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Balanced Weapons Test! - Printable Version

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Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Shade - 08-20-2009

After some work and a refresher course in math, I have come up with what I think to be a decent formula for the weapons. Though before we implement such a change it needs to be tested and I am hoping a few of you wouldn't mind trying it out on a test server.

This Saturday I am asking that a few of you give us a moment of your time to test this out and give us some feedback. If all goes well and everyone is happy we should be able to get it in by this week or next week possibly.

If you can help test this out please post here with the time and your timezone please.

Remember that this well help the shard out quite a bit and we would greatly appreciate it.

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Captain Morgan - 08-20-2009

I as you know have tested quite a few of them already and the changes are perfect. This will allow you to use every and all weps. It will make PVM alot more fun and it will all be personal preference. I cant wait until this is implemented. Definately one of the best changes to the shard! I reccomend all players check out the new changes to the weps.

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Lederoil - 08-20-2009

Hmm, maybe 13:00-14:00, GMT+2

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Ryuuku - 08-20-2009

If nothing happen till there I can try from 2pm to 5pm, -3 GMT.

Balanced Weapons Test! - Eighty Swords - 08-20-2009

I'm GMT -5, and I can test any time after 8-9pm probably, I'm going fishing again all day saturday Smile

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Jackal - 08-21-2009

Well Im back now so just MSN me to let me know when you need help witht he testing Shade.

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Lederoil - 08-21-2009

Eighty Swords Wrote:I'm GMT -5, and I can test any time after 8-9pm probably, I'm going fishing again all day saturday Smile

Sorry for OT, but what do you fish?

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Papa Smurf - 08-21-2009

This is going to make things a lot more interesting and it is definately a good change. I will be working on Saturday, however you have my vote!

Balanced Weapons Test! - Eighty Swords - 08-21-2009

Lederoil Wrote:Sorry for OT, but what do you fish?

I've gone a few times for pike, perch, and brook trout. Tomorrow we're going for pike and walleye.

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Galdor - 08-22-2009

Im allways here just say; Galdor come.... Cool

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Ryuuku - 08-22-2009

So how it going to happen? I probably gonna be here tomorrow all day.

Balanced Weapons Test! - imported_Galdor - 08-22-2009

Think Shade ll give new weps us and we gona pvp each other... or gandalf did it; open mirrow world we ll join there and we ll pvp in tourney area or ll gank in Occlo