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Posted by: imported_Kyo
11-30-2007, 05:10 AM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (3)

Kyo heart pounded against his chest. His mouth felt dry and his lungs were burning, but he kept running. He could feel it getting closer to him. He didn't want to look back, he didn't want to see it.
His stomach cramped up and his legs felt heavy, but he kept running.
He could see the village in the distance...

His head felt like it would explode, his eyes burned from the sweat, but still he kept running.
A faint whisper slowly crawled upon his ear."You are mine....Yess"
He felt a tingle down his spine, a claw grabbed his head and slammed him to the ground.
Blood trickled down his face, looking up he saw a white face.
He started to cry..... Images of his wife and and kids rushed though his mind.
"Please! I don't want to die"

The creature looked down at him and laughed, "Dont worry, it will be fast"
"I will give you anything, I promise! please spare me!"
The creature smiled and laughed again, "Very well. You shall be my servant for eternity"
creature sunk its fangs into his neck. the feeling was too overwhelming. He lay there......minutes seemed like hours as he lay there, eyes wide open gazing as black sky.

I need Vampire Robe and Skin color. Thank you

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Posted by: Djizaz
11-30-2007, 02:18 AM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (2)


Swallowing against the dry throat he remembers for the last time the face of his captor as his bloodthirsty hands carve its long and razor sharp fingernail in his palms as they clench tightly.
Illusions and delusions fed his eager mind, revenge fed his soul as his body was almost falling apart, only holding to a thought, kept secluded and unknown to all..

..yet not forgotten..

He babbled before his nails dug deeper in its frail flesh.
Dripping lazily and languidly the crimson essence took his life slowly as it flooded the cold and crude pavement, the once bright white hair stained and tainted by the unholy fluid, curled in fetal position twitching his legs and shaking his head his chest filled with the nauseous air and a dry cough lashed his lungs painfully and the pool grown in side.

From the ceiling a strange looking ooze dripped almost endlessly burning with every of its acidic dripping blobs. Scattered around, chewed humanoid bones give a hint that the former captives met a painful and not so fortunate demise.
His long bifid tongue licks his livid lips eagerly as a vile grin widens across his dry blood tattooed face, like two opaque white marbles her eyes scan the room incessantly and nervously, his lids twitch at every movement and he hissed threateningly.
A vacant and seemingly lifeless gaze hides its sharpness and cunning as his waving motions deceive completely his current state of awareness.

Turmoil, chaos, anarchic thoughts swarmed his tormented mind, focusing blindly in his purpose. His thin lips twitched as his tongue licked them nervously again, unavoidably his sharp teeth sunk in the lifeless lips letting a few drops of blood run down his chin shyly, unaware of the wound almost senseless due to her state, gritted her teeth, hissing behind them spraying a small portion of blood that dared to enter ironically the bloodthirsty mouth, again the lips twitched before he managed to pull the words from deep inside, painfully he whispered.

Forgetting yet not forgotten,
Avenging yet not avenged,
Rotting yet not rotten,
Dying yet not dead,

Mistress, once again I bow,
Mother, once again I breathe,
Dread Lady, once again I vow,
While I live my blade won’t sheathe,

What darkness create,
Light desecrate,
Defiling the sacred,
I will feed your Hatred.
Lloth, Mother of us all,
Spinning in a red web of vein,
Don’t let me fall,
Today, as eternal is your reign.

The words echoed, inside the troubled mind, and for moments he pictured the majestic pillars and walls, the beautiful carvings and the reflecting pavement, glanced around in awe and there it was, he crawled slowly keeping his gaze down, as the hiss got louder, a painful sting made him shiver as the vicious and barbed fang sank in his back making his curl wincing in excruciating pain and spasm. A bitter flavor invaded his mouth filling it with a disgustful and bile drool that he lazily oozed out. The vacant white marbles rolled up slowly fearing their target, narrowed and nervous they met nothing but the mold covered stone wall.

A tiny black spider scuttled behind his ear and hissed tauntingly.

Devious and tedious are you,
Lifeless and brainless are you,
Faithful and dreadful were you,
Fulfilling and unyielding were you,
My puppet, mine you are.

The tiny spider swiftly scuttles climbing the long and thin silken string.
In the wall, lit by a dim and fuzzy greenish light the mold emanates, the strings stretch and again the puppet comes to life. Lifted almost lifeless, the two marbles roll lazily glancing about, as the white strings become crimson, thicker and pulsing slowly make her body twitch with each pulse, his head is pulled back and the spider slowly descends landing in his forehead carving his way in, a howl of agonizing pain echoes is muffled inside the small room as the spider finally settles leaving only his mark, the nervous and twitching orbs look down as his nails grow thicker, darker and sharper. Opening his arms wide, an eviscerating pain pierces his still frail body making him spasm in pain as a warm shiver ran down his spine, and his feet felt the ground once again. Hundreds of tiny black spiders peered and scuttled down and wove a thin web embroidering his long hair entwined with the strong and thin web.
Scuttling down his neck they started weaving encasing his chest in a complex broidery and intricate pattern webbing. As fast as they came down, they scuttled up hissing loudly.

Beady and aware the two orbs widened with life, the crimson strings unplugged from his body hanging dripping blood as she watched in awe.

Immediately felt a wracking pain that made him curve his back into a deep bow, his braids touched the bloodied ground waving freely, he closed his eyes and widened a grim and malicious smile, saying as the darkness engulfed him.

Usstan uil dosstan Quar’valsharess!

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Posted by: prime676
11-30-2007, 02:11 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (1)

Like it says can anyone make me a nice macro for BS and restocking? preferably making daggers.

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Posted by: imported_Nostalgia
11-30-2007, 01:18 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (32)

Do not trust this guy, do not try to trade with him.

I just traded my house on an island to him for 30k+a bunch of deeded regs, then, he tried to gank me with a guildmate but the deeds were blessed, thank god.

Do not deal with this scammer.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
11-29-2007, 11:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

I added a skill reward when you GM mining, a pickaxe.
If you have already GM'd mining, please page a GM to get a colored/named/newbied pickaxe.

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Posted by: imported_Smurtle
11-29-2007, 06:54 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

IF someone is douching around it's not me..seems I have a clone or two. Lol :O

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Posted by: imported_Horacio
11-29-2007, 06:45 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (10)

Heys guys, just throwin this idea out here, nothing more.

Canaris and I were talking the other day, and we were thinking... "Why is Meditation the way it is?" From what I remember hearing, meditation was bugged on sphere, as it couldnt emulate the OSI meditation process.
Spamming Mediation every 4 seconds seems somewhat useless. Is there a particular reason why the normal meditation style (quick regeneration on success) is not used aside from "sphere feel"? If you think it will affect PvP, it wont, as you cant meditate when "Preoccupied with thoughts of battle".

I'm not necessarily suggesting that it flies up the way it does on OSI (although itwould be nice), but maybe a way that if you just press it once, and it slowly regenerates up at a smiliar pace as it does now.

Get back to me people

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Posted by: inactofpurerage
11-29-2007, 06:16 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (3)

I think Veterinary is to easy to gain when you compare it to Healing.

So i think Veterinary should be harder to gain or Healing should be more easy to gain.

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Posted by: imported_BLack_Raider
11-29-2007, 12:56 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

how i ll get my old Hq(BLACK guildhouse-at sh) or first i must ask can i get it back?
must pay again?

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Posted by: Killa Kill B
11-29-2007, 10:18 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (1)

Does anyone know a good alchemy macro that will raise it as fast as possible?

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