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Posted by: imported_Galdor
04-10-2009, 02:12 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (7)

In IN1 we made pictures and pillows (and they are allowed to paint rare dye tube colors...) what do you think about to add crafting pictures and pillows??!!!

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Posted by: imported_Sindern
04-10-2009, 01:35 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (4)

I lol'd.

[Image: watshl.jpg]

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
04-10-2009, 10:55 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (23)

Hello Everyone,

You guys may remember Sparticus and Pooorits And Angel from the chronicles of 80 swords story. . . but what happens when Sparticus and Pooorits decide to get nasty without Angel. . who knows WTF can happen!?!

Well, to cover my @$$, Scarecrow and Technique were simply hunting the Gravekeeper because they are cool like that and they are completely un-aware of the recent events that took place in . . . OCCLO today. . As you can see below, it was a regular money making day for these two awsome kids!

[Image: 2d2a35.jpg]

While these two were hunting, Scarecrows agent called him to make a story quick because the chronicles had continued and the story had to be heard! The Chronicles were more intereasting this time, more intruiging and a life was taken in these recent terms of events. . .

Everyone knew these two vigilanties had somehing BIG planned because they warmed up on a silly @$$ nubcake miner just to warm theyre FS fingers up, God knows how crazy those FS can be. . .

[Image: 1z18e4j.jpg]

After warming up and looting some pretty ingots, Sparticus and Pooorita decided to hunt for bigger game, they knew they were ready for something just a bit more challenging than 80 swords and this miner child so. . they went in search of Madman but . . what they came across was far more inereasting. . a red man who claimed he was un-killable to newbs and thought occlo belonged to him . . but little did he know of the dangers that laid ahead by Sparticus and Pooooritas wrath of death and firey fury of hell demons!

The 2 went into occlo and before they could even blink, they saw their next VICTIM and they exterminated him just like any other they came across. . the result was obvious...

[Image: 24mt8ug.jpg]

After this, The body was cleanly looted and chopped for anti-ressurection purposes and this ilegide pvper was nomore than a pile of bones, just like the rest of the victims in our chronicles, and so you have it, Part 2 was completed of THE CHRONICLES OF GENG BENG LOL!!!


Scarecrow [Prototype]. -News Reporter.

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Posted by: imported_Sindern
04-10-2009, 09:14 AM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (8)

[SIZE="3"]When you look in the preview section of the crafting window for certain skills, all you see is a deed.
This thread is for providing screen-shots of those expanded deeds

Feel free to contribute your own screen-shots and I'll add them to the guide. Smile

[SIZE="3"]Table of Contents:[/SIZE]

Carpet Weaving

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Posted by: Erwin
04-10-2009, 01:20 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

First Lunar Armor in the Shard ( I suppose)

[Image: 14k9kxk.jpg]

Thanks to my brother Galdor.

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Posted by: smoke
04-09-2009, 11:06 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (18)

I don't know if it's just me but i've heard a few others complain about it today also that there has been some freezing

me shifty madman and luda have been experiencing some lag so i decided to post and wonder if anyone else is getting it? it just freezes some times and i teleport when i run sometimes =/

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Posted by: imported_Ryuuku
04-09-2009, 03:54 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (8)

Well, I like to use firefox, so I seted it too principal browser.
Was everything working perfectly and the anti macro site opening in firefox.

But from some days to now it changed and its opening in I.E eekk.
I already seted firefox to main browser in Firefox, In Control Painel (programs acess and default) and In the folder option.

But Uo still opening sites on I.E.

Any Idea to solve it?

edit: Can someone move it to technical Issues? I tought I was doing the thread there but after done and posted I saw it was on general ¬¬ .

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Posted by: imported_LudaKrishna
04-08-2009, 11:03 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (9)

I don't know why Stealing got disabled but I remember it used to be enabled before.

I would love to see it enabled again, keeps everyone on their toes.

Just a suggestion

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Posted by: imported_Hiroshima
04-08-2009, 08:08 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (33)

I am wondering how the hell you have my GM tamer crook. Its newbied, you didnt killed me, theres no way you have it.
How you have it?

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Posted by: imported_ScareCrow
04-08-2009, 05:26 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

I say that because of recent events, we should remove all guards, just a suggestion.


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