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Posted by: imported_Ryuuku
03-23-2009, 03:08 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)


I forgot to dispell while was using the fire armor, But believe me Fire is the COOLEST armor.

[Image: firearmor.jpg]

[Image: havocarmor.jpg]

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Posted by: SocialSurgery
03-23-2009, 02:03 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (2)

Aloha my brother and i have currently decided to return to Imagine Nation afters years of being absent from uo and i saw we could not use more than one account to the same IP unless notifying a admin so i figured this would be the place to post the notification and let you guys know what was up. TY post back with the questions you need to ask and how this all works out and what i need to do to make sure we are legit.

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Posted by: imported_Ryuuku
03-21-2009, 08:47 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- No Replies

Have a way to make the guild chat accept special character like "é , ¬¬ , ç " ....?

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Posted by: imported_Lederoil
03-20-2009, 09:22 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

[Image: posterq.png]

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
03-20-2009, 02:47 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

Post all your ideas here that you think will get people on INX because it's fun to do or will make that annoying part of INX more fun! This can be quest ideas, features you want to see ingame, changes, etc. Anything that you think will get more people on INX!


-Make a "for fun" pvp area where you can't be looted. Limit the time in this area to x hours so people don't abuse, or under x skills like the training grounds. This will also serve as a good place for people who want to try out pvp but are scarred to lose their stuff.


-Make a giant quest that's a war between two countries or factions and you have to choose a side. Players work with each other to fight the mobs and players on the other side. Killing a mob is say 2 pts, a player on the other side is 10 pts. Killing the general is 50 pts, a lieutenant is 20. Some thoughts for this: Each side has a 'general' who can direct monsters where to go, or promote a few lieutenants and they can control 1 monster each. Each player has a certain role, like if there are 10 people per team only 2 can heal, only 2 can cast offensive spells, only 2 can cast defensive spells, others can only use combats, etc.

This quest can be revisited, and the team that wins the fastest earns a trophy in pits with their names on it and every player on the winning side gets a smaller version of the trophy to put on display in their house. The smaller trophies would only have a 1 line message like "War veteran" or "Evil triumphed in the great war" If your time gets beat you lose your trophy and the one in pits gets renamed. This will encourage people to keep coming back so they can keep their trophy.


-Set up a hunter lounge where you can go and talk with other PVMers or find someone else to PVM with if you don't want to go on your own. Before leaving you agree to an alliance with the person and can't kill or loot each other.

In this lounge there could also be a score board keeping track of the kill count for every team. This score board would work off total points, each monster is worth a certain amount. Like a skeleton is 1 pt, extreme skeleton 5pts, dragon 5 pts, extreme dragon 25 pts, etc. At the end of every week or every month the winners get a small trophy saying something like "March's best PVM duo" or bonus cash for winning the contest.


That's all I have for now and I hope this will get other people thinking and posting their ideas as well!

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Posted by: imported_Tiesto
03-19-2009, 09:58 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

*Posted it here so everyone can actually see it*

will start this saturday 21 around 7:00PM server time (type "what time is it" in-game to see the current time.

It's a simple 1vs1 ladder tournament , the prizes or rewards may be diferent according to the amount of joiners we get.

Since we are planning on changing the current pvp rewards table we have at this moment [SIZE="5"]i wont stick to this table [/SIZE][SIZE="4"][/SIZE]

heres how it will be
>=20 joiners = tickets and a statue in pits for first place and tickets to second
>=25 joiners = r/r cloth deed ans statue in pits to first place and tickets to second
>=35 joiners= r/r weapon deed and statue in pits to first place and tickets to second

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
03-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

Here are a few questions I have on stacked items and this thread could serve as an FAQ once they're all answered. I'll try to keep editing this first post with the answer as they're posted so people don't have to read through the whole thread. Feel free to add your own questions as well, I'll add them to the first post too once they have an answer.

Q1: If I make 10 items and they appear as 10 unstacked items, how do I stack them?
A1: Drag and drop them ontop of each other like you would do with a resource like ore.

Q2: If I make 10 items and 2 of them are exceptional, can they be stacked with the others or do they have to go in their own stack?

Q3: (Depends on answer to Q2) If I want to remove an exceptional item from a stack of exceptional and regular items, how do I get the exceptional?

Q4: Do items with different powers or accuracy stack? Ex: Does a mace of power stack with a mace of vanquishing)?

Q5: If I have 10 items and each weighs 1 stone, does a stack of 10 weigh 10 stones or 1 stone?
A5: The stack would have same weight as the amount of items in it in your case the stack would weight 10 stones. - Odium

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
03-18-2009, 02:04 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (13)

Last night as I was half distracted by the hockey game I played Odium in a game of Battle Chess!

Odium took an early lead taking my knight after I took his guarded pawn. He kept going like a bat out of hell taking all my pieces, a bishop, rook, and even my QUEEN!!! Until suddenly my rook appears out of nowhere (actually off Odium's screen) and I took his QUEEN!!! After a 5 minute pause to allow Odium some time to recover emotionally he tried fighting back but I was in control now.

Odium soon realized I was the battle chess champion and he foolishly declared he was now playing for a draw! After a few exchanges of pawns Odium attempted to guard his lsat two pawns with his only remaining piece; a rook, as they were heading to become queens! So I played a solid defense and stopped him short.

We ran in circles for a bit as I cleaned Odium out with my rook, bishop, and knight and then I capped it off by guarding my pawn to the finish line and making it into a queen.

Odium thinks his draw is in site and declares "3 moves til my draw Smile". I look at the board, think I can win in 3, move my queen into position to check Odium's king and force him to the side boards and it's CHECKMATE! Eighty Swords defeats the lowly Odium in battle chess!!!

(witnessed by Papa Smurph when he wasn't busy running away from the game in fear at the thought of playing me next muhahahaha)

I deserve a statue or something! Smile

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Posted by: Krassas
03-18-2009, 01:58 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (13)


i was wondering if anyone know how to play UO in 3d?

Do i have to aquire Kingdom Reborn for that?

Does it work if i download the client from their homepage?

Best Regards

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Posted by: imported_Ryuuku
03-17-2009, 04:03 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (31)

It just weird how its now:

250k on money
7 TOUR Ticket

250k money = 1/2 hour hunt
7 tour ticket = months and you have to win the events or be on the winner team.

1 Tour Ticket = 80k
7 Tour Ticket = 560k

560k = 2 Random tubs plus 60k on cash. ( Who the hell is the stupid to buy ONE tub by 7 tickets instead of just change the ticket to money, get 2 tubs and 60k?)

Seeing the dificult to get ticket, I think it deserve to be just 2 tour ticket. Big Grin

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