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Posted by: Dukak
12-10-2009, 03:45 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (5)

Good, because nothing I open this post because I have some ideas or suggestions which I think could use the server.
Animal bonded 1
2nd Books of magic and runes newbie
3rd block of houses or people that they recognize no enemies.
4 º can Insurer items and armor.

Step by step explanations.
Animals 1 bonded.
I think they should be bonded because you will not be tameando animals every 2 to 3 such as the Mustang is hard to find and if you kill them over ..
2nd Books of Magic and Runes
I've always been newbie that I think is quite complicated having to carry all loose or make runes more books if they kill you.
Blocking 3rd house people who are not self-knowledge or enemies
Well and seen that you can enter the homes of other players if you are not friend or have great access.
I think even a pk site and you get into your house to come and open the door to enter and KP also kill you = then it serves to be your home if you do not provide refuge???
Let me exchange it hehe.
4th Insured Objects
Well I think they should be able to do that every time they kill you lose everything, Guns items.
I suggest you make an object has a reasonably priced item on that and played better serves the 1st time 800 and then 400 per item.
So things never not lose unless you run out of money in the bank.

Well I think that's all I ask not to be changed to my liking or to be put to all that but if you review and change what they believe to be convenient and give more play to the server.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
12-08-2009, 11:27 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (50)

An update on the donations! We have now almost reached half of the required donations as you can see on the right side. Thank you everyone who donated and mainly Nasir, who donated $280 in total!
Also, as you may remember I said we need $1000 to cover both the computer and the connection fee for half a year. Since we're half the way it only seemed fair that I would buy the computer now. So I did Smile

The server computer that we are going to use has been ordered (Core 2 Quad 2.5 GHz with 4 GB RAM) and as soon as I get it (which will probably be this week) I am going to configure it so it's ready when we reach $1000. So what are you waiting for?! Donate now and you might be able to get a brand new server to play on for Christmas!

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Posted by: imported_Galdor
12-07-2009, 10:38 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (11)

Im stucked by gingerbread man... hehehheheh.... i have now 1084 weight.. any gm help me please....Cool

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Posted by: Dukak
12-07-2009, 06:43 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (2)

Server out?

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Posted by: imported_Fable
12-07-2009, 06:19 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (10)


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Posted by: imported_Shade
12-06-2009, 11:06 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (15)

New Fishing System:

First off, you can now obtain a named and colored fishing pole as a reward for completing a certain quest. This pole can use bait to fish up new fish and items, bait works by double clicking it and targeting the pole. A pole can only hold a certain amount of bait at a time but the bait is light so you can carry quite a bit on you. If your pole is out of bait you will no longer be able to fish up any of the new things until you attach more.

Aquarium Crafting:

With the new fish and fishing items comes aquariums. Using the new items as resources, you can craft single aquarium pieces to design your own aquarium tile by tile. The size and designs of these are limited only by your supplies and room in your house. You will be able to find fish mongers near docks that will sell you the kit needed to make the aquariums. The aquarium kit is a mere 5k and has unlimited uses.

Music Box:

Like listening to the UO tunes while venturing out or lounging out in your home but feel restricted by location, since certain songs only play in certain areas? Well now you can receive a music box that will play a song of your choice. These music boxes only have one song by default but can be loaded with almost every single song file in UO. You will need to complete a quest to receive the music box and you will get one of four songs as well. The other songs will be available soon, either from quests or new monsters that may be added. Expect at least one or two new songs added somewhere later this week.

Bulletin Boards:

Finally added, bulletin boards can now be crafted and added to your homes. They most be locked down in order to post and when cycling through the posts you will need to click the arrows on the gump, pointing either up or down.

New PvP Reward:

Added to the PvP reward stone this week is the random lantern deed. When purchasing this you will get a deed and once the deed is double clicked you will receive a randomly hued lantern. The hue list for these lanterns consists of all standard hues as well as rare hues, so collect all 2000+. :p

That should cover most of the updates, if you have any questions please ask here. Also, as the stuff was just added to the server allow us some time to properly set it all up.

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
12-04-2009, 08:19 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (6)

I keep getting pwned from lag, and I always seem to lose my mounts! Has mount ressurrection been discussed recently?

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Posted by: imported_Rabbi Samild
12-04-2009, 07:22 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (25)

To all low skill players,

I've seen a lot of new people come and stick around for a little then log on sporadically.

I ask you now, stay logged in training those skills and participate! Let's get this population back to where it should be!


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Posted by: imported_LudaKrishna
12-04-2009, 06:42 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (18)

How is someone building a custom house inside of cove like in a guarded area?

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Posted by: terrapin
11-29-2009, 06:47 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (12)

still around?

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