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Posted by: imported_Dr.K'
06-07-2008, 02:17 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (13)

I feel a bad lag in the shard...
that is worst than the shard down before...
and much more lag than IN-R...
i am almost cannot login with 30 seconds...
is there anything i can do?
or everyone feel laggly?
because i have no lag in IN-R...but now in IN-X...Sad

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Posted by: Rostrob
06-07-2008, 02:36 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (8)

Hello, I been macroing some skills, but it's been very difficult. I am having trouble gaining money. Anyone care to give a beginner some tips on how to get it alittle easier? Atleast alittle bit of money, for skills to be gmed on?

I have got the money I got now; from Gang Bang, and Aeorox. And some help from Rabbi Samild.

*I am not being negative or anything like that, I don't really no where to start.


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Posted by: maka
06-06-2008, 08:15 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

Happy b day

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Posted by: imported_Taran
06-05-2008, 08:31 PM
Forum: Announcements
- Replies (8)

We finally have a new developer with us, Malik.
He will be able to help fix serious bugs at first, and maybe add new features later on. He's just one man though, so don't expect miracles, hehe.

Treat him with the respect that he deserves, he already fixed a bunch of bugs, including the major mining issue. Don't demand too much of him or he will most likely burn out like everyone else did.

Welcome Malik! It will be a pleasure having you on the staff team Smile

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Posted by: imported_Vergo
06-05-2008, 04:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

Within the underworld with bile and beasts,
Where daemons kill and creatures feast,
Where it's dark and really hot Sad
This is where my amazing ride is not!
It's in the middle of the edge!

Good luck Smile


A trail of bread crumbs will help you immensely Wink

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
06-03-2008, 08:37 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

I have been trying to get this idea out but i think the best way to davertise it is by posting it in its own post and honestly get everyones opinion on it.. maybe you guys can even add to this. I want to see INX grow.. I'm still here after all this time and i plan on staying.

The Idea -

I say we create a new genre of items.. INX items... Sort of like Xtreme armor it will have its own uniqueness and probably have a huge impact on the shard. These sort of items should have specialties about them.

For instance..
Let's say we called the items Dream, as it seems like a cool name since we are trying to make INX a dream shard.


Dream Bow
Dream Weapons

Make weapons deal more damage to certain creatures.. it will not affect the pvp, just make hunting more intereasting.. these weapons should be RARE and should help ALOT, Lets say [Exeedingly Accurate Halberd, Dragons Dream], This would significantly UP the damage towards Dragons and therefore makes Hunting more of a hand to hand experience.. more intereasting.


I think this is the most important thing, All Ultima shards have collectable items.. maybe like carpets, lamps, clocks, decorative shields and weapons that cannot be equipped but are RR'd... just to make your house look pimp. These things are important to an economy.


I think we should introduce a new set of armor never-before seen... [Imagine Xtreme Dream Platemail] or something.. the only way to get these pieces is by earning tickets by winning tournaments and each piece has a very high cost which makes it harder to get the armor and diversifies the economy. This plate should be a distinct color like Mirak or a Zircon..or.. Bright Pink.... something very intruiging. The ticket buy stones need to be put in since we now have tickets for nothing... Just laying in our banks lol..

Distinct Weapons:

Hells Halberd and things like that seem pretty cool as long as it obeys our pvp system.


Maybe introduce a new type of ride, i think swamp dragons and ridgebacks with BOND deeds was a good alternative because it made death rides and adam rides VERY expensive and with veternariancy you would be able to res them and steal them while their in ghost mode [dead]. That was very fascinating, im sure Maka still has the scripts for that.

These are things that i find ARE VERY important and will bulk up the economy drastically. I think my ideas need to be taken into consideration because i've been here for quite some time and i've done the research, played several shards and i've gotten plenty of opinions, i just want to see what the staff think about this, maybe they can work on it, i would be more than happy to help if they'd need me to do... i just really want to see this shard grow and be the best!


Scarecrow [Prototype].

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Posted by: imported_Vergo
06-02-2008, 01:11 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

Hey all, haven't checked the forums in a few weeks now and I came back to find that it's up again
Very unexpected, and somewhat unfortunate for me - because I have unfinished projects :o
I got discouraged in the middle of things, mostly by the fact that there literally no other people helping me or there to give me company or feedback or anything, so I just kind of gave up without thinking that there was any hope left for the shard.
Well when I left I was in the middle of two main things:
-Making new rare ride spawns
-Re-spawning animals and monster mobs in Britannia [or the main "above-ground" land around towns and such]

I only finished one rare ride spawn (has anyone found it, if it's still there??), and I stopped with the mob spawns just after deleting the obsolete mobs...
So basically there might still be many lonely spots in the woods and around Britannia where there should be animals or monsters (If Taran didn't reset the server or something).
So after all this, and finding out that the server is back up and online, I would really like to get back to finishing those main projects, and more, as well as help with GMing or whatever else needs to be done, if Taran and the staff will allow it. If not, oh well, I still might play, who knows

If you have questions, feel free to ask

Something I just remembered: I now have ample time to play or develop or whatever because I'm done with high school...just thought I'd throw that out there...

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Posted by: imported_Apollo
06-02-2008, 02:37 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

Travel to the great lake! Beside the wall of water you will find the way to the Emerald Treasure!

[SIZE="1"]*im not telling you anymore![/SIZE]

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Posted by: imported_Muto
06-01-2008, 10:28 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (31)

The probability of droping Xtreme Armor was too high so they will re-spawn after we reboot the shard tomorrow.

Also Taran decided to wipe Xtreme Parts that users had, so you won't be able to get any other part until tomorrow. I'm really sorry.

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Posted by: imported_Muto
05-31-2008, 03:38 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (5)

I'll spawn Xtreme Monsters today on dungeons, also I'll add some Xtreme Monsters in Ocllo at 9:00 PM server time ( to see server time just write "what time is it" on the shard ), so you could test them before I implent them in dungeons Smile

They will be spawned were they were on XUO. There are also Xtreme Armors on theis loot so all I can say now is HAVE FUN.

Xtreme Dragon---> 15% of giving Xtreme Armor
Xtreme Lich,Ogre,Skeleton---> 5% of giving Xtreme Armor

There we go !

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