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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
03-16-2009, 11:03 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

I'm really happy that the Admin/GMs have been running so many events! It's great to see GM spam again Smile. Sorry I haven't been able to attend anything yet, I've been very busy with school and getting my house ready to move (again). So:

<3 xox <3 to you guys. You rock!


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Posted by: Eighty Swords
03-15-2009, 05:50 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (4)

Can the lottery messages only show for the people who bought the tickets? My screen just got really spammed with multi colored texts.

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
03-14-2009, 06:18 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (45)

I think the weights need to be reduced on ressources; logs, boards, ore, ingots, etc.

with nothing in my pack but a pick axe, I can only mine about 160 ore before i'm over weight. smelt this, then i can only get about another 130 more before I'm full again. After this I have to run to the bank, deposit, and come back. It's really long and makes mining more boring then it already is Sad

(same with logs -> if we could cut them to boards which weigh less that would help some). i know its a sphere replica so i dont even know if there were boards, so the other solution is drop the weight some Smile

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
03-14-2009, 02:19 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (3)

It'd be nice if you could tell what type of seed you had when clicked. Not only will it help remember which seed you just took out of the box, but also seed sales in vendor mall (dungeon).

Also, can fully grown deco plants have their original names, like in the wild, instead of "decorative plant"? That'd be uber.


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Posted by: Don Tazione
03-12-2009, 02:32 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (9)

*Walking up to the barmaid* Excuse me Madame, maybe you could help me... I'm looking for a group of fellows that often keep to themselves, save the dark elf I hear they took in many months ago. I think they were known to outsiders as Vikings.

*The barmaid replies she hasn't as she blushes deeply*

No you say? Would it help if I said they sometimes speak a language unknown to others, something Nordic, what was it called again?

"Mhmm" she replies.

So you have have heard of them then? ...pause...

As the barmaid begins falling forward without acting to brace herself, Don Tazione realizes something happened to her and quickly reaches out to catch her. He gently lays her on the ground and sees a needle so small it would be almost undetectable if it weren't for his special training. He places two fingers on the left side of her neck and slowly starts counting... 1...2...3...4...5... With a sudden look of terror he quickly lays her flat on the stone cold floor and tilts her head back, pinches her nose and starts kissing her. Or so that strange old man in the dark cloak thinks. After 'kissing' her for a few seconds he puts his two hands together and starts pushing on her, just below her bosom. He repeats this a few times and the barmaid begins vehemently coughing. In a dazed state she looks at Don Tazione and says 'what happened?'

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Posted by: imported_Jiraiya
03-09-2009, 03:33 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
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Any chance of making these stackable?

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Posted by: imported_Slaethin
03-09-2009, 03:45 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (45)

Alright so this suggestion isn't really my own creative and original idea. It should really be credited to who ever thought of it first,seeing as how I don't know the name of that person or group of people I can't really attribute it to them, but nonetheless it is a very good idea (for pvpers).

Ok so before I say this suggestion I would first like you be in an open minded mood. Because seeing as how most of you post readers will be PVE'rs you are going to immediately shut this idea out. (I only say PVE'rs because I looked at server status and everyone's kills was 0, so I assume no one pvps).

The suggestion: A GPS Tracker on all players be open to the public. So basically what I'm saying is that somewhere on this site, maybe on the server status next to everyones name should also be their in game coordinates. The purpose of this is to :

1. Attract lost PVPers to this shard as it now may give them a reason to play here. PVPers can now expand their limited realm of pking from outside Britain Bridge and Occlo to trivial dungeons where PVErs are hunting.

2. This also gives motivation to PVErs to finally adopt the ways of PVP. It finally gives them the incentive to try PVPINg or at the very least come up with some sort of self defense mechanism.

3. Well as the title of the post says "The Pleasurable Feeling of Paranoia" it adds a bit of adventure and "Fun" to the shard. Its little bit of horror and excitement that builds into the game and gets rid of the old boring and banal atmosphere.

And if you do find the coordinate system as unproductive and a disservice to the server, then like all bad ideas you throw it out! But hey you'll never what it will be like until you try it! Cool

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Posted by: imported_Slaethin
03-08-2009, 06:55 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (41)

So about a year ago during the summer I joined the shard (probably around June or July) and then I played it for awhile. The shard was good had a lot of players, good economy(aka Samild) and decent pvp (BOO TO 20 mana pots). Anyways, I took a brake from UO and I come back and I find out that the entire population of IN:X is completely decimated.

Now what really is eating away at my mind is the reason for its decline. So I am asking your help in this. What was the cause for this sudden decline in population and disinterest in IN:X?

I want you to take a moment and think about this. Dont give me a hasty answer because most of the answers that I get from this question have nothing to do with it. I asked a lot of people why it ended, and here are the most popular answers:

1. Taran turned the shard off and thus players began to lose trust in the shard's stability and in that time lost their interest in the game all together.

The most important thing that's wrong with this statement is that, my question does not pertain to the IN:X that existed as of before June 2008. To my knowledge (AND CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG, BECAUSE I HAVENT BEEN ON) IN:X has not shut off for a long interval during the time from June 2008 till now. Therefore the population drop cannot be related to this. Also I'd like to clarify this population drop, what I mean is, back when Gang-bang, Pedro, Monkey, etc... those pvpers played at a population of atleast 30-40.

2. Number two on the list is: "People didn't want to macro their skills so the shard declined in population as a consequence." Ok, so this answer has flaws it in it also. First of all there were at least 40 or so people who had GMed many skills such as Magery, Healing, Anatomy, tailoring etc (ALL THE IMPORTANT ONES) and that means that those people DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE HARD SKILL GAIN seeing as how they already had important skills gmed. And my question is asking why those 40 or so people quit! Not why more people aren't joining!

3. The third answer is Splinter's shard came out and stole all the players. Once again correct me if I am wrong, I thought the population drop occurred a bit before his shard came out. If it occurred at the same time, well then thats an answer, but why did they go there? Why would players downgrade themselves to a 51a shard that has so many flaws. Auto-cut, bugging kills, bad economy, worst PVE.

4. The Pvp is not good on IN:X. Well whats wrong with this is that the populace didnt think so because there were so many people pvping here that thought it was good pvp. Gang-bang, Pedro etc.. all those guys thought the pvp was good so no idea why they left. Items on this shard are pretty easy to get too, so that isnt a problem. Its not like they quit because they were unable to gather resources.

So anyways If you have a theory other than the four I just mentioned please share it with me. I am very curious as to why such a well scripted(besides for 20 manas) and uncorrupt shard is so lonely.

My only reasons why this happened is:
-20 mana pots
-Laggy server( all those useless items just causing lagg... at the duel arenas)
-And as always i think anyshard without Color Wars is bound to fail
-This, I don't think is a problem with this shard but it is with most. Separation of staff from players. In order to avoid corruption at all costs, it is best to make sure staff do not have players as it will reduce the temptation for corruption and thus provide a sounder economy and server.
-Well this isn't coincidence, as soon as Slaethin takes a brake from UO, all of the population just declines... definitely not a coincidence. I think that you guys should get used to the idea that Slaethin is an integral part of the UO society, a sort of glue that connects everyone together.

P.S I would really like to commend the servers staff right now. See most servers would've shut off by now and who ever is paying for this server right now, *hats off* to you and good job. Also I would like to praise Taran for his persistence, he still hasn't given up. A quality that a lot of people lack. So Good Job and Best of Luck to this server in coming years.

Good things come in time!

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Posted by: imported_Token
03-07-2009, 06:52 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (16)

Can it be made to buy rooms in the inns that are in town? Because there empty with 1 npc in there. Reasonble prices because they are different sizes.

Sweet Dream Inn 1498 1624 britain
Ironwood Inn 2771 972 vesper
Vesper Youth Hostel 2969 878 vesper

Can the prices be lowered some for buying a static?

New Idea *Bar fight tourney bottles are weapon make them throwable and players must be drunk in tourney.*

Is it possible to extend the guard line at 1723 1548 east for players who are crafters that half to use lumberjacking.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
03-06-2009, 08:59 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (35)

This Sunday after reboot a starting skill package will be added.
All new characters created will get 0 skills from the beginning and instead the player will get a gump where they choose 3 skills they want to begin with.
How many points you get depends on what skill you choose, but they range from 55-100.
For example: You get 55 in animal taming but 100 in tactics. And dont worry, you will see how much you get in each skill in the gump.

And we haven't forgotten about existing characters. You will find a skill stone in pits, just doubleclick this and you get to choose 3 skills to boost as well.

This stone can only be used once per character, but you can use it one time on every character on your account. But as usual, multiple accounts are not allowed, meaning you can have a maximum of 5 boosted chars.

So go tell everyone that stopped playing because skillgain was too hard! We know being a newbie is really difficult, that's why we decided to do this instead of increasing skillgain.

Hope you like it!

Oh, and everyone will start with 100/100/100 in stats. Wink

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