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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
Forum: Ultima Online
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
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03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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I know this is SILLY! But an idea just dawned on me, wondering if anyone likes it.
Gem potions. Use the gems with reags and bottles to make a pot or two or something. What these pots do? maybe dye an item the color of the gem? Or use them on a dye tub and get 20 charges of gem dying? Maybe have them change the "hardness" on a robe dyed by these, to grant 2 ar for like 3 days or something until it fades...
Feel free to add any ideas. I was just throwing stuff out there, understanding the GMs have more pressing things to worry about.
Ship wars.
Custom Ships with cannon's mounted to them, bola balls or cannon balls as ammunition. (Or you could even go more diverse, when using certain items they may slow down the other's boat, stop it, turn it, etc. Or it could decorate their boat for several hours with blood if they happen to survive. Endless possibilities)
The ships have Hp's depending on their size, etc. But smaller ships deserve a hint more of speed and maybe more angles to shoot with, whil the bigger ships have less speed and less angles to fire with, but more cannons or more power.
When the ship sinks, you are either captured by the enemy (A gump shows with the option to prison them or let them drown) or left to drown. Drowning includes being sent to the pits with nothing on, loss of ship, loss of items, etc.
These are just a few possibilities.
Craftable cannons/cannon balls
Craftable Grappling Hooks
Craftable Charge mines made from explosion potions
Craftable Sail insignias
Again, endless possibilities.
Next Idea
Race guides on the home page with a list and explanation of all available races. This would be extremely helpful for all role players wishing to know who is what and how to interact with them in the several possibilities. Their background, bio, etc.
Next idea
Monster raids on cities, not just britain either, that gets repetative after a while using the same town. Monsters come to the town, the guards fear for their lives, the monsters get inside the town and start destroying items. (Decoration is used for a period of time to display the aftereffects of the damage. Perhaps a time delay on the decoration spawner during the attack or an if else statement regarding if monsters die before time limit, spawn decoration 1, 2, 3 etc. else if they do not die by the time the deco spawner is finished, have them remove themselves from town until next command)
Then you could add in another plot, such as a town crier or doomsayer crying aloud about how the monsters stole his children/family or criers doing this act. You must find them and bring back the prisoners for the reward and post the head from the leader of the attack on a britain pole for the top reward. (all other participants get a smaller reward)
Next idea
Lava pies
How the hell can you not implement lava pies. Those things rocked.
Next idea
Elements, I remember a quest from IN1 Shard which entailed finding some element balls and returning them to a GM for the reward.
Next idea
More decoration. We definently need more decoration than what we already have. Having the standard armoir is just... plane ridiculous. I have seen all the other spawned items in the game secretly, we really should use them. It brings more diversity to our shard's elements, including cultural diversity. Not all cultures enjoy medieval designed plane cabinets and dressers. There were infact plenty of other cultures besides england during medieval times. Its just people only recognize Europe for it.
Just some ideas. I will have more, but I want to play UO.
These are the consequences:
1st offence:
-Jailed 2 days
2nd offence:
-Jailed 3 days
-skill set to 0
3rd offence:
-Jail 1 week
-ALL ores/logs/fish in your bank, house, backpack are deleted
-skill set to 0
You really don't want to try this because we will catch you, and you definitly won't like the consequences. If you are caught afk mining, only your ores will be deleted, not logs and fish. Same applies for fishing and lumberjacking. The ressources confiscated are the ones for that skill.
I've been trying to setup a macro for daggers and I can't figure out the menu names.
I have the following and when i click on my ingots it says unwaited menu.
Anyone know what the menu names are? I tried the displayed names on the real menu and it does not work.
uo.AutoMenu('Blacksmithy', 'Bladed')
uo.AutoMenu('Bladed', 'dagger')
uo.exec("usetype '0x1bef'")
Any ideas?
When im trying to log in it wont go past the Verifying Account screen..Im using razor to log in and my client is the version (patch 62).
Any clue whats wrong? Oh and i did extract the INX files to my UO directory
Hey, I used to play NOS, XUO and pretty much all other NOS copies a while back but decided to quit. I have now come back to find a new download / version of the game which I downloaded from the link provided by the website. I followed all the steps and patched. Then I reach the client load, and whether I use razor, injection, normal client or whatever, I get one of two errors -
1) Stuck at "Verifying Account"
2) Some problem with "Origin" or something.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this. Thanks.
1. Why not place a market area where players would put there vendors and sell shit, I thought interpersonal trading was supposed to be the major source for getting money, for now its just the freaking mining and tailoring
2. Duel Arena could also become a nice place to spend time and practice
3. The Guard at Britain bridge is totally freaked out: first, he doesnt run, he teleports, second he follows you even if you manage to recall, thats really no good, maybe you should be able to dispel guards?
4. Guarded Minoc mines is way too much, people make lots of money without bearing any risk, while those hunting do.
5. People buying towers and castles should really warn GMs, cuz I thought the main idea was to make cash flows a lot smaller.
6. Hosting events during the daytime would be really good, so people would take their asses out of the dirty mines and have some fun
7. I remember someone saying static houses enforce PvP in the red towns, anyone seen SIN anywhere xcept for their nest?) SIN's not the only example
8. Moving guarded zone to the beginning of the britain bridge should enforce blue players to participate more in ganking, not just crying "noobs!!!" etc
My Demon Pickaxe has been removed from my personal secure box which is 5th down 2nd row in my house. I was holding on to this as a rare item to be sold later, and I've been robbed of it!
Why? Please say why. It's these kinds of things that give a shard flavour. Rather than the normal 'best waste of my time' crap.
It takes 1 log(~5gp) and 3 SS(12gp).. That's not a bit exaggerated ?
1 log, 1 ss would be fine..
sub random_spam()
var i = UO.Random(5)
if i == 0 then
uo.serverprint(".wop Uus Jux")
end if
if i == 1 then
uo.serverprint(".wop In Vas Mani")
end if
if i == 2 then
uo.serverprint(".wop An Mani")
end if
if i == 3 then
uo.serverprint(".wop Kal Vas Flam")
end if
if i == 4 then
uo.serverprint(".wop Por Ort Grav")
end if
if i == 5 then
uo.serverprint(".wop Por Ort Grav")
end if
end sub
,exec random_spam..
have fun.