Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Proximus - 08-22-2008
Hey all!
As alot of you probably noticed, I started playing again.
My little brother Scarface(known as Makaveli) also started playing more since I started.
I otherwords.. we both use the SAME IP adress and play most of the times at the SAME time.
I already notified Gamemaster Taran about this situation.
I hope to see you all ingame!
ps.. you all know how little brothers can be... mean and irritating
That's how he
can be ingame haha! so dont blame me!
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) - maka - 08-22-2008
Just for the record, taran is an admin
But yeah, I do not think you'll have any problem with the multi acc, taran will flag your account when he gets home (if he has not already).
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Splinter - 08-22-2008
I remember playing with this maka kid from OLD xuo?
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) - maka - 08-22-2008
Ehm, no:p That was probably me:p
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Splinter - 08-22-2008
lol do you remember me from xuo? i think i might have you on msn.
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Slaethin - 08-23-2008
rofl even i have that maka guy on msn =D hes a popular one
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Proximus - 08-23-2008
Makaveli used to be in that turks guild on IN1 : BLACK
Due to name issue's Gamemaster Maka en Makaveli agreed to change his name now to : Scarface
Just wanted you all to know that there are 2 accounts beeing used on our IP adress!
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) - maka - 08-23-2008
Yeah heh, got a lot of people on MSN, I used to try to help people out personally until i learned my lesson
I recognize your name Splinter, and I know that I remember you, but I can't put my finger on it.
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Boromir - 08-28-2008
Splinter i also have/had you in my msn list, don't know how the situation is now. (I will look into it soon).
Like Maka said, he had a bunch of ppl on msn including me. I don't know how anymore but he got pissed against me oneday and blocked and deleted me :p.
I guess it was because of that i could be irritating, mostly on the forums.
Proximus & Scarface (former known as Makaveli) -
imported_Smurtle - 09-06-2008
All these little kids wishing they were rappers and mobsters.