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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
08-24-2008, 05:36 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)


I know that i am not as active as I once was and I still do logg on too see what is up. I have a major dilema that I had when I had stopped playing this shard and many of the PVPers will agree with me.

* The red town pads are not in a good location...

-If ganks are going on there is only one thin strip to walk on in order to get there. I think they should be easily accessible in order to ensure easier entree. No one wants to get stuck in the middle of 10 AFKs while their gank partner is getting raped lol.

So ye.. me and some others were talking about this and I think this matter should be attended too ASAP because you have the players online now and this will make gank much more easy-accessible.

Scarecrow [Prototype].

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
08-24-2008, 07:32 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (7)

Sucks. Is there a reason that it's so hard to gain, when there is no advantage per se to GMing? Neither do you get a reward for GMing lumberjacking, nor do you get any bonus in jacking speed/success rate, but it's seriously ridiculous how slow it gains! I went from 92.1 to 92.5 in a period of 3 hours. I've jacked for 13 hours today and have gained from 89.6 to 92.5. Thats +0.2 an hour... slow... really really slow for what you get. Any chance you can lower the difficulty, add a reward, or make some bonus for GM?


*flips out some more*

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
08-23-2008, 11:29 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- No Replies

Shard down?

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Posted by: imported_Kyo
08-23-2008, 04:35 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (10)

Hi, Im leaving the shard because i want to play in a roleplaying shard and INX is not IN. Im moving to another shard, it was nice knowing all of you but this shard doesnt have the feel anymore. When i first started playing UO in IN i didnt have to do anything but i had a great time because of the roleplaying and players. Now its all about pvp, all the staff never do anything that encourage roleplaying. No real quest since Vulcan which is 8 months ago. So yea to all my friends you guys have fun and good luck INX. Cool

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Posted by: imported_Okan
08-23-2008, 04:31 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (20)

Deleted all my characters.
Btw to all the staff, thanks for the good memories, even though i decieved you all in having a brother irl when i dont even have one.

To all my friends... well i didnt have many thanks for the fun times.

I played as Okan, Deniro, Deffy

Hopefully you all realise one day, this is just a game, and it aint going to take you anywhere irl.


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Posted by: imported_Splinter
08-22-2008, 06:20 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (13)

Alchemy is taking FOREVER to get up. I spent from 3 am to 12 pm this morning and maybe gained .5 of skill? ahhhhhhhhhhh

thats from being at 91.4 and going to 91.9

i think atleast. Its BRUTAL

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Posted by: imported_Proximus
08-22-2008, 05:20 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

Hey all!

As alot of you probably noticed, I started playing again.
My little brother Scarface(known as Makaveli) also started playing more since I started.

I otherwords.. we both use the SAME IP adress and play most of the times at the SAME time.
I already notified Gamemaster Taran about this situation.

I hope to see you all ingame!
ps.. you all know how little brothers can be... mean and irritating Big Grin

That's how he can be ingame haha! so dont blame me! Wink


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Posted by: imported_Sindern
08-22-2008, 12:35 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (8)

Is there any way we could allow recalling into the vendor mall again? It was a lot easier to stock my vendor that way. Now I have to carry one load of stuff at a time to the pits run, to the teleporter and all the way to my vendor.

I've gotten used to recalling with a bag of everything I need to stock. It makes things much more bearable.

Also recalling out. Just realized you can't do that anymore either. Sad

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Posted by: imported_Slaquer
08-22-2008, 08:55 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (9)

So how's everything going here? I was told about the password leak so I am downloading UO to check on my account and figured I would post here and see how everyone's doing. Maybe I'll login a few times and see what's going on. Anyway, good to see IN-X is still up and going.

Lost contact with a lot of my UO friends so yea hit me up on AIM; USSlaquerSR


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Posted by: imported_PedroDiLara
08-22-2008, 02:24 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

I dont know if that happens to everyone, but there are some invalid tiles on sea (water in general) that ships cant pass by. I contacted the in-game help and a GM come to see the problem but he didnt figured out how to fix that. The invalid tiles are black on some clients and brown like wood in newers(i dont know if there is another apearence). Im just reporting players here so they will not get surprised when their ships stop.

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