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Posted by: imported_Gwynn
11-16-2007, 05:20 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (42)

Well, basically what would be the music associated to the character you play on IN-X?

For me... classic UO midi Trinsic theme ( not the mp3 one which was lifted from Ultima 9 ). For a more "musical" one, that would be "The Tale You Were In" from See-Saw ( the opening for .hack/liminality vol3 )

If YOU have one, post away! ^_^

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Posted by: imported_Swanny
11-16-2007, 03:40 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (3)

What spell to cast. Im thinking something with 1 reagent? Just cast it over and over?

I really dont understand macroing so I'd prefer a non-razor answer.

I tend to get an odd 0.1 point casting recall and greater heal while out grinding for tower funds but is there a strategy to level magery thats really tried and tested?

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Posted by: imported_Swanny
11-16-2007, 03:35 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (12)

Just looking at the GM rewards page and wondering why its only a few skills there. And also wondering why GM Magery is rewarded when its pretty easy to macro it. It's expensive but pretty easy. GM lumberjacking and mining seem a hell of a lot harder. And something like GM forensics....pfeh. So how about a GM reward for each skill? Nothing uber fancy or advantageous...maybe something as basic as newbified or coloured. FOR EXAMPLE:

GM Fishing - A coloured newbified fishing pole
GM Hiding - A coloured newbified cloak (a la shiela in dungeons and dragons)
GM Magic Resistance - A staff with a glowy top (a la gandalf on the bridge vs the balrog)

just a few ideas and really not OTT items. They wont enhance the mechanics of the game but will do wonders for the gameplay. And I know on a macroable server everyone will end up with certain things but it would still add to the feel of the place and maybe give an incentive to people to do more with their characters. Also it would enhance the style of gameplay. For example a guy riding alone around a dungeon with a glowy staff and a hat with a star on the top and a horse with glowy hoofs would probably say to a would be pk-er hmm....Ive got GM magery, resistance and taming...wanna try me?

I think it would add so much flavour. Thanks if you read this.

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Posted by: imported_Shadok
11-16-2007, 01:59 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (8)

I am selling alot of items that can be stacked on my vendor, i also do belive that there was made a poll made by Maka, that very clearely said that pots should be made stackable, some time in the future.
So i came to wonder instead of having a vendor that takes a long time to resupply and looks like a big mess. Cause you have to try and squesh down, so many identical stacked items, scrolls, pots (with time), arrows/bolts, bolts of clothes, regs etc... that player would want to sell on there vendors, but since the buyers only want a x amount of a item, you need to make multipel stacks of evry item. Why not make it so, you can place a stack of lets say 1000 FS scrolls give the stack a price of 100gp. Then when you buy the item, the vendor will ask the buyer, how many items from the stack you want, then if you say 10, you will recive 10 FS scrolls from the vendor at the total price of 1000gp.
This will make player vendors more easy to manage both from the vendor ovner but also for the coustomer, since he wouldent have to click through 10-50 bags to find what he came to buy.

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
11-16-2007, 08:10 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

k well, i just wasted a ton of money making fire ball scrolls... go to sell 700 of them and realize they went from 12gp to 4... umm i hope this is a joke lol.. or like a mistake.. i understand you can't keep it at 12.. cuz that would be making profit ^^ but at least up it... 4 gp is penuts.. if you create and sell on a market, the selling price should be more than the amount purchased for the utensils to create the item Big Grin

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
11-16-2007, 07:58 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (6)

Hey Taran, Its me Scarecrow, i messaged you in-game a few days ago n you gave me your e-mail but my little sister shut my uo off Confused haha so i kinda didnt ciopy it down, if you could pm it to me that would be great, thanks.

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Posted by: imported_Gwynn
11-16-2007, 01:38 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- No Replies

Can we please have a bagball arena that is accessible for players - outside - of events? Maybe it would be a good idea to move it inside guards, or have it guarded, because the way it is now I'm quite sure a larger gathering would quickly turn into a kill-fest. I remember we used to have at least one of those on IN1, and it worked nicely ( and the champion - if my memory serves me well - most of the time was a certain Messiah&Co. Big Grin )

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Posted by: imported_Horacio
11-15-2007, 10:24 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (1)

Hey all,

I was just curious about a few things in regards to static housing.

1- Can you only buy static housing if you are using it as a guildhouse, or can it be for an indiviual player?

2 - is there a standard price per tile for static houses, or does it depend on location?

That is all.

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Posted by: imported_Keezichus
11-15-2007, 06:23 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (17)

Ive been browsing the forum for a while and been playing the shard for about 2 weeks. And theres one thing in perticular that i noticed.
First of all let me say that i played the_centre (pre xuo) and the old xuo's, didnt play the last xuo, didnt play uo all that much, just a little on another shard.
When i walk around ingame i see old Xuo players and old IN players walking around with their transfered skills, transfered static houses, and already shitloads of items.
Well, i heared the skillgain on IN was terrible so it kinda makes some sense, but i do wonder if those crafstskills were a good idea. Yes i know it was hard on IN, but from my perspective this is a new shard and id say new shard new chances for everyone.
Well, staffs decission, i dont bother too much with that.
The static houses however i think are bit overkill, is there even a static house left to be bought?
Allright allright damage already done, try to live with it.
But then i browse the forums, and i see lots of IN players saying things should be hard and a challenge. Easy for you to say with your transfers.
Ever thought of all the new people we want to get here? who dont have any skills to be transfered. Sure theyll love playing on a shard where everything is super duper hard, where they see some vets owning the economy and items.

Ive read jakko's post about the challenge and annoyance thing, and i agree with him in the fact that if you want to keep this shard fun for new people youd have to give in a little on your obsession with making things hard. To me it seems youre a bunch of people who had to work really hard for all your crap and now youre advocating that new people should undergo that process too.
Wake up dudes, this isnt IN, its a new shard wich hopefully will get more and more players. But realise those new ones maybe dont have the exact same mindset.

As for me, i got pissed a little at first when i noticed this all but when i got informed about the way IN worked i can live with the skills and the statics. However i hope you ease a little with the pressure on making things hard, and start realising the enormous advantage you have already on the new players. You will be the first with the really good shit and youll be able to dominate the economy.
The only thing left for us new guys to do right now is play, and if you want that to be made as impossible as can be, then there really isnt a reason for us to keep on playing.

Thanks for your time.

Oh btw, before you start flaming me for being anti-IN, im really not. It takes a little time to adapt to your play style i guess. But im cool with the roleplaying etc, and ill try to keep your game as fun as possible. (except for if youre an *******) Heck id even play allong a little to see if its fun.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
11-15-2007, 12:39 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

As you may have noticed the website and forums are down sometimes. Everyone trying to access the site will get the message "Forbidden...".
I have spoken to our host and they have asked me to keep track of the downtime.
So now I'm asking you guys, when you try to access the site and it's down, remember the time. Then when the site is back up again reply to this thread and write what time it went down and when it came back up again, starting today. (I already told them about the downtime yesterday and day before that).

Hopefully they will be able to fix it once they know when it usually happens.

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