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10-17-2024, 02:25 PM
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Ultima Online: Golden Age...
Forum: Ultima Online
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01-28-2024, 09:03 AM
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New forum
Forum: Ultima Online
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12-25-2023, 09:36 PM
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Ye Olde Sphere Shard
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
05-04-2023, 08:09 PM
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FORGOTTEN WORLD the last ...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-26-2023, 05:40 AM
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Releasing scripts
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Last Post: Mr.Columbus
04-14-2023, 06:48 PM
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Uo Shard ?
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Ermac
06-04-2019, 11:48 PM
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Expansion III Launches at...
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05-24-2018, 06:31 AM
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Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:20 AM
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Cataclysm Shard still goi...
Forum: Ultima Online
Last Post: Atlas
03-06-2018, 04:15 AM
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I hate even looking at them so leet, and safe kill's the IN image. I think alot of things need to be changed, IN was a roleplaying shard for the most part, and now everything seem's uber leet, and I hate tp say it but almost over scripted thing's should remain simple like the old day's. bring back guild banking, and house banking, and move the main town to trinsic again, Also we have tried the uber leet spammin XUO pvp, guess what instead of a playerbase of 50 or better you got 3 people on from IN that hunt and 10 people from XUO that pvp. Balanced? Anyhow im venting im tired of everyone just talking about it and nothing being done. ALSO [sorry almost forgot] I wanna see a daemon mask that cuts flesh, and see gobo's farting around, and I miss the battle's the order and chaos use to have in serp's, at some point do we ask ourselves if this merge will work? alot of us wanna play IN style uo, nothing against xuo that;s what they want, and to each their own. I think we got the short end of the stick and thats why our player's arent playing. And as for the guild's with inactive leader's, or player's in general [you thought i was done?] It's kinda Lame for 3 years i had a character in gobo and would like to have had one in there again for this shard. Well thats impossible for the 3 month's I have been playing now I have not seen a single one on. Just another example of the problem's we face with none of the IN player's wanting to play.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year! Fireworks will be at brit bank at 12:00 est time!!
I keep freezing in pits when i first login or get to it from the rune.
I miss the old reactive armor from IN, If I do the work of scripting it will you guys reinstate it?
What is happening with all this warps? Why is this happening so often now?
Second time this happen since I came back...
I lost like 400k in this time warp... What happened?
The static at 3055, 3408, 15 in Serpents Hold is now up for auction.
The opening bid is 2.3 million made by Rabbi Samild.
This auction will remain open for 72 hours.
Just to let you know how much we have been working on the new server lately, here are some changes that have been made.
- There is now a slight delay before vendors call guards. They also have to be in LOS to call guards (doesnt apply if players call guards). They won't hit you a million times anymore and if you are lucky you can run away for quite a bit when they come.
- Basecreatures no longer have a hit delay meaning you can't get hurt 10 tiles away anymore.
- Removed the old command .showarrivemessage (.sam)
- Added a new command .DisplayLocation (.DL). When enabled you can use .ShowPlayers or .SP to get a list of the players with .DL enabled and their location/coordinates.
- Added support for client 7
- Various bugs fixed
- Enabled SE and ML artwork. You can now choose from more items when creating custom houses.
- Enabled the character transfer script again, this time without crashes. Everyone who played on the latest XUO version or IN:R will be able to import their chars by using the command .importcharacter
- Added house decay if you have more than 2 houses (statics not included). Decay period is 30 days and to refresh you or a friend of the house simply have to open your doors or the house sign. Your first 2 houses never decays. Single click or double click the house sign to see if it decays and/or how new the house is.
- Server will now auto restart if it crashes
I think that is good idea that the staff add new races to the shard, I dont say that this races implicate a change in pvp, but yes can add races for give other colour to the shard.
*add elfos that can mount in some rides (drakes different at rides of humans (horses, bulls, cows, llamas, oclos...) or orcs (pigs,spiders, rideback, beattle...) elfs (unicorn, orns, kiring...) dwarf (greater hats, pigs, scorpion...), vampires (drakes, zostrich, dead horse...) , barbarians ( mustangs, war's horse, skeletal dragons...)
*Add new clothes for each races, elfo's cloth, human's clothes, orc cloths, ...
*Add new armors and weapons of each races...
*Add new custom houses, activate all options of customs house for that players can make houses with characteristics of them race...
the changes dont need concern to PVP and PVM of the shard, is only a question of visual aesthetics, evolution... the server remains old...
This would be very good and interesting if we can to craft colored weapon of color ingots as of regular iron weapon of iron ingots. That weapon must have better props then regular weapon proportionately to ore quality.
Same as colored weapon of colored logs!
It`s would more interesting for crafters and very helpful for all of us!