Welcome to The Hub Murray...
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Last Post: thehubmurrayhill
10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
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Last Post: Elemental
01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
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Last Post: Elemental
12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
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Last Post: Ermac
06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
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03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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Is there any prize for a Death match ?
Does it keep track of the winners ?
LUMBERJACKING: This will pretty much just wander from tree to tree using a hatchet on it. I like to use a Razor macro with it to move the logs to a pack horse.
; Script Name: EnCode MegaLumberjack
; Author: EnCode
; Version: 1.2.0
; Client Tested with: 4.0.10b
; EUO version tested with: 1.42.00A5
; Shard OSI / FS: FS
; Revision Date: 5-31-05
; Public Release: 5-15-05
; Global Variables Used: All global vars used by settings starts by *ECLJ
; This is a very powerful and easy to set up fully automatic script without rails!
; All you need is enough skills to craft tools and recall and some ingots in your bank box.
; if you wish to use login by password (NOT RECOMMENDED)
; set up the macro as using razorlogin but uncomment and change these lines:
;You may edit these values if you wish but you should do just fine
;with these.
set %solvepk 0 ;if you have the PKCurses.txt set up change this to 1
set %forcebankweight 400 ;maxweight before bankup
;do not change below here
set %VerMajor 1
set %VerMinor 2
set %VerRevision 0
set %spot 0
tile init
linespercycle 200
set %hod 0
gosub chooseforest
gosub closest
move %x %y 1 10s
gosub checkdistance
gosub choptree
goto start
sub checkdistance
set %distx #charposx - %x
set %disty #charposy - %y
if %distx > -2 && %distx < 2 && %disty > -2 && %disty < 2
set %tempx #charposx - 5
move %tempx #charposy 1 2s
set %tempy #charposy - 5
move #charposx %tempy 1 2s
move %x %y 1 10s
sub choptree
menu delete status
menu Text status 116 119 Chopping...
set %backupwait #scnt + 60
if #scnt > %backupwait
goto ready
wait 17
gosub hit
set %hitwait #scnt + 5
wait 1
scanjournal 1
if logs in #journal
goto choploop
if hack in #journal
goto choploop
if not_enough_wood in #journal
goto ready
if you_can't_use_an_axe_on_that in #journal
goto ready
if cannot_be_seen in #journal
goto ready
if that_is_too_far in #journal
goto ready
gosub checkConLost
gosub toboards
if is_attacking_you in #journal
gosub antipk
if #scnt > %hitwait
goto choploop
goto jrloop
sub hit
finditem %axetype C_ , #charid
if #findkind = -1
finditem %axetype C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
gosub toboards
menu delete status
set %hod 0
gosub chooseforest
set #lhandid #findid
event macro 24 1
wait 15
set #lobjectid #findid
event macro 17
target 1s
set #ltargetkind 3
set #ltargettile %tiletype
set #ltargetx %x
set #ltargety %y
set #ltargetz %tilez
event macro 22
sub closest
menu delete status
menu Text status 116 119 Finding tree...
set %x #charposx
set %y #charposy
set %r 0
set %fspiral -1
if %fspiral = -1
set %fspiral 1
set %fspiral -1
set %r %r + 1
for %yx 1 %r
set %x %x + %fspiral
gosub checktile
if %findkind = 1
for %yy 1 %r
set %y %y + %fspiral
gosub checktile
if %findkind = 1
goto treefinder
sub checktile
tile cnt %x %y
set %ennestaan 0
set %findkind -1
for %cnt 1 #tilecnt
tile get %x %y %cnt
if tree in #tilename
if %hod > 0
set %doh 0
for %doh 1 %hod
if %x = %hodx . %doh && %y = %hody . %doh
set %ennestaan 1
if %ennestaan = 0
set %hod %hod + 1
set %hodx . %hod %x
set %hody . %hod %y
set %findkind 1
set %tilez #tilez
set %tiletype #tiletype
sub chooseforest
set %spot %spot + 1
if %spot > %ljspots
set %spot 1
set %runenum %spot + 1
menu delete status
menu Text status 116 119 Recalling to forest # %spot
gosub recall %runenum %recallstyle
sub findcol
finditem %1 %3
for %i 1 #findcnt
finditem %1 %i %3
if #findcol = %2
set #findkind -1
sub target
set %wait #scnt + 1
wait 1
scanjournal 1
if fizzles in #journal || already_performing in #journal || more_reagants in #journal || not_yet_recovered in #journal || your_concentration in #journal || insufficent_mana in #journal
scanjournal 2
if fizzles in #journal || already_performing in #journal || more_reagants in #journal || not_yet_recovered in #journal || your_concentration in #journal || insufficent_mana in #journal
if #scnt > %wait
if #targcurs = 0
goto wait_for_target
if %1 = 1
wait 1
finditem #ltargetid
if #findkind = -1 && #targcurs = 1
goto chkdistance
if #finddist > 12 && #targcurs = 1
goto chkdistance
event macro 22
if %1 = 2
event macro 23
Hello, i got shitloads of maps now and want to explore the joy of treasure hunting.
I decoded my first Plainly drawn map today, got -> #138 http://uo.stratics.com/thb/info/maparchi...map138.jpg <- but i cannot dig up the treasure at that exact location (stratics says you don't need mining to dig up a treasure).
What am i doing wrong / right?
I be looking for a rune book with no name on it.
(Can Post Here or find me at my bar east of Brit if you wanna talk business)
Captain Black Beard
He Blackbeard, the most fearful, cunning and dastardly pirate to ever sail the seas of Britannia for the most glorious treasure man has ever seen.
No man, animal or being has ever stood in the way of Black Beard's decade long hunt for the treasure of Captain Kidd.
*At The Pirate's Plunder in Buc's Den*
The smell of sweat and rum lingers in the air. Markus, a dirty feeble pirate with one eye and black marble in place of the other, now drunk beyond his wits,
tells a young boy the tale of his Captain, Captain Black Beard.
"I have been a tiller man aboard his ship the Queen Anne's Revenge since before it was his. Since before he started the mutiny that ended Captain Hornigold."
Markus Laughed,
"fed him to the sharks he did, put to rest with Davy Jones."
The young boy's eyes opened a little wide with surprise " It can't be true"
"aye it is boy" he Replied The man's beard is as black as the depths of the sea, they say it's a mirror to his soul.
"One night in search for the treasure he had us sail to an uncharted island, The fog was thick that night and the sky be lit up with an eerie light. The ship began to rock, and rock it did. Men held on for dear life some fell overboard, not Black Beard he stood firm beside the wheel looking around "What are you" he yelled.
as he began to mutter to himself he grabbed his sword and a lantern as the fog took over the ship. Men all around began to scream and disappear. With a sudden jerk the boat stopped rocking and the fog began to lift as the lookout yelled "Land Ho"
There was Black Beard standing near the edge of the ship with a three headed sea serpent tied beside him.
"That's some tall tale" The young boy said with a chuckle.
Markus lift's his drink and gestures as if to say just wait.
"When we reached the island and we found where we was supposed to be, all we found was another piece of a map carved in stone.
Now the crew they were growing weary and a little mad searching for so long ta keep finding nothing. Talks of a mutiny were afoot but somehow Black Beard knew and he killed them all". "ALL" said the Boy.
"Only one survived, I knew thee treasure be real so I took some parchment and cold coal and made meself a copy of the map"Marcus said as he pulled it out of his shirt.
By now a few more than just the boy in the bar started to listen.
"I have hear the next step to getting the treasure of Captain Kidd. I will surpass the great pirate that was once Black beard"
With those last words, suddenly the bar went quiet and everyone sat down. Out of the dark shadows of the bar appeared a man with a Beard as Black as the depths of the ocean. He walked up behind Markus and before Markus could turn the man put his sword right through his chest. Putting his foot on Markus' back to pull the sword out and taking the parchment out of his hand he looked at the boy. Snickering he said "This was no tall tale".
Walking out of the bar the man stopped beside the door and Pinned a letter to the back of the door with a small golden dagger and walked out.
*It Read*
Who will join the crew of the Most Fearful and dastardly
Pirate in search of the most glorious treasure man has ever seen.
Pillageing and plundering along the way.
Captain Black Beard
Was cleaning out my shed\garrage last night and i found my old UO cd's\boxes... takes me back....
I was wondering if it was at all possible to make something so we could change our title with out being in a guild,
Example Grandmaster Mage <----- what if i don't like being know as a mage because im a smith and Id like it to say Grandmaster Smith.
However the way it should work is you accually have to be gm in that skill to be able to change it to the skill you want to announce.
Make sense ? anyways just an idea, it's something I always thought was Odd that the game chose for me.
Thanks for the Time
We will be having our first housing design contest over the next two weeks.
Rules and Guidelines:
Players will have until June 24th to submit their design. *Extended due to various the various issues over the last week
Housing will be judged on design only and only custom houses can be submitted.
Items and decor hold no value for this contest.
Players must submit a screenshot in this thread to validate their submission.
Lot size does not necessarily matter, though a larger lot means more room to design.
After the submission period ends, we will be opening a poll for players to vote on their favorite designs.
In addition the staff team will also hold a private vote.
The poll will be open for 5 days and after which both winners shall be announced.
Now get to designing! Oh and don't go thinking a green house will get you extra points in the staff vote because it ... well it might..
Id like to state that I understand people have lives.
1st Topic
Do you think it's possible to have a set date / time atleast once a week for a tourney / change the time so diff people can make it.
Example : Post on forums tourney @ 12 on Saturday server time next week its Saturday @6pm after supper ect... ?
Might help with the people macroing at least leaving there holes for an hour. (im one of them I know but I move around alot) anyways.
Also no one can complain when its a supplied tourney you only need skills not pots or anything
Also not just tourneys but big monster bashes or anything (I like hide an seek or treasure hunts)
Not everything has to be posted but atleast 1 event posted per week ?
2nd Topic
Untill the true blue pk, chaos vrs order pvp slaughter fest starts. Any opinion on making a pvp 1v1 / 2v2 pit ? 5 or 10k buy in. person / team that wins takes the money ?
Only untill people start moving around then get rid of the pits ?
Anyways just shooting my fingers off.