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Posted by: Sin
06-04-2012, 09:55 AM
Forum: Questions and Answers
- Replies (2)

Are leather armor useless here?

I've never seen anyone without a full plate ar. in this shard..

In info->skills->tailoring I can't see the bonus of LA (if exist)

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Posted by: Mister Pickles
06-03-2012, 04:58 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Can something be done about this?

21:24    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!!
21:26    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:27    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:27    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:28    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:28    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:29    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:29    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:30    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:30    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:30    Ayleth    o.O
21:31    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:31    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:32    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:32    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:32    Ayleth    I'm interested in you not spamming it, sheesh
21:33    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:33    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:34    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:34    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:35    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:35    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:36    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:36    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:37    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:37    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:38    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:38    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:39    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:39    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:40    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:40    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:41    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:41    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:42    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:42    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:43    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:43    In-game     Bobafett: (Public) Is it your old house cato ?
21:43    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:44    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:44    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:44    In-game     Arcannine: (Public) AVATAR
21:45    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:45    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:46    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:46    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:47    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:47    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:47    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] The gate in the Golden Casino fades away.  Anyone inside the area has 5 minutes to finish their battle before being returned.
21:48    In-game     [Fizzle PVP] A gate has been opened in the Golden Casino for fizzle sparring!
21:48    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:48    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:49    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:49    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:50    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:50    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:50    Krayer    Cato, that's a good way to get yourself squelched
21:51    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:51    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:52    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:52    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:52    Krayer    HEY, GM, JAIL THIS TARD
21:53    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:53    Be|gar    cato
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:53    Be|gar    how much is 33% off?
21:54    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:54    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:55    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:55    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)
21:56    In-game     Cato: (Public) two story wood and plaster house for sale, 33% OFF!!! (write me a pm if you are interested)

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Posted by: Crash
06-02-2012, 06:44 PM
Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (1)

I just wanted to say bye to all as i will be leaving for a VACATION this week Smile. Anyways gather your items for your weapons, armors you desire and i shall craft them freely when i return next weekend. Everyone have a great week and lots of gametime.

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Posted by: Shad
06-01-2012, 02:26 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Its a new Month Vote Vote Vote

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Posted by: Mister Pickles
06-01-2012, 03:35 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)

A dozen or more people have been in the chat asking about the server status. People ask if the server is up and of course other people in chat will say they're able to play just to mess with the people asking the question. This only leads to confusion.

If you check the Server Status page it will show the names of the people who were in-game when the server went down.

It would be nice to have a server status icon on the front page displaying the current status. Green/Red - Up/Down

I dunno. Just a suggestion.

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Posted by: Hezerac
05-30-2012, 07:00 PM
Forum: The Yarn-Spinner's Tavern
- No Replies

Recently there was talk spreading amongst the townsfolk of Trinsic. This was no ordinary gossip for it started as but a quiet sense of panic that quickly boiling up and over and spread through the city like wildfire. And it was all brought on by the story of a mad guardsman who belonged to a doomed squadron of the Trinsic Army. This particular group of soldiers disappeared sometime not long ago while patrolling the eastern borders of Yew. It is said that they came upon an unknown cave and that whilst inspecting it, they discovered something dark and sinister within its depths.
The story of the doomed Trinsic Army patrol was told by a lone survivor who returned near-death and half-mad. According to his ramblings, before he succumbed to his injuries, there was a cave and inside it dwelled terrible monsters, the likes of which haven’t been seen nor heard of in ages. Giant creatures according to the guardsman; as vicious as they were massive. What's more, there was an underground forest that was itself even more deadly than the creatures who guard its entrance. According to the mad soldier the forest itself emit a toxin and that simply entering the woods was enough to poison anyone foolhardy enough to venture in.
The story spread and as it spread it became more fantastic and horrible. And so it is hard to know what is fiction and what is real. But according to word of mouth, the story continues... It is said that during the mad-guards final hour he told of how only a handful of his patrol made it through the deadly underground forest, and that beyond it there stood a dark citadel. Inkish in color it was, and difficult to determine where the structure ended and shadow began, as they seemed to intertwine with one another. Within the dark citadel resided black creatures. They were “Elves” he told, only twisted and dark; made evil. The last of the guards who survived the woods and came to the citadel were slaughtered, dispatched and butchered by the Dark Elves. The mad-soldier alone was spared by their vile leader only so that it would be made known to the outside world what had transpired, and that in doing so fear would spread; fear of what’s to come... The mad-soldier would serve to tell of their coming; the coming of the Drow.

*To be continued...*

Drow skin/speech,
Elven robe/clothing

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Posted by: Ayleth Payne
05-30-2012, 12:37 PM
Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (12)

Tonight I was macroing in Inc. guild house when I was killed by an EV (saw it over my corpse). I don't care that I died, as I didn't lose anything.
But how is someone (didn't see who it was) casting EV's into a locked guild house?

Not only that, I was down stairs in the basement behind a locked door. So not only have they managed to get the EV through the locked gate/door of the guild house but somehow got the EV downstairs and through another locked door... How is this even possible? :eek:

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Posted by: Lamby
05-30-2012, 06:07 AM
Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (7)

I say bring the forum shoutbox back. It was so great for those of us who troll these forums. Keep the Ingame chat but bring back the forum shoutbox...

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Posted by: Flik
05-29-2012, 12:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (23)

Just thought id stop in a say hello to everyone and see how the server is going..

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Posted by: Voox
05-29-2012, 09:32 AM
Forum: Technical Support
- Replies (3)

hi iv tried everything now .. repatched IN launcher a hundred times now rinstalled razor loads of times reinstalled the full game and everything 5 times, i already have a char on here and as you can see by an earlier post i had the same problem with UO where it just freezes on verifying account, I assumed the server was down when it first happened and left it a few hours and it worked again, it did this again 4 days ago so i assumed the server was down again ... now its been 4 days and still freezing... any1 know what i can do!? thx in advance ! appreiciayte help

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