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Posted by: QiQi
08-14-2011, 04:48 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (15)

How about adding information on the kind of Llamas/Mustangs/Orns/Zos that spawns on the server to the info tab.

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Posted by: Gordon Treeman
08-14-2011, 12:10 PM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (7)

Hail, i am planning on creating a player run Merchant Town, like i did on the first IN (Chosen City), and later on i did also buyup Lunatic City, so i was wondering what the general rules are about that on this shard.

On old IN we had a public ATM in the middle of the town, a public accessible table with static runes to all mines, and a static gate from the player run city to Britain.

The town had player run bars, shops, even a church with a player roleplaying as a priest Smile was quite nice actualy, gave a lot of life to the shard, crafters would come to buy cheap resources or post a large resource order on the towns bulletin board, wich the merchant citizens would go harvest ina matter of hours, well and the beloved PK'ers also liked to raid the city, wich again led to the merchants hiring protection Smile

All in all, i am just asking if this shard also is supporting that kind of player run city, if it is so i will play my character in a way that opens up for the possibility to create such a city, gotta know what way to take from the beginning Smile


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Posted by: Bigby
08-13-2011, 09:31 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

I Wanted to let the world know that In the coming weeks I will be looking at hosting a few cock fights. Not sure as to when I will host them but I thought giving everyone enough notice would help everyone prepare there cocks.
For those new to the shard Fighting Cocks come in many colors and are normally found around farms all you have to do is tame them. Use Animal Lore to check there stats and basically to train them you make them fight other animals or weak monsters.
Now that you know, get out there and train your cocks.

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Posted by: soMa
08-12-2011, 02:28 PM
Forum: Voting Booth
- Replies (29)

Why turn down meditation ? from 3 mana to now only 1 mana now its completely useless.

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Posted by: Gordon Treeman
08-12-2011, 12:36 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (7)

Hi, i simply followed that "tree-free path" near Britain graveyard leading up to the mine, but as i got closer to the mine (following that path) my client crashed, and i was unable to login again, uo simply keeps crashing.

So to test it for sure, i made a new character named: "Pierre Dupont", followed same path, crashed at same spot.

Can some gm please send my two characters back to Brit or somewhere so i can play again?

My main character goes under same name as my forum acc.


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Posted by: Lamby
08-11-2011, 05:07 AM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (20)

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but its happened to me twice in a row so far. I buy a couple of thousand regs and when i open them in my pack the contents of one scroll falls on the ground. When I pick up the 1k reg and place it in my bag or bank it disappears.

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Posted by: soMa
08-10-2011, 10:29 PM
Forum: Hall of Commerce
- Replies (2)

Just east of the Brit bank in a tiny shop is Kirby the House deco Vendor.
*S E L L I N G*
-Seeds & Rare Seeds for those plant lovers.
-Tables (Now different Kinds)
-Lockable containers
-Sunken treasure items from pillows to Paintings
-Wide Range of Furniture and Types
-Plants (On rare occasions)
-Deeds for Rugs
-Deeds of Looms, Spinning wheels, every stove or Oven, training dummies and pickpockets.
-Boat Deeds
-Book shelves, cabinets, music stands. (different colors)
-Corner display cases.
-Dog Houses
! Green SALE BAG
Selling Rose Pedals 500gp Each

Higher end types of furniture coming soon stay posted.
If you need to reach me about my wares use the new message system in game or on the forums.
Once your order has been fulfilled please delete your post to keep room for the next player to post.
Thank you Soma

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Posted by: soMa
08-08-2011, 03:09 PM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (12)

Wanted to suggest we get more different types of wood for different colored / named furniture. in between the 65 lumber jacking and 80 lumber jacking. *Example Oak

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Posted by: drama
08-07-2011, 08:46 PM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (3)

I saved the magery macro to razor but its still not showing up in razor someone hlpe

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Posted by: Khal Drogo
08-07-2011, 06:09 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (12)

Hey, I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this before.. but for some strange reason.. I have been recently trying to connect and when I put in my account info.. and click next.. it doesnt go past connecting.. Obviously this didn't happen before..

Any clues as to what I should do? First time I have experienced this..

p.s. I'm using injection

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