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Posted by: Taran
05-31-2011, 10:02 AM
Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (3)

Testing some stuff, like ranks.

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Posted by: Paulie
05-31-2011, 12:55 AM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (5)

Vendor Kelly in the one stop shop is selling Armor ranging from aqua to blackrock. If you have any special request pm me and we can work out a deal.

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Posted by: Eru
05-30-2011, 08:12 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (2)

Setting up Ultima Online with Injection :: Written by Smoke
Note: You can skip the part about installing Injection since it can be done 100% automatically through the IN Patcher.

How to get on injection a small guide:

Well it's pretty simple I'll post a screen shot first so you can get a good idea then I'll explain how to do it. (circled in red are important things that you must get right or you won't be able to connect)


First off download and get Modians Legacy UO from here -->

After you do that patch it fully and try to patch it again to ensure that this will work.
Once you've successfully installed UOML follow this order in adding you're require files and injection files or it will not work.

-Patch UO
- Add in require files
- Install injection clients into UO folder
- Install injection folder to desktop

-Once you do all this change the client DIR to your UO folder
-Then add a new server name it whatever you want and under the name put in the login in the address bar,2593 add it and save it. (make sure you save it).
-For the client Add a name and choose the 5.0.1 Client add it and save it.

Once you've done all this you will be able to log on injection but your not clearly done yet, you will need to type something in Version in the main tab where i circled in red, 4.0.1 and then make sure you click off the version check box and press save. (the boxes i have checked off are to my own preference you may use those if you like or test out other things but most of them create lag and are useless).

So finally you are on injection and it's stable and you're ready to play and set up your macros =]

Below is a guide on how to create macros for injection.

Since everyone is starting to use injection due to less lag, I guess I'll help out and post all the basic macros you need to pvp or pvm

Steps to setting up and using injection:

1. Go to the macro section add the line of the macro and put in a hotkey in the little bar below and press add hotkey
2. Go back to the main section tab and don't forget to click save or whatever you've done will not be saved
3. You can customize your injection appearence in the display section to whatever comfort you like
4. The waittargetobject person1 is used for partners there's a heal reflect and bandages for them, how this works is you make an in game macro called ,addobject person1. once that's done you click on your partner and all your macros for healing reflect and resing will work with whoever you targeted. Don't forget to save in the injection main tab or if you log out or crash it will now save.
5. Waittargetobject rune is very similar it's a recalling macro you make a macro in game to say ,addobject rune and click on the rune and press the key that you have set for it and it will recall to the rune you have marked. Once again don't forget to save it's important to save because if you don't what you've done won't be saved.
6. That's pretty much it now enjoy and have fun with injection and if you have any questions post them and I'll answer them as best I can

waittargetobject person1; cast 'Greater Heal'
waittargetobject person1; cast 'Reflect'
usetype 0x0F0C (gh pot)
usetype 0x0F09 (other mana pot)
usetype 0x1F4A ;waittargetlast (light scroll)
usetype 0x1F33 ;waittargetlast (nos fs)
usetype 0x1F5F ;waittargetlast (xuo fs)
usetype 0x1F49 ;waittargetself (gh scroll)
usetype 0x1F50 ;waittargetself (reflect scroll)
cast 'Magic Arrow' ;waittargetself
waittargetself; usetype bandage
cast 'Paralyze' ;waittargetlast
cast 'Clumsy' ;waittargetlast
cast 'Greater Heal' ;waittargetself
cast 'Magic Reflection' ;waittargetself
cast 'Heal' ;waittargetself
cast 'Cure' ;waittargetself
waittargetobject rune; cast 'Recall'
waittargetobject person1; usetype bandage
cast 'Recall'
usetype 0x1F5F (precast)
cast 'Wall of Stone'
cast 'Teleport'

I will now begin to explain how to input scripts and use them.

sub spam()

uo.serverprint(".wop Kal Vas Flam")
wait (70)
uo.serverprint(".wop In Vas Mani")
wait (70)
uo.serverprint(".wop Por Ort Grav")
wait (70)
uo.serverprint(".wop Kal Vas Flam")
end sub

exec spam

It's really simple first off go to the scripts section and edit current script, then copy and paste the scrim sub spam() up until end sub. The part where it says exec spam is a the trigger key where you put in your injection hot keys to use this script. so after adding the script to the edit current script click the save disk over right to autoload add your hotkey for your spam and then go to injection main and save your new functioning spam! Smile

WINDOWS VISTA USERS READ IMPORTANT: You must run your Ilaunch and Client in Administrator mode or else you will get an error.

That's pretty much it, if you have any questions please ask away and I'll try my best to answer what I can

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Posted by: MurderU
05-30-2011, 02:32 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (22)

First off: The IN pvp system is and allways will be awsome -Im sure !
But it needs one more thing and that is for Poison to Block Heals from spells.
This is cruicla for good 1v1 imo, and it brings a great quality to PvP: timing and tactic.

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Posted by: Messiah
05-30-2011, 11:08 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Well I said it once and I will say it again, IN will never die. I don't think it really matters if it's sphere, runuo or any other technical aspect, IN is IN because of the people and the community we formed and I am always happy to see it is still kicking after more than a decade. Great to see some of the older faces around too, alot of familiar faces popping up and making me feel all nostalgic. It's been awhile since I have played UO and the only reason I quit was due to alot of personal stuff happening, the last time I think I played UO were the very early days of IN:X, for those who may remember I was GM Azreal on IN:X and had an absolute blast working with Taran and the rest of the team there in building that shard from near scratch and while it may not have been the next-gen IN we were hoping for, I give credit to every person who staffed on that server and the fantastic job you guys did. On that note great work from the dev team here, I jumped on the shard last night and had a look around and even though its been years since I have played and I can barely remember to recall, the work you guys have put in so far has been great and really looking forward to seeing what happens with it all, you have my support anyway Smile

On that note if any of you old bastards want to shoot the shit and talk about the old times, I will probably pop on game a bit and be here on the forums.

Love from everyone's favourite green cap wearing, narcissistic, uber merchant king

Messiah Smile

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Posted by: Redorb
05-30-2011, 06:22 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (6)

I know you were intending to raise the static prices in the next few days here.. My suggestion.. Don`t.

I don`t see any real reason to raise them. The only thing you will accomplish is making it harder on newer players.. And I think we all agree that the goal we have is to get and keep new players. If your concerned about people buying up all the statics, set a limit on it. Just don`t make new players pay way more than old players just because they didn`t get here at the same time

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Posted by: Darken Rahl
05-28-2011, 11:49 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (9)

Starting at 5k a piece.

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Posted by: phobia
05-28-2011, 04:03 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

when i load up razor it says spells not fount help please

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Posted by: phobia
05-28-2011, 02:59 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

installing uo now to start macroing

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Posted by: Paulie
05-27-2011, 08:13 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Accept war or are you scared?

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