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gay censor - imported_hyped - 10-21-2008

what is with gay sensor disrupting my speech

gay censor - imported_Kaine - 10-21-2008

gay censor - imported_hyped - 10-22-2008

House looting is allowed as long as it is not from the abuse of a bug. This is not a care-bear server.

When you choose a name, please use common sense. If you pick something like "K3wl d00d", we will have to rename you. Also, you are not allowed to have the same name as a staff member.

wow first rule is up there becauyse they say this not care bear server, (lol god mode 100 all skills, plz no swearing plz dont make fun of me, everyone with pots and scrolls) everything is done for you. this server is pointless its nothing but bad pvp (at least extrmely repetitive pvp it could be better but all u see is people runing around with bards and fs fs fs fs. how can you play with those horrible words of power KAL VAS FLAM all fite long extremely annnoying and does not take any skill just makes for a gay fite.

and your gonna tell me there is something wrong with the name K3wl d00d???? are you shitting me? its not even offensive?

what are with nazi rules?

gay censor - imported_Ryuuku - 10-22-2008

hehehe, those things always returning...

You are not the first and dont go be the last.

it's remember me Metallica: Sad But True

gay censor - imported_hyped - 10-22-2008

i thjink your saying that i am not the first person to mention this and that you dont think i will be the last, but where do you stand?

gay censor - imported_Tiesto - 10-22-2008

Hey, didnt you just joined the shard? why dont you try to behave abit at least in your post?, this is not the way to complain about something, neither your topic name is good.

A moderator should remove this usseless and crappy post

gay censor - imported_Gang-Bang - 10-22-2008

If you think this pvp doesnt require any skill try to kill anyone... Spam here cos without it would be really easy to survive, u see FS and then u just press GH. And it isnt really require any skill. With those power words you have to be always prepared for enemy dump... Anyways, this pvp aint going change. I dunno where you pvped before, but im 99% sure it was some kind of OSI-pvp style shard. Character classes like warriors, mages and so on. There u dont need any skill to pvp, but good items. Everything depends on stuff what u wear... Here u dont need good items to pvp, u just need to know how to duel.
About names like "kewl d00d" - im also dont know whats wrong with names like it, i heard it would ruin gameplay for RPers.. If it really does, i think it is good reason...

gay censor - imported_Jiraiya - 10-22-2008

hyped Wrote:wow first rule is up there becauyse they say this not care bear server, (lol god mode 100 all skills, plz no swearing plz dont make fun of me, everyone with pots and scrolls) everything is done for you. this server is pointless its nothing but bad pvp (at least extrmely repetitive pvp it could be better but all u see is people runing around with bards and fs fs fs fs. how can you play with those horrible words of power KAL VAS FLAM all fite long extremely annnoying and does not take any skill just makes for a gay fite.
what are with nazi rules?

Yeah 100 all skills = complete invincibility. Its a good thing everyone cant have 100 all skills or... oh wait they can. Why would I want to play on crap OSI clones where I need to have 5 chars to do what 1 char can do here? Whats the point of scrolls on a t2a shard anyway? There is none. And your telling me you dont chug cures and gheal pots on your oh so great replica shards? That would just mean your a bad pvper.

Scrolls, pots, the ability to wear plate without gimping your char. All these things fuel a player based economy, moreso then on osi. Also I've played many t2a shards and not one of them has better pvp then sphere style pvp. How exactly does having to unequip a weapon make any difference at all except to help whoevers lagging less win?

You've got no idea wtf your talking about kid, I'm sure any number of good pvpers here would be happy to spam .wop Vas Ort Flam / Corp Por for you while they FS you into a crispy critter if Kal Vas Flam bothers you so much.

And I'm pretty sure from your post that you havn't realised there are 3 different types of FS here. NOS style 30 mana 1.5sec cast, uox style 20 mana 20 hp 1.5sec, and normal fs. If you dont understand how complex this makes predicting your opponent and therefor pvp in general -- combined with the arsenal of other spells with faster cast times and different mana requirements -- then I certainly am not about to explain it to you.

I think your right about bardy though, 1 weapon shouldn't dominate so heavily in pvp. Hammerpick, Warfork, Halby, Baxe, I think these kinda need tweaked to be a bit better (As I dont have sup acc vanqs of any of these yet I really shouldn't comment on that, but from watching duels thats how it seems to me.) And I think healing should be more reliable then it currently is. But thats just personal opinion.

The swear filter pisses me off too, especially since 99% of the time I swear its inside my house talking to friends. I think if someone wants to be free of cursing, they should turn on the uo filter, it doesnt need to be a server wide thing. All this has really served to do for me is inspire me to create stranger more absurd and sometimes even more vulgar ways of saying the same thing.

Plus its like, if the reason for it is that it disrupts a roleplayer from experiancing his roleplay, then they arent a very good roleplayer. Everyone swears, removing that ability if anything takes away from any decent roleplay. I can understand the k3w1 d3WD naming stuff, but swearing? Why? If someone is being totally disruptive jail them, dont penalize the whole server cause of some idgetz.

gay censor - imported_Ryuuku - 10-22-2008

Jiraiya Wrote:I think your right about bardy though, 1 weapon shouldn't dominate so heavily in pvp. Hammerpick, Warfork, Halby, Baxe, I think these kinda need tweaked to be a bit better (As I dont have sup acc vanqs of any of these yet I really shouldn't comment on that, but from watching duels thats how it seems to me.)

People still dont know the power of HH ( 60 hit with critical on a valorite armor)
or J Hammer better than HH when you get a nice blow with critical Wink

gay censor - imported_Gang-Bang - 10-22-2008

Criticals does not work in tourneys/duels stones;p

gay censor - maka - 10-22-2008

We have tried to make weapons damage and speed profile different, so that different weapons can be used in different situations. There will however always be a "common" way to PvP, meaning that a lot of people will PvP the same way. The people that PvP the same/similar way have same/similar requirements, that is also why thy very often pick the same/similar weapons.

Battle axe
War fork
Hammer Pick
War Hammer

All these weapons, according to me, are good tourney weapons. There might be some more that I forgot, but I would call those weapons keepers. The issue, reason to why one is used more than the other, is cause the profiles on all of them are so very different. If you do not PvP a very specific way, there is no chance that you will do good with a War Fork from the beggning of the duel. If you don't know how to use high damage slow hits to your advantage, then HP, WH and Halberd are out of the question. Bardiche is the most used one cause it has a little bit of everything, meaning it is easier to control.

My personal favorites are a Battle Axe vs a guy that doesn't run super much (or if the area is small), a Bardiche vs a moderate runner in a larger area and lastly a Halberd/War Hammer, if I feel that I'm not getting enough hits (only one hit required with high damage weaps). If I'm fighting a shielder I like to shield up myself, or use a high damage weapon.

It it's my opinion at least, weapons are much like a car, different cars for different occasions. Easiest way to balance something is to have the same damage and speed profile on every weapon, but then we are only getting one single weapon with a lot of different appearances.

Balancing suggestions are always welcome though, but keep in mind, we want different speed and damage profiles and we want them to be equally good, but different.

gay censor - imported_NegativeGlow - 10-23-2008
