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Posted by: Horsedung
04-27-2007, 01:10 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (114)

I dont understand please correct me. However I am NOT wrong.

1.It takes probably 30 seconds to overwrite a world file with default world file.

2.The bugs that are listed are not CRITICAL bugs so why not post beta 3 and fix bugs as server is running?

3. Accounts and Passwords easy. For the first 2 weeks tweak old players with their skills after that be done with it. Anyone who misses the window SOL.

I dont see why everything seems to take so long? I mean it doesn't sound to complicated to me.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
04-26-2007, 09:09 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

Beta 2 is now closed and I want to thank everyone that took the time to report bugs and stated their opinions in different matters. This shard wouldn't be anything without your help Wink

The next stage will be Beta 3, but with a big difference from Beta 1 and 2.
The plan is to first do a complete itemwipe and then transfer all characters from XUO and IN:R to IN:X. This means that Beta 3 will become the "real" shard where you will be able to login to your account you had on IN:R or XUO, and train skills. We won't do any more itemwipes and you will be able to play on the shard like you play on any other shard.
The reason it will still be Beta though is because there will most likely be bugs left even after we fix all the current bugs. When people start training, hunting, pvping etc they will notice bugs they didn't before. Also, we might balance different things like skillgain, loot drops, monster toughness etc. Everything for the better Smile

I do not know when Beta 3 will come online. It will be a huge project moving all the items and chars as well as fixing all the bugs we have listed. Expect that it might take some time, but I don't want it to take as long as it did before we brought Beta 2 up. Patience is the key though Wink
More info about Beta 3 will come before we bring it up. I know many will have forgotten their accountnames and/or passwords etc. This will be dealt with accordingly.

So in the meantime... uh.. spam the forums or something :p

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Posted by: imported_Pande
04-25-2007, 11:46 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

here and there we get a suggestion to change a sphere feature to how it was on inr or inx. ok, no problem with that. we are trying to reproduce two shards that tons of people loved so we are trying to meet your demands.

a staff member might answer this person by saying "it wasnt like that on sphere and we're tring to make a replica so no, sorry." the person then says "its just one thing so it wont change it much"

id like to remind everyone that little changes like adding another type of ride, or being able to cut a res robe with a wep adds up and people who join the shard in say 1 year time after all these little changes players ask for, they will say "this isnt a 95% sphere replica" which we say we are.

so please keep in mind that while we are open to suggestions, you have to consider the cummulative effect of a change here and there. sooner or later we may be down to being a 70% sphere replica.

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Posted by: imported_PsychoIcon
04-25-2007, 07:56 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

Ok got both to patch with no errors... But still getting stuck at the verying account screen at logon... Its really freaking irritating.... Anyone wanna help me out here....

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Posted by: imported_PsychoIcon
04-25-2007, 07:21 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

what causes patching errors everytime!!!! OMFG i hate this shit~!!

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Posted by: imported_PsychoIcon
04-25-2007, 06:17 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

Someone wanna give me a screen name to a messanger service so you can just send me your whole UO Folder cause ive done everything exactly the way the site and everything has told me to. I finally got a good computer and a 10 mbps connection and I wanna play some fucking Ultima, and I cant pwn you guysBig Grin

I get to a log on screen and then it goes to verifying and just stops. I dont know what I could have done wrong. Ive downloaded uo a thousand times. But if you have another url I can download the uo file from that would be great....

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Posted by: imported_Magus
04-25-2007, 05:12 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (13)

I've been thinking about Custom Housing for a while now.
And I know this is suppose to be a Sphere Replica.
But why can't we use the good Runuo features that we have!?

I say let's have Custom Housing! BUT! We need rules for it, We can not have 500 empty housegrounds laying around now can we?

How about you need some kind of GM permision for your house.
Like if you build a house, when you are done with it, you will have to Page a GM
to observe it and see if he likes it enough, that it still has some kind of RP feeling. I mean no cheesy Pyramids in the middle Ice island, etc etc.

Like you really have to make your house look good? Not just be a ugly ass building with a ground pile and two walls.
I think this would give people another thing to do, and it would also help the economy, and you could have competitions about "Best decorated House" Inside and Outside Interior etc etc. I know for a fact alot of people that play UO love decorating, I am one of them. But to be honest there's only so much you can do with your average Sphere buildings, with Custom Housing you are free to do as you please.

I say You will need to get Permission from Azrael, seeing he's the Quest Game Master, and I guess that also includes Roleplaying in some way. I really see no problem with having them, As long as you keep it serious, so you can't just use some ground tiles as a storage.

Vote Custom Housing now! Cool

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Posted by: imported_Quamos[IN]
04-25-2007, 05:12 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (16)

ok when i try and login through Razor i get this error pop up that says

Razor was unable to initialize Error Code: No_MEMCOPY
Description: An invalid parameter was passed to the loade.
Possible Cause: Mismatched DLL versions

what does all this rubbish mean?

please and thank you

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Posted by: imported_Alex954
04-24-2007, 06:43 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

I think u shud be able to use ur dagger or any bladed weap on res robes to cut it and get sum aids back

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Posted by: imported_Alex954
04-24-2007, 05:14 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

Change it back :>

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