Dagger -
imported_Alex954 - 04-24-2007
I think u shud be able to use ur dagger or any bladed weap on res robes to cut it and get sum aids back
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imported_Taran - 04-24-2007
Why? You can just use a pair of scissors instead... this is also how it was on Sphere 0.51a
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imported_Pande - 04-24-2007
true, but not everyone likes to carry around scissors just for this. its an issue of convenience
edit: on the other hand it was like that on sphere, and we're trying to make a replica and these little things like this add up.
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imported_Cole - 04-25-2007
and, convenience is hardly a reason to change a feature in a game..."it would be more convenient if i had more items...or skills...please?"
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imported_Pande - 04-25-2007
bad comparison lol