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Posted by: smoke
01-18-2010, 01:28 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (42)

Can the GMs cut the crap? If I don't want to be captian I don't have to be forced to be one i'm not good so i'm telling you to cut it out instead of making a rule that i have to i have to be a captian i can refuse it

next time ill contact taran, this way its easier for all GMs to see this

If i want to be a captian ill ask to be one

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Posted by: imported_Hydro
01-17-2010, 09:27 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (4)

Can someone please post there client they they play with on here b/c i tryed getting the one off the site and it dont work.

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Posted by: imported_Hiroshima
01-17-2010, 08:56 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

I just want to thank all the staff, they are doing an awesome job with events!
There are at least 5 events in a day! Sometimes there are 10 or more!
This is what people want to see!
Even tought I dont join most of them, this is really good!
Keep it up staff! Wink!

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Posted by: imported_mpfplush
01-17-2010, 04:57 PM
Forum: Britannia Times (Role Playing Only)
- Replies (1)

[COLOR="White"]Caleb shifted stoically under the weight of his pack, as he stood upon the deck of the "Storm Queen". The mild autumn seasonal breeze felt cool upon his cheek, and his copper coloured hair blew slightly in the wind. It had been a pleasant crossing from Nujhelm, and at last, his destination was within eyeshot.

He had left Nujhelm (where he had spent the entirety of his youth) for the first time little more than three days ago, and was excited at the prospect of finding work in Minoc. He had always dreamt of being a blacksmith, and a Grandmaster at that. Metals were seldom found where Caleb had been raised, as much of the construction was fashioned of marble and sandstone, to keep the almost perpetual heat at bay. Expensive silks were also the norm in Nujhelm, as the weather was far too warm for aught else, and mail clad visitors were a rarity.

Caleb absently patted at a small pocket in his doublet, and was pleased to hear the rustle of his letter of introduction. Caleb's wealthy sire had arranged at no small cost to himself a position for Caleb within the Miners Guild of Minoc. Caleb now had Guild approval to become a prospector within the mountains that surrounded the rather rustic city to the north of Britannia. The town of Minoc was booming with industry, and much wealth could be had for those who dedicated themselves to hard work and trade.

Coming out of his reverie, Caleb shielded his jade green eyes with a hand. Upon the shores of the bay of lost hope, the frontier town of Minoc could be seen in the distance. Dockworkers could be observed loading crates of cargo upon the many ships at anchor, and colourful pennants and banners could be seen flapping in the breeze from where Caleb stood upon the deck of the ship. The shouts of a foreman could be heard from across the water, exhorting the common labourers to more heroic efforts.

At the bow of the ship, dolphins could be seen at play, and the glorious morning sun shone high in the cloudless skies, a fortuitous omen, Caleb mused.

As the ship sped toward the docks, a small rowboat came up alongside the larger ship, and the harbourmaster took the helm to steer the Storm Queen safely into port. Caleb noticed that the captain had seemed more than a little disgruntled, but had accepted the custom with good grace. Finally, as Caleb's excitement mounted, the captain ordered lines thrown and secured to the docks. Experienced dockmen caught the lines, and tied the ship to the cleets with practised ease, and within minutes, the ship slowed to a halt.

At last the plank was lowered, and Caleb waited for the passengers of rank to disembark. Soon enough, it was his turn, and he once again felt hard cobblestones beneath the soles of his fine leather boots. He strolled down the main path into the town proper, and he set out to find a hot meal, (a welcome change from the chowder, and salted pork, which was the main fare upon the ship) a hot bath, and a place to rest. And then the day after, rested and refreshed, he would present himself to the Guildmaster of Minoc, which, for the forseeable future, would be his surrogate home.

~ To be continued. ~

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Posted by: imported_LudaKrishna
01-17-2010, 08:02 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (17)

Happened at 1:00am EST while a deathmatch was going on. Eru was online at the time also.

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Posted by: imported_airbaloon
01-16-2010, 04:58 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (18)

Hey guys, thought i might start playing some uo again, but im getting the topic error msg every time i try to log in.

I downloaded the recommended version of UO and installed it, patched, downloaded the package and extracted it in the uo-folder, then i downloaded the injection clients, and from the start they actually worked, for like a few mins, then the client hung, now i cant log in.

I have tryed all 3 off them, none is working with or without injection, is there some other client i can try? I allso tryed to run the custom IN-X Patcher to dubblecheck that all fiels where correct. Or can my char be on some bugged spot?

Whats next?


PS, will there be a server whipe when the new server is up?

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Posted by: imported_Dr.K'
01-16-2010, 03:26 AM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (6)

if Masonry or with some other skills can make some stone wall that should be nice...Smile

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Posted by: imported_Token
01-14-2010, 04:37 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

Staff the server crashed all of a sudden please fix quick. Thanks.

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Posted by: imported_Eru
01-14-2010, 03:52 AM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (5)

Lots of people seem to be having problems getting their UO to work correctly without crashing. I figured I'd try to get all the problems/solutions compiled into one thread to make it easier to figure out the problem and fix it.

First of all, basic installation: already has a good guide for joining, but I'll paraphrase it.

  1. Download UO's Setup file: Here
  2. Install the game.
  3. Once it is installed, Launch the game and let it patch to full.
  4. Once it has patched fully, you need to update your files to the ones used by IN-X
    • Option 1: Package File.
      • Download: Package
      • Unzip all files in the Package to your UO directory, overwriting what's there. (Back up old files if you want to re-patch later.)
    • Option 2: IN-X Patcher
      • Download: IN-X Patcher
      • Open Patcher, make sure it loaded the correct path for your UO folder. If it's the wrong folder or is blank, press [Set] to pick the correct folder.
      • Click [Patch IN-X] and wait for it to download and update your files. (May seem to freeze on large files, but it's downloading in the background)
      • IF you plan on using Razor, click "Fix Client" to download Client version
      • NOTE: Files that are replaced during patching are saved to the \Backup directory in the folder where you put the Patcher. If you hit [Fix Client], then the original client is renamed to Client.exe.oldclient.
  5. Install your favorite Launcher Program
    • Razor:
      • First, you need the Microsoft .NET framework: Download
      • Then, you need the Razor setup: Download
    • Injection: Downloads Section (I don't know much about Injection.)

You should be done after that. You can setup your IN-X Patcher to open your Launcher file (Razor, Injection, ConnectUO) by clicking the [Set] button next to the launcher's path.

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Posted by: imported_Tiesto
01-14-2010, 01:08 AM
Forum: General
- Replies (1)

Gonna be re-started again this saturday 16th around mid day servertime

Let's see if anyone can finaly win a r/r wep

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