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Posted by: imported_Balthor
11-06-2009, 11:09 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies


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Posted by: stubypickle
11-06-2009, 08:29 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Hey Im currently looking around for a UO server to begin to call my home. I've seen some good ones, but most of those didn't have PvP. In my opinion PvP makes UO. It's UO's iceing on the cake.

I'm downloading the UO client at the moment so,

I have a few questions about the server before I join.

1) What's the average playerbase on a daily basis?
2) How is the PvP and fc\fcr?
3) Where is server based at and how is the connectivity?

Thanks to anyone who answers my questions!


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Posted by: imported_Balthor
11-05-2009, 10:27 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (74)

Ok, I have noticed a couple things when voting. I see about 10 people posting regularly in the forums, yet there is only 3 votes for INX! come on guys we want this place to thrive, WE NEED TO VOTE. Also i dont see any xuo players on, maybe we should change the pvp back to IN style that would probably bring back some old players, if not alot of old players. Thank You

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Posted by: imported_Balthor
11-05-2009, 08:03 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Where might I find.

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Posted by: imported_Balthor
11-05-2009, 07:57 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

Ok First off this macro is great for setting and not having to come back till youve GM'ed the skill you are using. All you need is spiders silk, mandrake root,blood moss[all regs get mass amount] then grab yourself a full suit of armour it could be platemail doesnt much matter, you will need quite a few heal pots as well. Finally depending on which combat skill you wanna gm you will use cleaver for swords, smith hammer for mace, or dagger for fence, you will want about 7 of the weapons for which you are doing. now take the script down below and place in your easyuo.exe when you open it up, now if you are familiar with scripting you can switch it up to different animal right now it is placed to summon dog because they do the least amount of damage for the life they have. Have Fun

Set %BackPackID #backPackID
Set %TargetX #CharPosX
Set %TargetY #CharPosY
Set %TargetZ #CharPosZ
Set %WepType HNF
Set %HealTimeOut #Scnt
Msg Balthor's Fast Warrior Make Sure You Have All Your Resources$

Gosub Eat
FindItem %WepType C_
If #FindKind = -1 2
Display Weapon not found!
Set #LObjectID #FindID
Event Macro 17
FindItem UF_HG G_4
If #FindKind = -1
Goto Cast
Set %TimeOut #Scnt + 60
Goto WaitDead

If #Hits < 70 && %HealTimeOut < #Scnt
Gosub Heal
If %TimeOut < #Scnt
Goto Start
FindItem UF_HG G_4
If #FindKind = -1
Goto Start
Goto WaitDead

Event Macro 15 39
If #ContName <> objpicker_gump
Goto WaitForMenu
ContPos 0 0
For %Click 1 2
Click 265 70
Wait 5
Click 178 70 d
Wait 3
Set #LTargetKind 3
Set #LTargetX %TargetX
Set #LTargetY %TargetY
Set #LTargetZ %TargetZ
Event Macro 22
Set %TimeOut #Scnt + 8
Goto WaitCast

If %TimeOut < #Scnt
Goto Cast
FindItem UF_HG G_4
If #FindKind <> -1
Goto Attack
Goto WaitCast

Set #LTargetID #FindID
Event Macro 27
Wait 5
Goto Start

Sub Heal
FindItem UUF C_ , %BackPackID
If #FindKind = -1
Set #LObjectID #FindID
Set #LTargetKind 1
Event Macro 17
Event Macro 23
Set %HealTimeOut #Scnt + 1

Sub Eat
FindItem RUD G_5
Set #LObjectID #FindID
Event Macro 17

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Posted by: imported_Balthor
11-05-2009, 01:29 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Hey folk's,

Looks like im a little late not much going on. Anyhow im back alot of you might remember me from IN, alot of you wont. either way if i see you ingame and i get the chance i will prolly kill you. i got alotta folks coming back old in'ers so i hope it will pick up, anyhow the forum hordes should actually login every once in a while, even if your just afk or macroing[ it will improve playerbase] dont be the person that waits till theres 20 people on before theyll get on, be one of the twenty and then one of the 50 so on and so forth. Aloha

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
10-25-2009, 03:17 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

cant log in, stuck at 'entering britannia'

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Posted by: imported_Lederoil
10-23-2009, 10:53 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

Where's Taran really? Is he alive?

Would be nice to hear a word or two from him.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
10-23-2009, 03:00 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (2)

Hey, I was wondering what the $1000 would go toward. It seems like hardware can be purchased for pretty cheap and unless you're worried about forecasting the cost of net connection for a while then it might not cost $1000? Can we can get breakdown of where the money would go?

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Posted by: imported_Nasir
10-14-2009, 05:33 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (45)

The huge project I was working on at work is finally over and I'll have time to myself again. I can't promise I'll have the motivation to see any of this stuff to completion, but it can't hurt to throw some ideas around.

I'm looking for things the keep the community entertained, not so much the current players.

  • My first idea is to make some sort of text based system on the website. could log in using your ingame credentials and select which player you want to use. Players registered to use the system could attack each other in a turn based sort of way and get points for items/prizes that could be redeemed ingame. Attack success chances would use the exact same code that are used ingame. This wouldn't really help the ingame player count all that much, but it at least keeps people active in the community.

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