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Posted by: Eighty Swords
01-31-2010, 09:21 PM
Forum: Player Guides
- Replies (2)

This guide is to help people with some very basic things ingame and some suggested settings that best fit IN:X. I won't be going into any details of third party programs, I'll just be focusing on UO and IN:X themselves.

[SIZE="5"]Part 1 - Finding Spells and Skills[/SIZE]

Spells & Skills

Sometimes you want to have quick access to a skill or spell but don't feel like setting up a macro for it. In times like this you want to take the spell icon or skill tab out of the spellbook or skill list and put it somewhere in the UO window like I have in this picture below. If you blank spaces in your spellbook it's because you need to get a full spellbook from someone, or GM Magery to get a noobied full spellbook.

There are lots of spells in UO but you won't use half of them. To the right of my Character Status box I took out the spells I use most often. You may want to take out others or not take out some of these. To take out a spell icon follow these steps;

  1. Double click your spell book in your backpack. You should then have a book open with numbers 1 to 8 at the bottom, and spell names written above.
  2. Click on the number at the bottom of the book to jump to that page, and when you find a spell you want to take out, click the spell name
  3. You should then see a new page with the spell icon and a list of reagents to cast it. To take out the spell icon, click on it and drag it somewhere in the UO window.
  4. Double click on the spell icon to cast a spell, or right-click on it to remove it.


Not all skills have tabs like you see to the right of my Character Status box, and some of these skills you may not want to use, like Animal Taming or Remove Trap. To take out a skill tab follow these steps;

  1. Click the Skills button on your paperdoll (the window with the picture of your character that I have in the top right corner of my below picture)
  2. Click the little arrow to expand the sections of skills, or the blue button at the bottom of the skills list to enlarge the list.
  3. When you find a skill you want quick access to, click it and drag it out to the side of the skills list and put it wherever you like. Only spells with the a blue circle with them can be taken out, others are used automatically in game.

A few other things to mention in this first picture;

Map: The map won't show you locations of other players or monsters, but it does show you the layout of the area you're in. The map has two sizes, small or large. Double click it to change between them. The size in my picture is large.

Backpack: Under my paperdoll you have your backpack. You can open it by double clicking the backpack on the paperdoll or by clicking the inventory button on the menu across the top of the screen.

Character Status: The Character Status window can be opened by clicking on your character and dragging off him, or click the status button on your paperdoll. The Character Status window has two display modes; 3 lines to show your health, mana, and stamina, and what you see in the below picture with some extra information such as strength, intelligence, armor rating, etc. To switch between modes double click it.

If you close something like the paperdoll, map, or your inventory by accident, you can open them again by clicking them on the bar at the top of the screen.

[Image: 97302287.png]

[SIZE="5"]Part 2 - Ingame Options[/SIZE]

Next, I will go over some important options you will probably want to change to play UO with the fewest interruptions possible. Most of these are self-explanatory so I'll just go over the ones I suggest you enable or disable.

1) I suggest you disable the option Enable path finding with double-right-click. Pathfinding lets you keep running in whatever direction you point the mouse without holding down any buttons. If you like this option, you can always use pathfinding by pressing and releasing both mouse buttons at the same time. I suggest you disable it because you might start pathfinding when you don't want to and sometimes there are tricky to navigate areas so you want to go slow.

2) Disable the option Hold down TAB key for combat, instead of tapping it to toggle combat mode. I just suggest disabling it so you don't have to hold down the tab key for a duel or when hunting.

3) I enable the option Disable New Targetting System because I don't like the boxes it draws around people. You can try leaving it on if you like.

[Image: 80980641.png]

1) I suggest you disable the option Query before performing criminal actions because IN:X has a bunch of great tours where you fight another player and if you leave this option enabled you get a lousy pop up box asking you if you really want to attack that person.

[Image: 23748569.png]

1) I suggest you enable the option Use circle of transparency so you can see your character and objects on the ground when you're behind a wall. The default setting for this is 64, and you can enlarge or shrink the area by adjusting the slider right under this option.

[Image: 37269889o.png]

[SIZE="5"]Part 3 - Training Skills[/SIZE]

This is the area known as Pits. It's often used as a gathering area by players to head out and hunt, meet up and talk, or to chase after some other players to kill them. The pits is a 100% safe area. Nobody can attack you or steal from you. You also can't train skills here because of that.

[Image: 61401507.png]

If you don't know how to get to the pits, look for one of these runes out in the world (usually by banks in towns) and walk over it. After a 5 second delay you'll be teleported to the pits. Becareful when walking on one because if someone attacks you the timer stops and you have to walk over it again!

[Image: 24618445.png]

The great staff of IN:X have recently added a mercenary camp where you can go to train your skills. This area is found by first going to pits. Head to the south-east corner (bottom of your screen) where you'll find 3 colored gates. The mercenary camp is the pulsing black and silver one. Be warned! This is not a 100% safe area like the pits but you can train skills here

[Image: 20791825.png]

In the mercenary camp you have a few NPCs serving as sparring partners that you can fight to train your combat skills, a blacksmith, and a few other NPCs. The sparring partners are in the center of the camp, the blacksmith is to the east of the camp, some mages to the west along with some archery buttes, and to the north you have some real live monsters you can go and fight if you feel adventurous! To leave the merchant camp, go to the platform to the south.

Some NPC's like the blacksmith can teach you different skills for a fee. To see what skills an NPC can teach you, walk up close to them and say <NPC name> train. For example, if you go to the blacksmith to the east of the merchant area you would say "Smitty train". He'll then tell you what skills he can teach you. If you see a skill you want to learn, say "train <skillname>". I see Smitty can teach me Armslore, Parrying, Blacksmithing, Tactics, Swordsmanship, Maces, and Fencing. If I wanted him to teach me Blacksmithing, I'd say "Train Blacksmithing". Smitty then tells me how much it would cost for me to learn from him. Smitty wants 400gp to teach me Blacksmithing, so I'd drag 400gp and drop it on him. Make sure you drop it on him while the writing is still above his head, otherwise he'll think you're giving him a tip and you won't learn the skill. And don't give the NPC a penny more then they tell you (unless you're feeling generous)! If you give the NPC extra gold they'll assume they're getting a tip. I know, they're really bloody greedy but I don't know what to do about it.

You can probably find an NPC somewhere in the world to teach you every skill, but some aren't worth spending money on. If you're just starting out 400gp might have more value to you then 10 minutes spent training a skill. For example, swordsmanship. I could pay Smitty 400gp to train me in Swordsmanship, or I could buy a cutlass for 24gp and go fight an NPC. It's up to you what you want to pay an NPC to learn and what you want to spend your time learning. Some of the more valuable skills take longer to gain points in then others so again, it's up to you what you want to spend money on and what you rather train.

NPCs can only teach you so much of each skill, and they'll teach you the very basics. For example, Smitty might teach me 20 points in Swordsmanship for 400gp, but that will be the first 20 points of the skill. He won't teach me 20 points ontop of what I already know! If I already have 10 points in Swordsmanship and Smitty can teach me up to 20, he'll charge less then 400gp because I'm not a total idiot!

If anyone feels I missed something, feel free to let me know and I'll add it.

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Posted by: imported_Proximus
01-31-2010, 07:32 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (14)

Hi guys!

How is everyone doing?! I received the mail and thought I had to try out the new server!

I'm not really planning to play the game full time, but I wanted to bring back old memories Big Grin

btw, I am now getting an error with the new login :
Couldn't connect to Ultima Online. Please try again in a few moments..

anyone got any idea what's wrong? I am using Razor but I didnt changed anything with this program.. only in the login.cfg i changed the server name...


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Posted by: imported_Shade
01-31-2010, 06:03 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (3)

The static south of britain bridge, is up for auction. Located at: 1406 1822
The opening bid for this auction is 190k made by Maddox.
This auction will remain open for 48 hours.

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Posted by: imported_Shade
01-31-2010, 05:42 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (7)

An auction has started for the static in Britain southeast of the bank at: 1457 1710
The opening bid is for 210k by Devilman.
This auction will remain open for 48 hours and is being auctioned as a public building.

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Posted by: imported_Splinter
01-31-2010, 04:48 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

Alright, when i try to log in with either of these programs i just get stuck at verifying.

But when i log in with normal client it logs in.

Any idea's?

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Posted by: imported_Lederoil
01-31-2010, 04:30 PM
Forum: Suggestions & Ideas
- Replies (12)

I just think a picture of the static that are auctioned would be a good idea. It doesn't take much extra time to upload one.

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Posted by: imported_Shade
01-31-2010, 03:47 PM
Forum: General
- No Replies

An auction has been started a static in Nujel'm at: 3779 1137 20
The opening bid of 2.3 million was made by Elcid.
This auction will remain open for 72 hours.

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Posted by: imported_Taran
01-31-2010, 01:18 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (17)

Everyone who wants to recieve a gift package will have to page from now on.

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Posted by: imported_Aeorox
01-30-2010, 10:59 PM
Forum: Technical Issues
- Replies (1)

Doesn't matter if its 1v1 reg, ctf, or deathmatch. Sometimes its just one person that dies. "EX: 1v1 rep" Then again when a big area dies, Death by Dice or gm kills the screen. Are they a solution to this? Kinda sux to crash in a ctf cause you see a teammate die.

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Posted by: imported_n0x*
01-30-2010, 03:04 PM
Forum: General
- Replies (44)

Hey there Smile I hope the shard and everyone in it is doin fine!

I miss this shard, I miss working for it, and most of all I miss the people!

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