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About... - imported_Keezichus - 11-15-2007

Ive been browsing the forum for a while and been playing the shard for about 2 weeks. And theres one thing in perticular that i noticed.
First of all let me say that i played the_centre (pre xuo) and the old xuo's, didnt play the last xuo, didnt play uo all that much, just a little on another shard.
When i walk around ingame i see old Xuo players and old IN players walking around with their transfered skills, transfered static houses, and already shitloads of items.
Well, i heared the skillgain on IN was terrible so it kinda makes some sense, but i do wonder if those crafstskills were a good idea. Yes i know it was hard on IN, but from my perspective this is a new shard and id say new shard new chances for everyone.
Well, staffs decission, i dont bother too much with that.
The static houses however i think are bit overkill, is there even a static house left to be bought?
Allright allright damage already done, try to live with it.
But then i browse the forums, and i see lots of IN players saying things should be hard and a challenge. Easy for you to say with your transfers.
Ever thought of all the new people we want to get here? who dont have any skills to be transfered. Sure theyll love playing on a shard where everything is super duper hard, where they see some vets owning the economy and items.

Ive read jakko's post about the challenge and annoyance thing, and i agree with him in the fact that if you want to keep this shard fun for new people youd have to give in a little on your obsession with making things hard. To me it seems youre a bunch of people who had to work really hard for all your crap and now youre advocating that new people should undergo that process too.
Wake up dudes, this isnt IN, its a new shard wich hopefully will get more and more players. But realise those new ones maybe dont have the exact same mindset.

As for me, i got pissed a little at first when i noticed this all but when i got informed about the way IN worked i can live with the skills and the statics. However i hope you ease a little with the pressure on making things hard, and start realising the enormous advantage you have already on the new players. You will be the first with the really good shit and youll be able to dominate the economy.
The only thing left for us new guys to do right now is play, and if you want that to be made as impossible as can be, then there really isnt a reason for us to keep on playing.

Thanks for your time.

Oh btw, before you start flaming me for being anti-IN, im really not. It takes a little time to adapt to your play style i guess. But im cool with the roleplaying etc, and ill try to keep your game as fun as possible. (except for if youre an *******) Heck id even play allong a little to see if its fun.

About... - imported_Nemo - 11-15-2007

I dont think the shard will be getting harder.
I started just like you and now im doing really well.

Its just a matter of discovering new places to hunt, and hanging in groups so you don't get ganked.

Scrolls started at 500-1,000 gp

Now most people sell them for 150-200

Things are not really controlled by people with transfered characters. At least not anymore.

About... - imported_Keezichus - 11-15-2007

Well im not saying that the shard will get harder from now on, but if theres suggestions from people about how to improve things so it will be a bit more fun for new people, then theres a bunch of dudes directly ruling against it. Those persons already got allot of shit, thats my point.

Anyways, i think youre a bit naive about the last part if i may say so. People who have gm'ed crafts already will sell allot of goods, get a clientbase, have more to invest, etc etc. Their money will grow rapidly while the rest of us is still truggling to get their basics done.

About... - imported_Horacio - 11-15-2007

Im from IN, and I started from scratch. And honestly i dont think the skill and item transfers negatively impacted the shard too much. I was against it at first, but whats done is done. The economy hasnt gone to shit and aside from static housing, I havent seen anything larger than a 2 story cottage in housing terms. I htink people misunderstand and think that people came with with millions of gold. C'est la vie, no point in arguing about it no, its not gonna change.

About... - imported_Murphy - 11-15-2007

Well, I had an XUO account, so I started out with a little more skills than the new guys, but I have not found the skill gains to be that hard. Sparring gave us tactics, parrying, anatomy, swords and fencing. All of those are pretty fast, with the exception of tactics.

Healing isn't the fastest, but cheap, so a new person can train that fairly easy.

We have also macroed alch (85) and inscription (96) for a few days now, and even if it is slow, I don't think that it is unreasonable. Especially if you are more than one person doing it.

Only problem I see as a new guy is magery, that might be hard to get. The money for it is not the easiest thing to do, but if you start with 50 magery and get your combats up, I think that trips to the newbie dungeon would be usefull enough to get your skill up so that you can hunt in other places.

About... - imported_Keezichus - 11-15-2007

Well yes, but youre kinda missing the point. Wich is, theres people who got the transfers, houses and advantage in making money, yet they still are the first to open their mouth on topics opposing new ideas with arguments that it should be hard to achieve things.
I find that rather contrary, they advocate things needs to be hard, yet they all wanted their skills etc transfered in order not to take the "hard" path of starting all over again. Get my point?
Its not a rant against the transfers, although i rather had everyone start over again, still i can live with that.
Its the posts these persons make that somewhat irritate me, if you see theres a contrast in their words and actions. I mean if theyre so pro "hardplay" then choose not to transfer skills and start as a noob.

About... - imported_Murphy - 11-15-2007

My bad, I misunderstood you. I see where you are coming from and agree to some exted. I really love this server, and I've been on "easy" servers, so turning things around to make them easy would be a mistake. But also like jakko said, there is a diffrence between a challenge and an annoyance.

I myself have lerned to love some of these challenges. Never liked hutning before...but now, I find it to be somewhat amusing and challenging. Same with the skill gain, for what ever reason macroing seems rewarding. I would love it though, if it somehow would become easier for the begginers, without looisng to much of the challenge.

About... - imported_Keezichus - 11-15-2007

Then we are on the same level i suppose Smile
I dont mind the harder skillgain either, i had my doubts when i heared of the transfers but what youre saying is true, it does make the game more interesting.
But indeed, if some things would be easier for noobs without screwing all that up would be awesome. I can image theres new people who arent used to this or finding it hard to get their skills up starting with 500gp to start, then if theres vets being hard on them then chances are theyll leave for another shard.
Personally i dont really have a hard time, i know how to make money and i play with friends so ill get there. But i can imagine theres people who have a hard time at it and get annoyed with some features, then decide to leave. Certainly after some people start opening their mouths from their ivory towers.

About... - imported_Lindenwood - 11-15-2007


You say you have been reading up on these boards, but if that you true you would have seen how most of the people actively debating are people who transferred little or nothing. I had 52 magery on my transferred character (started at 50 on INR). My highest skill was Hiding in the 70s. My combats were all in the 50s or 60s, and Healing was 48. I was literally like 2 days ahead of starting from scratch. Biiiiiiig deal...

The only valid point you made that is anything new is that because all the statics are already taken up, it will be hard for others to aquire them. Still, though, that would be no different than if you joined another shard 6 months after it had been up. Almost every point you made was about something that has already been heavily debated, something about which nothing can be done, or something that would not have mattered had you come to this shard a month from now.

And like Ive said before, you really can't make everybody happy. If you make everything easy(ier), yeah you will get more people now, but what about in 6 months? A year? What will happen when everyone gets bored from the game having lost meaning?

The fact that the shard capacity has, what, quadrupled (it was around 60-70 I think on the first day) in less than 3 weeks, says alot. The fact that it has stayed in the first spot on all polling sites for most of that time says alot. Hell, 270 players online says alot.

About... - smoke - 11-15-2007

i dont see why people complain in every new shard you will have to macro from nothing.. just go train begging for money or somthing or beg off a real player its not that hard..

About... - imported_Bella Harpell - 11-16-2007

I'll join in the massses and say I'm from IN1, didn't transfer anything, started from scratch and already think this place is pretty damn easy to get started in. If you're having a tough time here oh well I guess, nothing that can be done about that but making it even easier would just be rediculous. I hardly ever macro and I've already got enough combat skills to pull in decent money.

Half the people here have already figured out the most efficient ways to macro skill gain in the quickest and most economical methods so if you've got problems just pop into IRC and ask or start talking to people instead of lurking around juding what you see.

About... - imported_Keezichus - 11-16-2007

Lindenwood Wrote:*Sigh*


If you say i havent been reading well, then reflect that on yourself and read my post and replies in this topic better, please. Thanks.

But uhm, youre exactly the type of player i was referring to. You dont read my post carefully and emediatly hit the reply button to start a story about how i shouldnt whine about skills and whatnot.