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Posted by: imported_Drama
09-11-2009, 10:11 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Free duels open in pits take advantage while they are still there

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Posted by: imported_Shade
09-10-2009, 12:45 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

The Council of Mages is currently being auctioned in Magincia, located at: 3792, 2236

The starting bid is 2.6 million made by Captain Morgan and will remain open for 72 hours.

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Posted by: imported_Captain Morgan
09-09-2009, 11:02 PM
Forum: General
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Shade announced a few events in the next 30-45 minutes or so. Log in and tell your friends!

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Posted by: imported_Fable
09-09-2009, 09:05 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

how about hosting it? i bet some players will be active during the day you host it, or if you host something else but let us know in advance? =)


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Posted by: imported_Hiroshima
09-09-2009, 08:24 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

17 Wink

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Posted by: imported_Drama
09-09-2009, 12:08 AM
Forum: General
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Shade is hosting an event everyone to the pits come on people lets have some fun

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Posted by: imported_Galdor
08-30-2009, 05:01 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Cant login in game?? Server frozen?? or i have a problem???

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Posted by: imported_Drama
08-30-2009, 01:42 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

I'm having issues logging in it gets stuck at Entering Brittania any known issues or is something going on?

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
08-29-2009, 01:21 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (9)

Here are two macros I use to mine. They're the exact same except one mines from east to west and the other from west to east. The macro will mine the tile you're standing on and when there's no ore left it will move over one tile and continue mining.

Mining East Wrote:!Loop
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|there is no metal here to mine.

Mining West Wrote:!Loop
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|there is no metal here to mine.


  1. For the double click line you want to right click this and say re-target and then target your pickaxe.
  2. You can take out the line that says guards, I added this for those who mine in the mine outside Minoc that's guarded. This way if you aren't paying 100% attention to UO and someone casts an EV you can get a guard to save you.
  3. This macro will go non stop until you reach an obstacle or edge of the cave
  4. If you go over weight this macro will keep going so pay attention if you don't want to have someone pick up ores that you mined!
  5. Get rid of the space in the word guard if you want to be able to call guards. The forum adds this space on me.


  1. Copy each quote into a .txt file and save the .txt file in Razor's Macros folder. This folder is typically found here: C:\Program Files\Razor\Macros.
  2. Restart Razor and it should be in your list of macros.
  3. You can set a hot key for the macro by going to the Hot Keys tab in Razor, click the + next to Macros, then select the macro and in the field called Key press a button. If you want to use ctrl+1 check the box above this field called ctrl.
  4. Go to your Agents tab in Razor and select an organizer agent. Now press the Add button and target any type of ingot (you only have to do one and it will sort them all). Now press the Set Hot Bag button and target a container in your bank.
  5. You can also set a hot key for this agent by going to the Hot Keys tab and press the + next to Agents and select the organizer agent you used. Now in the field called Key press a button. If you want to use ctrl+1 check the box above this field called ctrl.
  6. You're now set up with very decent mining macros. Run the first two until you're ready to bank (smelt ingots as needed) then run or recall to a bank, open your bank and run the organizer agent. Wait for it to organize everything and then you can go back to mining.

The only problem I know of with this macro is that in the bottom-right corner of the Minoc Mine you can't mine here. It's a problem that has to do with the way Razor sees tiles ingame and because this part of the mine is originally black tiles that's how Razor sees it even though we see it as regular cave floor.

Let me know if you have any other problems with the macro and beware of theives!!

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
08-29-2009, 01:02 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (11)

To make it look more helpful then a bunch of -'s for everyone, maybe if someone is in a place like ice dungeon, shame, covetous, etc it should say "Dungeon". Some people might not like this idea because you think pvpers will recall to a bunch of dungeons to find you, but think how many dungeons there are and how big they are. By the time they recall to a few dungeons they're missing mana and will have to spend time to find you even if they recall to the right dungeon on their first try. And you can even hide when hunting monsters if you're worried about someone finding you.

Also, instead of of putting 's you could put "Wilderness" for areas outside of towns that aren't dungeons or special marked areas. Then for people in houses and pits it can say unknown, and for tourney areas like the 1v1 area it can say "Tour Area".

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