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Posted by: maka
12-08-2008, 03:27 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Please don't do it guys. The server in question have been cool enough to us, and kept away from our forums, so lets show them the same curtsy.

I understand that you want players to join INX again, but don't be too worried. Everything will come, and probably be bigger and better, when we re-announce the server. If you want to do some kind of advertising, do it in a friendly manner, mouth to mouth.

Thank you.

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Posted by: Riv
12-07-2008, 11:53 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

well i go way back with IN...actually played at Flint Hills prior to IN for those hat remember that long ago.

havn't played any mmorpg in a couple years. Tried them all though.I was into WoW for awhile. UO is the only mmorpg that has really captured my imagination.

i kind've want to play UO again but i'm an old fart now and i doubt i'd be able to pick up the pvp again (and i can't be bothered really). Seriously once you hit 35 your reflexes really slow down ha...

So i'm thinking of just creating a character thats a craftsman only that i can RP. But i looked over the rules and there is no skill i'm that kind of character viable? considering anyone who wants to put skill points into crafting common are craftsman only characters?

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Posted by: smoke
12-07-2008, 09:01 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Well I logged on the other day to chill and talked to people and there was like 2 people active.. I asked what happened and they told me that everyone left and stopped playing because there is no active staff tours entertainment ganking and there's lag..

My solution is to host a big tour/event/monster bash and announce something while all those players are online to keep them because if you don't do something soon you won't have anymore players to even tell people about the shard =/

For the active staff part, I mean come on I know there isn't many people but if your just running around on your staff doing nothing you can make an event or mini monster bash something to entertain the players so they can enjoy what is left and maybe more players will come who knows..

I was on maybe 30 mins and I got fed up and logged off because i checked the forums saw that the last tour was 11-05-2008 over a month ago wow? Then I checked the weekly report by taran and that was stopped like 2 weeks ago also.. What's going on guys? Where is the active staff? Can anyone give me a real non flaming update please.

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Posted by: imported_Ryuuku
12-07-2008, 04:50 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (2)

Some times, have about 3/4 days, when the world is saving , the gump dont disaper and I stay stucked and have to relog, what it could be?

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Posted by: maka
12-06-2008, 11:46 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

If you can't see the below items as stackable, download the our TileData.mul. Remember to back up your old tile data, in case you need to revert.

All potions

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Posted by: imported_Levatei Lasmanos
12-06-2008, 06:55 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- No Replies

Can we get crimbo trees this year, didnt get 1 last year n ya can't have crimbo without a tree Smile

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Posted by: maka
12-04-2008, 06:07 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (38)

This topic has 2 purposes. One is to make it easier for newbies in their every day life, and the other is to reward our crafters that has been macroing their slow skills to GM.

I would like to know if there is any vendor buy prices that are ridiculously high or way to low.

I would also like to know about general selling prices, is something way to profitable, or is something not even worth doing.

And as in the previous topics, call your friends that quit, and that were unhappy with this part of our server. Give us a chance to change these things, so that they once again can enjoy the server.

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Posted by: maka
12-04-2008, 02:39 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (198)

We need to know what type of content you guys think is VERY important for our server. Post what you think will be the most important things to implement, everything from crafts, monsters, events, resources, etc.

Like I said in the other topic, please direct your friends here, even if they have quit. We have the chance to make this server the server they once enjoyed playing.

The staff members will read this topic, then move the things they find most important to the staff forum, and we will implement it.

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Posted by: maka
12-04-2008, 02:18 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (61)

As a lot of our players have gone inactive, we also ask you to let them know about this topic. Even if they are not playing here right now, but might some time in the future, direct them here. We are once again trying to hit huge numbers, and we want it to stick this time, so we need all the help we can get!

As the staff is in the process of balancing loots, we ask you, the players, for suggestions on what needs to be done. We are essentially interested in every piece of information that we can get, as long as it is relevant to a change that can be done.

All off topic posts will be deleted, only thing that we want in this thread is suggestions (according to the below template) and comments on other peoples suggestions. Only write a comment on someone else's post if you disagree, we do not need agreeing replies.

The scale in which you will grading the monsters is from -5 to +5, with 0 as neutral/no change required. -5 means that something is way too little/low/easy and +5 means way too much/high/hard. All grades are referring to the current state of the monster, meaning your opinion of how it is right now.

It is important to know that we do not want all monsters to be one and the same, diversity makes hunting a lot more fun. Please keep that in mind when ever you pick a value and give balancing suggestions. It is also necessary to let us know when a monster is too good (as in gives way to good loot in relation to the effort it required.

Copy and paste the below template and fill it in. Fields marked with underscore are required, fields marked with italic and a (*) are optional. You do not need to format (add style) your templates.


[I]Balancing suggestions(*):[/I]
[I]Balancing suggestions(*):[/I]
[U]Time to kill:[/U]
[U]Hunting value:[/U]
[I]Method used(*):[/I]
[I]Free-text suggestions(*):[/I]

[SIZE="5"]Template explanation[/SIZE]
Type/Name: Type or name of the monster. Type is always easier for us, but you might only know the name. E.g. "Balron" vs "Slush Puppy the Evil One".
Strength: How hard the monster is to kill, does not only refer to stats/skills. Dispelling or a lot of flame strikes could be a factor in monster strength.
Balancing suggestions(*): How to change monster strength, all from adding/removing stats to changing speeds and spells.
Loot: The loot that you've gotten from the monster.
Balancing suggestions(*): Adding/removing stuff. Changing drop chances etc.
Time to kill: Average time it has taken for you to kill it.
Hunting value: How worth is it hunting this monster, compared to others.
Method used(*): EVs, BS, bows, poisonous daggers, hiding behind walls and shooting etc.
Free-text suggestions(*): What ever else suggestion (to the specific monster) that doesn't fit in the above columns.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
12-02-2008, 11:28 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

server down?

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