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Posted by: imported_Drama
10-26-2008, 03:30 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

anyone else having prblems loggin in im getting stuck at entering britannia

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Posted by: imported_Jiraiya
10-26-2008, 03:10 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (5)

Hey there, I was sitting on my boat and opened the hold, and now I cant log in. I can log into the account, see my chars, but I stall with both razor and inj while attempting to log in on either char.
Any ideas?

ta, jiraya

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Posted by: imported_Solid[PT]
10-26-2008, 01:18 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

This morning i went to Destard to hunt a little bit and i noticed something that is kinda of bugged :x.

If the dragon dies in a little mountain and i try to loot it doesnt allow me :confused:. Or it says that im too far away or when i can open the body i cant drag items. It says a message that i cant remember now :x, and i crash. It is like a topic in this section about dragging items. It gives a message ( i dont remember if it is, "you must wait,..." or another) but then i freeze and crash Confused.

Cumps Wink.

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Posted by: imported_Jiraiya
10-24-2008, 04:54 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (11)

Hey guys I'm just throwing this out there because several times since I started playing IN:X I've had a corpse decay in what to me, seemed too little time. If your hunting alone and die -- I'll use covetous extreme ogre as an example here -- it takes you like 2 minutes to get back to your corpse from the res ankh outside. Now that doesnt include the deaths along the way to the various mobs that will 1 shot you in your res robe, then the deaths that will no doubt ensue while trying to hide and get your stuff. I'm not sure what the decay timer is currently, seems like around 10 minutes? Possibly 10 minutes and then the corpse turns into bones, and like 1 minute after that it disappears.

Its extremely aggrivating to go through all the trouble of getting back to your corpse, start looting it, and then mid looting have it vanish completely. Maybe a possible solution to this is if the corpse is activated/looted, the timer refreshes on it or adds another 10 mins or so? I dunno, to me it just seems to quick to decay just now thats all, some people will probably disagree with me, but its just a suggestion.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
10-24-2008, 05:59 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (3)

It'd be nice to have the AoS menu select the color of ingot you're trying to make by default when it detects only one type of ingot in your pack. Sometimes I try to make a bunch of different sets by draggin 100 ingots of one type and it's annoying to have to go into the menu and change it every time. Can we can the script to default to the only type of ingot in your pack if you only have one?



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Posted by: imported_Malaki
10-23-2008, 10:06 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Hey whats going on everyone? I played IN for years and just wanted to see who all is still playing? Its really great to see this place is still going and would be nice to see some old names!

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Posted by: imported_Theo
10-22-2008, 03:47 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (7)

everytime i try to loot or pick up something too fast the message "you must wait until you can perform another action", right after that i freeze and had to re-log to get back running or i can wait for 5min.

Gandalf told me it's a client related issue, and im using the latest one (im pretty sure) (patch 71)

can someone tell me how to change back to older clients without download all that stuff over again, and which client will stop the freezing?

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Posted by: imported_hyped
10-21-2008, 10:18 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (17)

what is with gay sensor disrupting my speech

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Posted by: imported_hyped
10-21-2008, 08:04 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

hello hows it going, cant wait to get started how is skill gain and are there lots of reds?

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Posted by: imported_Kaine
10-20-2008, 11:51 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (3)

The use of peacemaking on other players.

Can only self target peacemaking.
Must be in a duel room or outside of a dungeon (roam space).
Limited to effect opposing alliance or guild

If self target peacemaking while other/s is/are in war mode, disable both parties or others from fight for 3-5 seconds. Movement is allowed, healing is allowed. Recall is not allowed. Once action has been initiated, there is a cooldown time of 1 minute.

*notes on both parties*

Both parties clarified as opposing alliance members and initiator of skill.
Radius determined

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