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Posted by: imported_Fable
10-08-2009, 05:41 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

the Arena is finished until weekend!

everyone who wishes to take part in the first tour registrates here!

It's supposed to be an entrance fee at 2k for viewers and 7k for participants, (<- this might change or vary) but i'm making it free this time, so hurry up and lets try to make the best of this event!

1vs1 NO LOOT!

rules can be found at

please don't complain about the building, its still just a prototype but i want people to enjoy some time here at IN-X!

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Posted by: imported_Fable
10-06-2009, 06:02 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

i think i need help from staff to build my arena.. so if staff could help me pls pm me asap

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Posted by: Danandr
10-05-2009, 12:04 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (7)

Hellow, i wrote earlear some problems with injection but when i try to use razor.
There is a problem communicating with origin.Please restart ultima online and try again.
what could be the problem ?

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Posted by: Danandr
10-04-2009, 11:39 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (4)

Os version is 5.1, build 2600, NT platform..
**Warning: Your prefarable codepage is 1252
**Warning: UOKeys.cfg loaded, 34 entryes.
**Warning: replaces.cfg not found.
**Warning: config attribute ignored: MultyUO
**Warning: YokoInjection 505.18 VeNdOr
**Warning: Encryption set to: No encryption
***Error: UO Client is hung...
***Error: injection.dll base: 38790000
***Error: script.dll base: 38BD0000
***Error: EAX=0012F700, EBX=00169C10, ECX=00000002, EDX=384E29A8
***Error: EIP=7C90E514, EFLAGS=00000293

***Error: Bytes at EIP:
0000: c3 8d a4 24 00 00 00 00 8d 64 24 00 8d 54 24 08 : ...$.....d$..T$.
***Error: Bytes at ESP:
0000: 5a df 90 7c 2b 40 a5 71 70 04 00 00 01 00 00 00 : Z..|[email protected].......
0010: d4 f6 12 00 03 01 00 00 10 29 4e 38 a8 29 4e 38 : .........)N8.)N8
0020: a0 70 f3 eb 3a 45 ca 01 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 7f : .p..:E..........
0030: 10 9c 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 74 f7 12 00 : ............t...

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Posted by: Danandr
10-04-2009, 11:18 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (7)

Hello, when i try to launch injection it writes login.cfg error but i downloaded it from the website what could be the problem ?

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Posted by: imported_Brandon
10-04-2009, 09:02 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)
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Posted by: imported_Jiraiya
10-02-2009, 11:15 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

Yeah its much easier to trash a post then actually reflect on the content and come up with a thoughtful reply. Typical, once again, of the less educated members of staff on this shard.

Just to point something out, which is purely fact. When I started playing here there was an average of 20 online, that dropped to 10 or less for most of the time I played. I sat here arguing and debating with idiotic staff and self serving players for 6 months trying to help improve the obvious flaws in this shard. When my idea's were finally taken on and put into action, the player count jumped to nearly 50 online. That would have probably been a good time to ask for donations for the server. Of course you guys ****ed that up as well and chose to do it when you'd alienated all those players and dropped back to 5 online again. So its no wonder at all that you will never see that 1000$, and never see new hardware or the end of this half decade long beta. You had the momentum and completely blew it.

So, continue by all means to delete a post rightfully critical of how poorly managed this shard has been. Just remember, I was for quite a while the most active and helpful member of this community, both to players and staff. It really saddens me that after all that, you folks are still sitting around debating stupid stuff like should pvp skills be free? How bout addressing the real root cause of the player problem? Oh wait no, thats taboo, that kinda stuff goes into the trash as I assume this post will as well.

In a final comment, I certainly appreciate those staff members who put their heart and soul into the development of this shard. Those people who really did work on it, come up with new innovations and improvements and take it upon themselves to get them implemented for the benefit of the players. The other 75% of staff for as long as I played were worthless in every respect, and as I still see most of those names around the forums, nothing much could have changed. Unintelligent inactive staff who contribute nothing to development yet assume their vote counts for something are and I think always have been a serious problem for this shard.

ta ta

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Posted by: imported_Fable
09-28-2009, 09:24 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

i will probably host a 1 vs 1 tour this or next weekend, depends on when i have time! it may take longer, since im kinda poor and need to fix up the deco's a bit.

once i get this started i might continue to host as much as i can
anyways rules will be
#1 honesty, do not kill anyone in the area, so that people may take their valuable stuff with them and use them for the purpose of duelling.

#2 no looting corpses! (this might change if i decide to have a loot tour)

#3 no mounts, stable them outside the area or shrink!

#4 we will follow the rules in pvp tours for magical use (no summons, walls whatsoever)

#5 anyone who breaks the rules will get banned for a set period or maybe permanently

#6 i will have an entrance fee also a fee for those who wish to participate, offcourse a certain % of the amount i get in will go to the winner, the rest will be saved to be able to make it all better and more neat

i would appreciate anyone who wishes to contribute to this tour and help me out a bit, and i hope everybody appreciates this and will enjoy these events when i get started

if staff would like to help out, i would like that too. but i can't tell exactly what i need help with for now.

i will probably throw in a special prize too for the winner if it gets really big

well that's all for now, stay tuned!

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Posted by: imported_beret
09-27-2009, 04:11 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (2)

I need a macro for climb alchemy of 40 to 100, non-stop before... because I can put macring to night... thanks eighty I know that you can make me it Sad... I feel you near my friend... hehe Tongue

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Posted by: Eighty Swords
09-26-2009, 06:12 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- No Replies

Explanation of skill gain:
INX skill gain is repetition based and not difficulty based, which means you can make the easiest item over and over and gain skill whether you have 40 or 90 points in that skill. As you gain skill it gets progressively longer to gain each .1 skill. You will probably get lucky sometimes and gain .1 in only a few attempts and other times you might get stuck for a while. Don't worry too much about getting stuck, it will average out.

[SIZE="3"]Advanced PvM Skills:[/SIZE]

[SIZE="3"]The Macros:[/SIZE]

Why would I GM Discordance?
Discordance has a chance to lower a monsters defenses making it easier to kill. A great skill to use when hunting!

Discordance Macro:


  • Buy any instrument and double click it one time.
  • Box in an animal in your house so it doesn't run too far from you.
  • Use the discordance skill once on the animal and then start this macro.

Why would I GM Musicianship?
Musicianship is a skill needed to use the other importing PvM skills like Discordance, Peacemaking, and Provocation.

Musicianship Macro:

  • Right click on the double click line and select re-target and then target an instrument of your choice.

Why would I GM Peacemaking?
Peacemaking can be used in two ways. If you target a monster with Peacemaking you have a chance to stop it from attacking. If you target the ground with Peacemaking you will stop all monsters within range from attacking. It's not permanent so do your work fast once you stop them all!

Peacemaking Macro:


  • Double click any instruments one time before starting this macro.

Why would I GM Provocation?
Provocation has a chance to get two monsters to fight each other. If you keep using it between one monster and many others you can even get many monsters to fight one monster. Be careful when that monster dies though because all the monsters will turn to you!

Provocation Macro:


  • For some reason the forums is adding a space in the Absolute Target lines between the 6 and 0 towards the end. Make sure to take this out.
  • Use boxes or chests to close in two animals so they can't reach each other but are close like me and my horse;
    [Image: 47359330.png]
  • Right-click the first absolute target line and select re-target then target one animal.
  • Right-click the second absolute target line and select re-target then target the other animal.

Why would I GM Veterinary?
Veterinary is used to heal animals. Using veterinary instead of magic to heal your pets saves the magic for fighting the monsters and defending yourself against other players.

Veterinary Macro:

  • Before starting this macro go into warmode and attack an animal or monster.
  • Right-click the first absolute target line and select re-target then target the animal or monster you want to heal.
  • Right-click the second absolute target line and select re-target then target a water trough, pitcher of water, etc.
  • This macro will ONLY heal the animal if you have more then 70 health, otherwise it will heal you.

Let me know if you have any trouble with the macros or suggestions.

To copy the macros, go to the Macros folder in the Razor folder (a common place for Razor is C:\Program Files\Razor), make a New Text Document and copy the macro above in the quotes into the new files and save and close the file. Restart Razor and your new macro should be there.

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