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Posted by: smoke
05-30-2009, 12:20 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (6)

make res killing for the point version give you points please, it's like that in ctf and it was like that on xuo so i don't know why it wouldn't give in cw if it's like that in ctf =/

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Posted by: imported_Menace
05-27-2009, 01:02 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (21)

I've always wondered if the staff is ever going to implement name change deeds, sex change deeds, skin color change deeds, etc. They have always been available in the past and now for some reason we don't have them. Will they ever become available?

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Posted by: imported_Shade
05-25-2009, 06:28 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (17)

Two things I'd like to let you all know about that have been added in game.

First, new collectible items have been added throughout the world. Some of them may be in plain sight while others are well hidden. You may stumble on these items and notice that you cannot simply pick them up but with a little skill they are actually attainable. The simplest one to be found is located somewhere in Ocllo. There are plenty more to be found and I will be adding to the list as time progresses. They also respawn after some time and currently there is about 25 to be found.

The second thing I would like to let you all know about is a new monster. This monster is rather difficult and I doubt anyone would have much luck soloing it. Due to that fact, it actually has a quite rewarding outcome if it is defeated. Be warned though, the monster can play tricks on your eyes as its name clearly suggests. So gather a group and see if you can take down this rather tricky monster. Oh and one last piece of advice, your normal hunting tactics may not be very effective against something that can change forms. If you wish to give it a shot, start your search in a dungeon that has a lake. Good luck.

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
05-25-2009, 02:39 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (8)

I think there are some players on our shard that don't check the forums or website very much so they don't always know about the latest updates and important changes like the .sam feature added yesterday.

To help these players I think it would be cool to have a message box show up the first time you log in after an update showing all the changes made, or at least the important ones.

The ingame message wouldn't have to show updates like 'cleaned up' or 'corrected spelling issues', just the updates that affect people ingame like 'added command to show when players enter an area', 'added 5 new types of logs', 'added a new event; color wars', etc.

There could even be buttons to go back and forth to see previous updates and a button you could click to take you to the homepage to see more info on the updates when an explanation is needed on it (like the status page or .sam update).

What do you think dev team?

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Posted by: imported_Taran
05-24-2009, 09:14 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (35)

A new command has been added, .showarrivemessage or .sam
When enabled it will broadcast certain regions when you enter them to other players that also have this enabled. There's a 24 hour delay between toggling the command and also a small delay between the broadcasts so you can't spam other players by running in and out of a gate.

Also, the regions on the statuspage isn't as specific anymore. If you want to know where other players go you will have to enable .sam.

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Posted by: imported_Fable
05-24-2009, 05:57 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

hey guys/ladies. long time no see. i havn't been able to play for a while now due to my internet. i had purchased 100 m/bits and they cancelled my old internet for months since then Confused anyways they told me that my internet will be working again 2nd june. which is soon. hope to see everyone online! =)

saw on the status page, the shard seems to be growing Smile

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Posted by: smoke
05-23-2009, 09:10 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (20)

Yet again the 1v1 speacial reg wasn't hosted.. it's funny how players and staff are wondering why they don't have active players nor many players on the shard.. well it's right under there noses I mean out of all the people on the staff team not one could come online to host a regularly schedueled event? this is ridiculous and it's why i haven't even been playing as often as i have been whatever im not going to make a big log post because its useless they don't get heard. I'm litterly telling you whats wrong, yeah you have two new staff and they should know about the weekly tour since they play here yet where are they when it actually comes down to do something..

Anyways as you can see my frustration I don't really care anymore since nobody else seems too, im going to play some cs later.

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Posted by: imported_Kamos
05-23-2009, 12:47 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (4)

Thought I'd do my part on adding some macros for new players. This is what I used to hit GM magery from 90 (you can get 90 using the skill menu when you start). You need around 8000-9000 magic arrow scrolls and some bandages and you are all set until GM magery. I didn't make restocking part for it since you need to only do it twice anyway. Take 3000 MA scrolls and 1000 bandages on you at a time and just run the macro.

while #TRUE
  if ( #MANA >= 2 )
    gosub CastMA
    gosub Meditate
  if ( #HITS < 64 )
    gosub BandageSelf
  if ( #HITS < 10 )

; MA scroll self
sub CastMA
  finditem CYL C_ , #BACKPACKID
  if ( #FINDCNT > 0 )
      set %CastMana #MANA
      event macro 17 0
      target 15s
      event macro 23
      while ( #MANA >= %CastMana )

; Uses a bandage on yourself
sub BandageSelf
  finditem ZLF C
  if ( #FINDCNT > 0 )
    set #lObjectId #findId
    event macro 17 0 ;last object
    target 15s
    event macro 23
    wait 50

sub Meditate
while ( #MANA < 98 )
  event macro 13 46
  if You_are_preoccupied in #journal
    event macro 6 0
    wait 61
Meditation could be made better but this should get the job done. Wink

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Posted by: imported_Menace
05-21-2009, 11:51 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (53)

So theres finally action at brit bridge and i manage to kill someone.. they are laying on the ground for 3 or 4 seconds before i get to them and I use ctrl+shift and cut the "corpse".. instead of the corpse getting cut i die and it says "auto-cut detected" which is not the case since the staff here say its impossible to autocut and theres no such macro.. so why the hell do i always die when i cut people fast manually??? Something needs to be done about this asap because whats the point in ganking if im going to just die even if i win the fight...........

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Posted by: imported_Menace
05-21-2009, 11:14 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

I was just wondering who owns the vendor Lilith.. I want to buy some more message in a bottles and have to wait for restock.. If you dont want to say who you are who owns the vendor you can find me in game and let me know if you want to sell some more.. and anyone else who has any message in a bottles please let me know.. thanks

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