Welcome to The Hub Murray...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: thehubmurrayhill
10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Elemental
01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Elemental
12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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What would you want to see ingame that would make you login? Lets come up with ideas we'd like to see and would make us login!! Maybe the staff can set it up and revive some interest for some of us!
hey i paged in game i'm locked out of my house can someone help me please staff
Well as the Thread Title says I'm done with uo or atleast as staffmember. I've been playing since I was 11 years old and I've been trapped since it I'm just tired of it though.
I was waiting till we got a decent player base to leave so you can't say I leave because of low playerbase, but It's time to leave .
I leave you all here with an awsome staffteam and a brilliant shard, I'm sure you will enjoy as always. Anyway you may see me online for time to time but I don't think ill log too much.
Thanks everyone for beeing there
I know most of you have stopped playing, I probably would have too since the wait for the new server has been so long.
I've been doing some math, and if we could raise $1000 in donations I could host the server at my place and dedicate over 50 mbit to it. The $1000 would cover the costs for a new computer and the connection fee for the next 6 months.
After this we would send out e-mails to everyone that played on INX and any other previous IN/XUO shard. We will exit Beta and get a big player boost.
There would also be an added bonus for every new character created the first two weeks. They would be able to choose 2 free PvP skills to GM and get some extra gold to get started.
But as I said, we need donations to be able to do this. I'm hoping that we still have some players that would be willing to donate. The actual cost is about $1200 but we already have $120 in donations, the rest I will pay for myself.
I'm sure noone wants to see our shard that we put so much work on to go to waste. We have huge potential, we just need to get more players here. Getting a new server, exiting Beta and sending out mass e-mails is the key for that.
So please, if you can and would be willing to donate, please reply here how much you could donate. If enough people reply, I'll add a donation meter to the website and you can begin donating.
Send the link to this post to all your friends that used to play here as well. Hopefully they want this place to come back bigger and better than ever before!
The jewel shop in Papua is up for auction, located at:5668 3148
The starting bid is 750k made by Luda Krishna and will remain open for 72 hours.
How about having a shoutbox for the forums?
not sure if there is a mod for vBulletin for this, I know IPB has them so I was just wondering?
After some work and a refresher course in math, I have come up with what I think to be a decent formula for the weapons. Though before we implement such a change it needs to be tested and I am hoping a few of you wouldn't mind trying it out on a test server.
This Saturday I am asking that a few of you give us a moment of your time to test this out and give us some feedback. If all goes well and everyone is happy we should be able to get it in by this week or next week possibly.
If you can help test this out please post here with the time and your timezone please.
Remember that this well help the shard out quite a bit and we would greatly appreciate it.
Having trouble finding a sparring partner to get your combats up? If yes, then this is just the thing you need. Any animal you own will work as a sparring partner as long as you won't take half of it's HP with one hit. So, grab a weapon and go show your domestic animals how much you like having them around!
; OzSparring
; %target = Your sparring partner (horse will do)
; Place a pile of bandages somewhere near you before you start.
set %target TDJD
set %debug #FALSE
set %HPtreshold 50
if ! ( G in #CHARSTATUS )
gosub CombatMode
while ( #TRUE )
set #LTARGETID %target
gosub AttackLast
if ( #ENEMYHITS < %HPtreshold && ! ( #ENEMYID = N/A ) )
gosub HealTarget
if ( #HITS < %HPtreshold )
gosub HealMe
gosub StopEverything
wait 1s
gosub StopEverything
wait 1s
gosub StopEverything
sub AttackLast
event macro 27 0
if ( %debug )
event sysmessage ++ Attack last
sub CombatMode
event macro 6 0
wait 1s
sub HealMe
finditem ZLF G_4
if #FINDCNT > 0
event macro 17 0
target 1s
event Macro 23 0
wait 53
gosub AttackLast
sub HealTarget
finditem ZLF G_4
if #FINDCNT > 0
set #LTARGETID %target
event macro 17 0
target 1s
event Macro 22 0
wait 53
gosub AttackLast
sub StopEverything
if ( G in #CHARSTATUS )
gosub CombatMode
if ( %debug )
event sysmessage ++ Halting Combat
event macro 1 0 all stay
As the macro itself says: Have a pile of bandages near you on the ground, change the %target variable to be your sparring partner (horse, rat, whatever your prefer) and run the macro while you are next to your animal. Be sure to train your veterinary, healing, animal lore and anatomy skill at least to 40 with vendor before you start so you and your pet will stay alive. This macro will not change weapon or shield if you break one (I really had some problems to get stacked daggers to play nicely with the macro) but as an added bonus you will gain veterinary and animal lore on the side.
NOTE: You need to "drag out" your sparring partners status bar and your own also. This has to be done for EUO to properly read hitpoints. Also, target your pet with something before sparring (random lore skill for example).
Please delete the threads in the general tab except the stickys. The majority of them are arguing threads and negative threads. The new players joining each day dont need to see this display of behavior.
we had like valorite bardiches before.. not that they were good but they were cool and alot of ppl used them in pvp arenas and they were sold pretty good, good for blacksmithers to make cash on =)