff is doing a great job I think, considering they have lives, and we shouldn't focus all our forum time on dragging them down and acting like we aren't grateful.
Known Economical Issues!
1. You guys messed up the economy when you transferred stuff. You transferred money (Key to economy stability) and threw it all off. All the old players run around with 100’s of thousands of dollars while new players can’t make anything. You have unaccounted money. The economy has to make up for all that money before it will profit itself, stabilizes.
Let me explain:
You guys give no chance for the economy to regain itself. There is nothing to let it make money to balance itself out. The economy is going to be rich because well you transferred money in the first place. I can understand skills… but items (gold)?!? The first balance would have been tailoring…nerfed. Now it is mining! Mining is not that good in fact it is nerfed to a point. (The Gump). You
can’t gain enough iron to fund anything the gump stops that, plus the no afk macroing. You are going to spend COUNTLESS HOURS train mining. A handful of people only buying iron anyways, not enough to balance the server. The gump kills you and you lose you iron that slows economical growth. The skill is not easy to gain (Slows it even more).
2. No Supply and Demand! Everyone knows that for an economy to be self funding you need this…IT IS A MUST! (Ex. The only thing is trade is Scrolls, Pots, Mounts and mounts are rare. ) There are something like 52 skills in UO but yet 3 are being used! You need to create a must for the rest of the skills.
Let me explain:
You Gm mining only to sell the iron because well it takes 500k iron to GM Blacksmithing…. Glad I wasted my life cause of no afk macroing. What is the point to GM Blacksmithing… pvp uses 3 melee weapons (Hally, Bardy, Elven Bow which s bowcraft) and everyone is nude. So selling Armor is out of the question. Glad I wasted my time again.
FIX: Make crafted weapons strong and wearing armors a must.
So after you sell it you get money…. Odds are you macroed it away! Poor again!
Lumber jack is the same thing. Carpentry also so hard of a skill and for what reason… cause only a couple people can afford to Décor. their houses or even have houses….glad I wasted the countless hours on those skills
FIX: More house addons...stone on so. when money gets into the economy this will pick up. Colored logs.
Fishing what is the point to that skill, SOS, Special Nets? You make nothing off of selling them because no one wants them. Nothing good about them FIX: rewards are good just like Tmaps... make where a lvl 5 is worth doing and better then going hunting. they can still be hard.
Tailoring is good for a tub. WOW! After you get your tub what is the point? Make leather armor…. No cause well leather sucks and nude pvping.
FIX: make to where leather has a purpose, people need it for pvpin or another skill
Tinkering what is that skill used for?
FIX: Colored Craftable Items, House addons.
You want to skill gain to crawl and people to play and put in time, in exchange the economy is doing the same thing, it will kill the server. Player base has dropped!
That afk macroing don’t do anything to the economy. People are going to GM skills cause they want to not cause there is no afk macroing rule. Frankly with as high as the requirements are on crafting skills (500k bullshit) Many people don’t want to waste their time. Take it away and allow people a chance to make money.
The reason the economy is f**ked cause there is no DIVERSITY. Sphere as an emulator is not diverse, that is why everyone uses RunUO. RunUo has the economy standards of OSI. Everything works, there is a use to everything, skill caps, and on so. You guys scripting it like sphere you took out the diversity and means to the economy to function. Skills don’t work the way they are suppose to, or to the advantage you should have. You must make it to where it is not pointless to macro the economical skills (crafting). If that means making pvp, pvm, and whatever else different you guys better cause like Diabolical said the player base Is dropping!
NPC not restocking the items that are used the most slows shit down too