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Some issues in Destard - Printable Version

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Some issues in Destard - imported_Solid[PT] - 10-26-2008

This morning i went to Destard to hunt a little bit and i noticed something that is kinda of bugged :x.

If the dragon dies in a little mountain and i try to loot it doesnt allow me :confused:. Or it says that im too far away or when i can open the body i cant drag items. It says a message that i cant remember now :x, and i crash. It is like a topic in this section about dragging items. It gives a message ( i dont remember if it is, "you must wait,..." or another) but then i freeze and crash Confused.

Cumps Wink.

Some issues in Destard - imported_Taran - 10-26-2008

What client version are you running?